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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    no theme aka relentless shenanigans. Count me in.
  2. 1 point
    After the snow, extream cold. Looks to be a fun lovin 5 degrees f....
  3. 1 point
    I've finally got round to playing this over the past couple of weeks - fuck me, this game is absolutely immense. Ubisoft needed to give the franchise a 'rest' whilst coming up with something new and a bit different - they've absolutely nailed it with Origins. It's that good, I'm ranking it alongside the Ezio trilogy. I've barely done any of the main missions - about 3 at the most. Hell, I had been playing it for a while, getting a lot done and I hadn't realised that I hadn't completed the prologue! I've explored quite a bit and I've still got a massive amount of the map still to explore - I'm absolutely loving it! I'm enjoying twatting the shit out of hippos and crocodiles as well!
  4. 1 point
    a couple of recent snaps ... i got another one or two, but i'll share those tomorrow... i played for like 7 hours last night and it feels like i barely made any progress ... i did a buttload of side-quests, and another quest (the scarab) that opened up a whole new simulation, which i won't spoil here yet lol... but i was so tired that i had to turn it off before i got to explore that new (old) game mode... while this game is a lot of fetch questing, it's been fun enough wandering around to keep me from getting bored of it just yet... i also nearly had 2 run-ins with phylakes... apparently if guards send out for backup at a fort, the phylake comes along as well... it's funny sneaking around them and extracting someone or something from a fort... i was literally 10 feet behind one of them, he never turned around to see me ...
  5. 1 point
    i keep forgetting i have firebombs ...