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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    bonesmx showing us around in his bus... uh oh... good thing we have rebreathers... the rest of the crew that was reprezentin'... bonesgrl... fanbones... bonesio... jizzbones (dressed IRL attire).. bonesdabeev... kuones... aaaand yours truly... tried to wear unique shirts to stand out lol... scooter lineup... scooter brothers out for a ride... that's right, keep looking forward you cuck... scooter fam... in my element... gtagrl busting out the hitbones look while dio represents the sexy bones look... HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT, TRUTH SHOWED UP!! so we had to show him some of the new toys... in the deluxo, with a gtagrl flying by in the jetpack... titties... and that's the moment when truth forgot how to play GTA and bailed 100 ft above the ground lols... ---- fin...
  2. 1 point
    Good job keeping track of who's who! Seeing that pic of Truth bailing, I realized my grl still doesn't have a single beer hat.... ?
  3. 1 point