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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    BMX jumping over top while I perfectly do the loop. I land the loop, 10/10 landing I assure you. No need for any follow up pictures. bashing into the fence then BMX a derp Jizzy upfront in one of the few races Jason has made. Dup's capture, "catching air" Jizzy flying up to bump into Gtagrl bye Gtagrl Disgruntled but still alive Firework for me in my race. Yay me Earlier in the race with a tighter pack. BMX and Jizzy up front The clusterfuck of gates Here is one for the books. Zentornos vs BMXs. it worked pretty good. Bones barely missing BMX And even closer on hitting me Another near miss for Bones? No I get rocked. Super lucky to still be on the platform The next round me and BMX wanted the same car. Orange for lyfe Me heading for Jizzy. Will Jizzy get lucky? ...no bye Jizzy BMX taking down Bones Some nice scorpion legs action bye Bones Dup's skate park Killing R2 real quick while he was AFK Here is the trippy ending of one of the races I found. You can't tell but I'm actually going straight up a building Into a loop Then a tunnel made of blimps And here's probably a job we will actually play again. Extreme hill climb. They somehow have an unlimited amount of vehicles falling. Bones getting rocked. he didn't die but it sure knocked him back. gtagrl with a lot coming her way Doesn't end well. Didn't kill her though. It's actually hard to get killed this way while on a BMX Jizzy gets hit As do I, and R2 on foot. A lot of shit piles up a the bottom R2 survived that first one. But not this. Yup, very much dead Excuse me R2's corpse. I'm trying to get by.
  2. 1 point