Figured I would at least get a pic of Ace while he was AFK and before he got dropped
Me, BMX, gtagrl
Dropping gtagrl and BMX
They fail to get stuck in the tree
But they do fall hard
Got an NPC kill on Fanboy early on when he got dropped
During the Golf Cart rally race. BMX flipping off gtagrl and bones
taking the jump
Dup's Caddy Capture.
Knocking Dup into the water
gtagrl gets a gunbutt on Fanboy
rage face victory for gtagrl
I however cut her victory short
getting up underwater. Now that is a "Scuffed (under)Taker" move
Dup has the last capture bag for his team to win. BMX knocks him in the water.
Me and Fanboy try to presue but gtagrl runs us over
Dup for some reason tries to run it home in waist deep was probably a drunk decision.
After getting feedback from his teammates he decides swimming is a bit faster. I catch up
Here he is just as he delivers the final bag. He is completely surrounded by my team. Me, BMX, Fanboy.
Fanboy manages to gunbutt him before the match is over
This is what we see while the loser screen pops up.
PS: Where the fuck was the rest of Dup's team? Lol.
I found a decent track race at the golf club
Jizzy makes a cool trail leaving the sandpit
I anal-probe Dup with my flashlight
Kinda like Kuz last week on the blazer, he gets dragged quite far
hitting the wall hard
Launching BMX
he actually smacks into the building in the distance
Launching Bones off his Comet
he makes it to the palm tree
BMX wants a try off the comet
except he slides across the roof instead of jumping on top
My turn to be launched
hard landing but I survived
Dup's humane labs deathmatch
Taking down JFK
The automatic door knows he is dead so it closes in front of him
O noes Jizzy is behind me
O noes he gonna shoost me
I took to pictures there hoping you would notice the sticky bomb I left on the door
BMX shotguns Jizzy
BMX then immediatly gets on the blazer. Yeah put on the helmet. Safety first
I get a shot off on him before he backs into the room
I figure a sticky bomb will take care of that
is that helmet still helping with this?
hits the roof
I wonder if Kuz sees me waiting for him around the corner through the glass. I sure saw him
I left him a little sticky present....ok that sounded REALLY wrong
Caught a quick shot of BMX climbing up to a nice camping spot
that is all