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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Think we can assume the fake map is real now since there's a sign for Annesburg in the trailer, plus many others probably. Blackwater looks much bigger now, weird how 12 years later it's shrunk so much. At the 1:15 mark the sign on the right looks to say Valentine, which is also on the map in square L9. Van Horn Inn apartments at 1:52. - J17 on the map.
  2. 1 point
    R* Newswire roundup: https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/60432/First-Look-Previews-of-Red-Dead-Redemption-2 A half dozen publications wrote features and posted screenshots; I'm having GTA V hype-machine flashbacks!
  3. 1 point
    could of merged me and vicemans posts here too
  4. 1 point
    Gtagrl left to delete some clip space. Luckily I was there after she left. Some watermines in the new race mode Bones triggers one Fanboy slides by But then also sets one off Hi gtagrl Hey Bones ( Copy + Paste ) Hey Bones ( Copy + Paste ) Hey Bones ( Copy + Paste ) Hey Bones ( Copy + Paste ) Fanboy Kuz vs Bones Bones wins? ahh, it's a draw Love me some jetpack races. They're harder than I imagined. I was impressed when Bones blasted past me at high velocity that is until he ate shit on the wall.... the ceiling.... and the post. Gtagrl creeps by. Killing gtagrl after she left the lobby for the 2nd tiime Smashing BMX off the pier in the vespucci job and again. He did go on to win the round so I took too many pictures of this. Xzulas's race BMX bumps Fanboy as do I Bones leaves the lobby. His character looks quite terrified. the toque comes off the perfect way to end the night