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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Like I said in the other topic I doubt the AI will be that revolutionary, they lauded it in SA and V and it turned out to be nothing special. You might get that "wow that was special" feeling the first time you see an NPC do something unique, but after the 50th time it'll feel as robotic and scripted as it always has.
  2. 1 point
    first a selfie at the wind farm, with weev in pursuit... hot ring lineup... apparently it's beat up on bones day... eventually we get jizzy on the insurance claims... these slow mother fuckers can't keep up with the alpha... dio leaving, but with bodyguards... claude with the hit, and the gun down of the police lol... bye, dio, have nice time... fanboyis boxed in... steals my car... then i take out one of my teammates trying to kill him... in the end it was worth it, because i got em and won the round ... me with a nice slide... hey kuz... hi... bye... -------------- fin...
  3. 1 point
    Facebook and Instagram had more aswell. Their instagram didn't have full resolution, though. Hopefully they release all the "exclusive" screenshots from the previews in high-res too. The asian site wasn't even close. I found most of the exclusive screenshots in full res with no watermarks and managed to get the watermark off a few but there are still a bunch I couldn't find. I keep searching google to see if anyone managed to get them.
  4. 1 point
    Not sure if anyone posted these 4 extra screens, but I can't be bothered to step away from my baller lifestyle of diaper changes and toddler snot to check thoroughly: