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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/18 in Posts
2 points---Thanking those who served--- TUE MAY 29 - 3PM (PDT) / 6PM (EDT) / 7PM (ADT) / 11PM (BST) --- Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, crew-created jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc... Join when you can, stay as long as you like, and please post your pics and videos here for all to enjoy! Crew nights are always more hilarious from multiple viewpoints, so show and tell your side of the story! If you created a new job, post a link here so the playlist DJs can bookmark it, or in the PSN iGTA group chat. Photos are occasionally featured at @iGrandTheftAuto. Please tag your crew content with #igta! --- Theme: USA's Memorial Day is the perfect time to tap into the massive selection of military content in the game. A salute to those who serve! Wheels: Put Warstock on speed dial this week - civilian vehicles are best left at home, unless they're sporting a spangled livery like the Liberator or Sovereign! Doomsday Heist and Gunrunning vehicles apply, stick to military over apocalypse: MOC, Avenger, HVY Barracks, Insurgents, SUVs, tanks, assorted aircraft...basically, if it's covered in camo and equipped with major firepower, you can and should call it in! Clothes: there are even more uniforms, hats and camo clothing options since the last time this theme was played - so save a couple of full military outfits. Let's coordinate at least one look - desert tan, or the digital camo that is crew-blue-ish? Activity ideas: cemetery memorial visit, obstacle course run throwback, poking the Fort Zancudo bear, big vehicle lineup: aircraft/tanks, shooting fireworks during airstrikes. Could we navy it up somehow? Post thoughts and ideas below or in the PSN crew chat! --- * Join the iGTA forums to be eligible for an invitation to the Social Club Crew. * Add crew staff on the Playstation Network to get invited to GTAO lobbies. PSN Names are underneath our forum avatars, along with Social Club, Twitter, etc. * Join anytime, the earlier the better. We start in a crew lobby, join via friends list or party chat. If you can't get in, ask for an invite, sometimes we end up in an invite-only after jobs. We round everyone up and send out fresh invites after each playlist. * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately. * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. You're not in a public lobby, so save it for when you are. * NO DIRTY RACING! A number of our jobs have specific rules, so pay attention, read the description, and listen to the creator's instructions. * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS, SNACKS or GOING OFF-RADAR during competitive playlists. For GTA races, use pickups only (rockets, boost), no thrown explosives or drivebys. * Don't ruin photo or video setups. No getting a 4-star wanted level when someone's staging a shot. Just don't. --- Upcoming Events: June 5 - Hot Rods June 12 - MC Animals June 19 - Crew Blue June 26 - No Theme (Events Subject to Change depending on crew input or when Rockstar releases new DLC) Themes: Vehicle-based Altitude | Apocalypse | BMX | Classic/Vintage | Crotch Rockets | Drift | Forgot-I-Had-This | Hot Rods | Hotring Circuit | Junker | Lowriders | MC | Military | Monster Truck | Motocross | Muscle | Off-Road | Rally | Stunt | Supercars | Truckers | Tuners | Utility Thread-based 80's | Animals: Dapper/Dirty/Altitude | Beach Bums | Bums | Business | Clowns | Cowboys | Crew Blue | Emergency Services | FIB | GTA Characters | Gangs | Hell | Hippy | Imposter | Ninjas | Pimps & Hoes | Pirates | Punk | Rockabilly | Rock & Roll | Safari | Scuba | Steampunk | Toga | Underpants Party | Vinewood | Warriors | Waterworld | Wrestling | Zombies Calendar-based New Year's | Valentine's Day | St. Patrick's Day | Cinco de Mayo | Memorial Day | Freedom | Labor Day | Halloween | Festive Surprise | Olympics Share other theme ideas below!
2 points
1 pointI didn't set out to take this many photos - there are 121 total - I just kept finding good stuff from clips this week. Here's the last of them: Where I ended up after the bridge jump fall/fail: smoke break while the crew regathers... Nemo goes for the lob but accidently sucker punches me Second time it works. I wonder who Kuz is shooting at? Let's follow that bullet Looks like bmx is hiding in a crevice? this was as far as I could get the camera yeah so that's sniper Kuz oh hai DiODB rejoining the gang The trippy mushroom patch deathmatch...I sparta kick DiODB fields of shrooms bmx looks right at home, man sign the petition Kuz lines up bmx's head, bOnEs is down direct hit Excellent follow-through Beating the dead corpse To end...that moment when I found a quiet spot to meditate during a stunt race, man FIN
1 pointIt starts with an innocent campfire Immolation engaged Grassfire starting to spread Like all over Hot spot Nemo DiODB bOnEs Liek really far DiODB says peace I might make a YT vid of the sequence below - it starts with Thruster shenanigans, we hop on the train for an epic non-hippy ride, then ended with a jump off the bridge! Nemo and DiODB get in position on the Thruster I giv'er a boost as the train passes by Nemo slips off DiODB is holding on fine Nope, now he's falling...with his gun out? It didn't help. There's Nemo, kissing the guardrail A Grl and her Thruster Getting groovy on the train, man Then DiODB starts rampaging bOnEs loses some blood in the wind Nemo and DiO have melded in a funny way as they ragdoll They seem pretty close Not close enough DiO runs back up Trades the golf club for a nice big pistol whipper Bye Nemo Next is bOnEs, man I get whacked Revenge RPG The minigun twins do damage on bOnEs Go Loco bullet trail "I do not get paid enough to deal with this shit." Go Loco split bullet trail some serious blood spatter clubbing me Nemo with the revenge punch The Tunnel of Love 3...2...1...GO LOCO The leap... I wonder who has a parachute... Two chutes, and two oops. bOnEs and Nemo rainbowing hard DiODB and me failing hard...with a parachute within reach An upside down trip, man Always carry a spare chute, man I have a couple more clips to look at...