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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    If it's a mountainous area then it probably would've limited the ingress of radiation from elsewhere, so overall it might be more verdant. I hope there's a glowing sea-esque area though, that was one of the few parts of 4 I enjoyed.
  2. 2 points
    hopefully it's just optional co-op... i don't think they'd force you to play online, perhaps it's a drop in drop out kind of online... in another "leak" they said the settlement building was an experiment for fallout 4 to see if they could make this 76 game work... and since settlements were largely a success, they went ahead with 76... this same "leak" also said they're gonna mention something about TES6 at E3, soooo ... i think it will be quite interesting to play a game 25 years after the great war... yes, no supermutants, but there's still deathclaws and ghouls... i'm just imagining the vault dwellers emerging from the vault and seeing a similar scene outside of vault 101 with dead skeletons wanting in... and when they walk out to cheerfully proclaim they're here to rebuild the world, a gang of raiders starts firing on them ...
  3. 1 point
    I have to admit, I've watched that trailer about a dozen times and it still gives me goosebumps! Anyway, a lot of if's but's and maybe's but I'm with plenty of others when I say I hope it remains single player. The only way I would accept multi-player, if it did swing that way a bit, is if it was co-op/story based rather than falling into the usual "you vs everyone else" - it needs to be different. Oh and if base building does remain, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be building more crazy constructions!