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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    BMX test driving the new car and bailing I follow Bones kept the car going My turn for some air bit of a wet landing Bones congratulates me on a perfect landing :| BMX and I jump BMX doesn't make it Jizzy went AFC. There was no friendly fire in an MC but we pushed him near some gas tanks and we beat the system. First time in awhile we played Rockets vs Insurgents. One rocket on Kuz from me. Bones and Jizzy finish him off Taking out BMX We played a remake of a CoD map, Nuketown Taking out Kuz Killing BMX Kuz kills Jizzy yum, brains He gets Bones from the same spot. Jizzy with some vengeance on Kuz Kuz shooting across the map.... right into Bones's head BMX takes down Jizzy BMX went AFC so I grenade punch him into the water Then for some reason I trusted him to drive me and my scooter after that. Some shots from a perdy GP race Jizzy comes in a little hot A old Dup job. War of the woods Kuz punches Broman Broman tries to shoot back but I have no idea where he is aiming Melee is synced really shitty but here is the kill kick I try and fight Truth but Kuz had other plans I tumble away but.. Kuz and Bones finish the job Truth fights back Bones scores the killing blow Me vs BMX he gets in some shots But naturally I wouldn't have any pictures if I died. BMX vs Jizzy, who wins? I do.... Kuz vs Truth, who wins? I do