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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I Think i maybe i found Downes Ranch? So my placement on the panorama was off by a fair bit.
  2. 1 point
    After further analysis i feel like i miss-placed a few locations. I created this panorama of the Heartlands, and it's helped put things into perspective. I feel Emerald Ranch is behind the hill in he East, and the settlement we can see is Aberdeen Pig Farm. I also think Cornwell Kerosene & Tar is behind Arthur in that middle shot because it's fairly close to the oil fields, which i think makes sense. And then I've plotted other nearby locations i think reside in their general locations. Let me know if you think I'm wrong. This is progressive, and it might lead to better results.
  3. 1 point
    Yeah i did give up. Saw this new trailer and decided it was a more of a "match the screencap to the leaked map" job from here on out. But i already started a clean leaked map remake, so i may as well continue using it. So Saint Denis i'm certain is the official name for New Bordeaux, because of the way it was explained and the composition of the town map which was from this image. The rail lines also match up with the leaked map to the left of the town/city. And here is some facts which helps plot another location on the map. You see the sign on the church? says "Valentines Church" We've seen this town in many shots from previous trailers and screenshots too. And i'm sure i've pinpointed one of the waterfalls on the map named "Cumberland Fall".