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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I've painstakingly painted out all the grids, blips and named locations just to get a clean image of the mountains (originally for personal use). It may come in handy, so i decided to share it. I tried not to take too many artistic liberties in filling in the blanks! ?
  2. 1 point
    Yeah that definitely looks like something something Railroad Camp, still think the second word is Ridge or Bridge though. As for the key, I was trying to think of anything that could work and I kept going back to Ledger target, but the second word looks like it begins with a capital J. "I seen yoh name in ohw ledguh." Also thought the last one was Apple something myself too.
  3. 1 point
    This is my guess... I didn't even notice that Mine until you mentioned it. Must have glanced over it because of the colour.My brain probably thought it was a lake or creek or something. I honestly thought that said 'bike' rather than 'Lake' at first glance lol
  4. 1 point
    There's an abandoned mine below Pronghorn Ranch marked in white (also in a different font as if it's an annotation, like the lake? near Adler Ranch) so I wouldn't have said that. I keep thinking I can make out the odd word in some of them, but that word isn't enough to reveal what they are. The one below Horseshoe Overlook is C-something-s Point, the one southeast of Aberdeen Pig Farm is something Ridge/Bridge.
  5. 1 point
    Can we link these two? You can see two chimneys in the older pic but I think in the new one the angle might be obscuring the second. There also appears to be smaller building or lean to in front in the newer shot so i'm not sure if it is the same place. Also has anyone with their technical wizardry been able to decipher some of those purple place names?
  6. 1 point
    Maybe, I wasn't sure if the body of water was the main river or one of the swampy inlets, my initial thought was it did look like the stretch of bank around Annesburg up to Van Horn, but yeah the angles and twistiness of the river didn't match. Also here's my rather vague take on the desert mountains, i'm sure you and Dup have done something better already.