I only had 5 clips, so I took mostly themed photos of us looking all pilot-y. I've got a clip of the new Adversary mode left to check for many lulz too.
In-game camera photos of shenanigans at the airport:
The inevitable destruction of property
How high, indeed
Dat moment when DiO pulls up in this...
My Tula
onto the Editor snaps:
Old skool
Now, I'd say most of the time, I use no filter...
...but sometimes I'll play with the effects...
Nemo. My Avenger is in the background.
When Jizzy borrows your plane
Plane line up. Looks like we're all running for it in response to an emergency
So I went for an old photos vibe, like the iGTA Battalion
Then I noticed DiO running across the tops of the planes, leaping from wing to wing
Did I mention she's armed with a hatchet?
Kuzi Raccoon Pilot and my Avenger again. (that reminds me, I have an orange fox pilot outfit saved from Altitude Animals night and completely forgot to put it on)
Fanboy....and my Avenger.
Nemo's Terrorbyte in the bg
Plane lineup
Nemo piloting the Tula
Checking that the bomb bay doors work
Coming in for a landing. Notice anything amiss?
This is like the flip book of what happened next.
So....about that landing gear...
There it is! He stopped safely a moment later.
Dead body clean up in aisle 2
Some shenanigans ensue
When the sun goes down...still love the natural lighting in this game. Fanboy looking badass.
So this happened
Bailing from the cockpit
So about that landing gear...it doesn't look right
Never mind.
That's it for now.