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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
    some random dude on a discord channel i like hooked me up with these fallout loot crate figurines... i was the only one who actually gave him an address to ship them to, everyone else was probably skeptic of giving a rando their addy... i didn't mind lol... he said he's given away stuff to his friends from the crates, but didn't like these figurines so he asked us if we wanted them... i took the bait and got rewarded lol...
  3. 1 point
    I wish i had a working PS3 to go back to look at RDR1. Without a capture card it would be hard to cross-reference anyway.
  4. 1 point
    You had me giddy until you said it was flipped. Again, it makes the location of it a bit of a mind fuck. I really need to set up my PS3 again and take a look at RDR. Part of me was wondering if we could find that desert pic and do a comparison of new & old.
  5. 1 point
    So this is a longshot and i'm 99% sure it's wrong, but I got curious. There are definitely similarities, but they are too coincidental. Problem with that desert pic is there are several planes of mountain ranges within that profile and it's hard to isolate one from another. (I flipped the desert shot BTW. Oh and the watermark says "who would want to steal this piece of shit???")
  6. 1 point
    And that's where it doesn't make much sense to me for it to be facing east in those shots. The horse and Jimmy Brooks scenes are definitely near the same place. Maybe the radar was misaligned in the Jimmy Brooks scene? Or they spliced clips together from 2 completely different times of day for whatever reason? As for the states, I would guess Heartlands and Cumberland are together. Then Big Valley and Grizzlies together. Using the river as a dividing line. edit: here's my guess for the states...
  7. 1 point
    Sorry Q, your tits just aren't a draw anymore.
  8. 1 point
    I think the camera guy shot is on the same plateau as the horse rearing up. You can see the very edge of that rock on his right, plus the top of the bigger finger rock. It's funny how these seemingly obvious rock shapes don't appear in a lot of the other shots, kinda like these two beauties that I looked at before. They are quite clearly in the mountain range behind Valentine somewhere, but in a lot of the shots looking that way they don't seem to be there, either obscured by cloud or the wrong angle I guess . I called them QD's Mounds before, but I think Toblerone might be a more fitting and universally recognisable name. I'm actually doubting myself now as to whether these are the same rocks. I was certain of it before, but now not so sure.
  9. 1 point
    So I CBA to do any annotations but i'm assuming these rocks are on the tip that's on the river bend. (Pretty certain they're the same rocks behind that guy to his right, same profile.) Can't quite see them in this though. They may be a LOD render or further round the bend tucked behind the big rock. As for forest shots like Fitty said most don't have any landmarks in for reference. The only shot I can see that is slightly foresty but has a bit of mountain profile in is this one; That profile looks familiar, but at the same time I think i'm going crazy looking at mountain silhouettes so they're all starting to look alike. Plus even if we locate it, it doesn't really help us with anything else.
  10. 1 point
    R* desperately trying to get me to preorder the ultimate edition with a tempting extra 250k!! GTA dollars. Me: "Nah i'll just sell another duped car for 900k."