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  1. 3 points
    Hi Treefitty Just a nuance: I don't think the building in the background of this robbery shot is H. B. Stevens & Co building with a bit of the Crescent Billiard Hall, I think it's the Crescent Billiard Hall: it seems to have a pediment, so it's maybe a two-story building same embellishment of the second floor Columns of glass per window from left to right: (2) 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 (2) in 1900, the second floor had a balcony in the front. https://i.imgur.com/IrjwT3R.jpg
  2. 3 points
    In between frying my brain trying to line things up, I am doing a little historical New Orleans research of my own (since I like that stuff). I'm not entirely sure the post card is where Dup thinks it is and have been trying to find a better location but the in-game map from the trailer is almost useless to find out where the street cars are. The building footprints are also more basic. The building in the background of this robbery shot has similar architecture to the H.B. Stevens & Co building (with a bit of the Crescent Billiard Hall next door): https://www.google.com/maps/@29.9533515,-90.0694928,3a,43.5y,203.09h,97.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swMbB2LrZ_zJcboG7LuMUJQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 ^They are the two buildings all the way on the left. The third building is the Robinson theatre previously mentioned. So assuming that is correct, there is a chance the bank is nearby the statue and others. And on the subject of the statue as a reference point, it wasn't in any special area in real life. It was plopped down in the middle of a wide street. Not even at the end:
  3. 2 points
    Jesus, that's a hell of a lot of species! Look at this hat detail lmao. All the high-res images from the website: Insane details in this game!
  4. 2 points
    Well rockstar has just said there are around 200 different species of animals, birds and fish. I bet there is a trophy for it. This game is gonna be on another level for hunting.
  5. 2 points
    I stand corrected. Still should be same area in-game. @Dup: It wasn't a bad placement but yeah I've been staring at it a lot so I'm getting a bearing on where things should be. Here's a glimpse at where I think the post card could be. I used your colors for the buildings: Notes: - City Hall (Gallier Hall) is next to a park in real life (where the Clay statue was moved to) - I put in dashed black lines for the streetcars. Good portion is guesswork. - Still can't quite place where the bank would be with the previously mentioned building across the street and street cars running by. It could be to the left of the lower Xs in that standalone building. The billiards hall would be just above the second X. - I also put in what is likely the French Market on the right. The triangular shape and proximity to the railroad and waterfront seems like an obvious place.
  6. 1 point
    I wonder if we can attach carts to horses? It does say about repair. It we would be awesome to go on a huge hunting trip for just the day and get tons of animals. Plus can a horse really carry a bear? This is gonna be fun. Hope they keep animals for online. Didn’t they say you can wear all animals on your head? Imagine what else other than a rat you could have maybe a pigeon or a snake hat.
  7. 1 point
    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j1KZOApOVlg “If yah gotta a purty mouth, you can be a big star”
  8. 1 point
    No doubt there'll be a trophy for it, first thing I thought too. I imagine at least 20 of those species will be some form of small bird like in the first Redemption, so they'll probably be just a simple reskin of each other and share a similar AI. But still it's impressive, wonder what the other 180 species will be, we only know a couple of dozen so far.
  9. 1 point
    https://twitter.com/RockstarGames/status/1044224946468204545 200 species of animals? That's quite something.
  10. 1 point
    "Morgan will have to scrub his body parts individually".
  11. 0 points
    I won't be playing the bard class unfortunately, who's the most musical around here? Preordered now anyway, just had the grim realisation that the beta is going to be buggier than a normal Bethesda game at release... as if that's possible.