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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    BUT I DON'T WANNA!! in all fairness, i am just contemplating, not expecting it, just thinking out loud is all... it would be quite the nifty surprise... and like i said, probably only epic games has more access to resources than rockstar these day... they could realistically do it if they wanted... and they know people would buy it too... so realistically, how long until we start seeing the actual map? i would imagine it's going out to reviewers here soon for dem juicy articles and such...
  2. 2 points
  3. 1 point
    Me and Dup are in too deep. Can't look away. Save yourselves!
  4. 1 point
    Looks like R* could be tweeting out a Weapon Feature every hour like they did with the gang introduction. https://twitter.com/RockstarGames/status/1050068451094667265?s=09 https://twitter.com/RockstarGames/status/1050083598148272129?s=09
  5. 1 point
    From the looks of it RDR2 is going to be loaded by itself. I really don't think they would tie up valuable disc space for an existing game that would need to be about 75% rebuilt to conform to the new mechanics and graphical detail. Would be awesome but I really doubt it. The only fans "owed" anything for RDR are PC users and as much as I believe this game will be on PC at some point I can't help but have it in the back of my head that they'll be left out again. ESPECIALLY if the entire map is there because modders will definitely put the old game in and you know R* is going to shut it down like the GTAV mod for it.
  6. 1 point
    Not 100%. We have seen parts of New Austin, and Nuevo backgrounds. So maybe New Austin at least?
  7. 1 point
    Since this topic died down, updated St Denis map. I went back to the raw in-game map to see things that were lost in the enhancement: Added some buildings/structures I had missed (I put the map name right over two...) Added Victory St - I totally forgot about it. It was the one legible street name along the east/southeast shore Added Crescent St at the bottom of the loop as a guess from the streetcar on the post card pic. In-game map has a blurry name that looks similar. Removed parts of the road/streetcar route along the top-center Changed up some of the other streets - The buildings along the top appear to be along a street that's just off the map. Maybe up on a large hill since the in-game map shows grass between them and the streets shown. @Dup I'm sure the street names won't make it onto your map but they don't really matter. It's more of a for-fun thing right now.
  8. 1 point
    Update: I think I got this now... Pretty sure these buildings are the same (Crescent Billiard Hall) for the reasons shown (support pole and railing style): So that means the streetcar station is probably the small building next to the streetcar loop: Something I was thinking previously but needed a link. Now I have one. I will note that there is no X on the robbery map at this location so maybe this is a completely different heist. And as for the previously mentioned Fontana Theatre I may have found the inspiration for that right where we were already looking. There is a structure very similar to it next to the billiards hall just like in-game: ^On the left https://www.google.com/maps/@29.9526961,-90.0694841,3a,75y,301.53h,125.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swch1MQmADknR0fBiAGamqA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 The place in real life is 119 St Charles Ave. Formerly "The Pearl Restaurant and Oyster Bar". The in-game structure does not have balconies, though. And while trying to find more historical photos of the place, I found this drawing that shows the building in question was a lot shorter way back when (unknown date, but the columned building was detroyed by fire in 1894): ^Billiard hall on the right. edit: wiki has a photo of the same circa 1885-1894: It had more floors in 1910, though (far right barely in view):