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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    here are my comparisons between RDR2 and the real life Oak Alley Plantation (la vacherie, LA) The House: The Alley (1): The Alley (2): Oak Alley Plantation in fire in "interview with a Vampire" : (movie reference?) Pitot House (new Orleans bayou) Shirley Plantation (Virginia) the house: the plantation in game : the plantation IRL: St Denis Canal Street: Crescent Billiard https://i.imgur.com/IrjwT3R.jpg (already posted here) Vintage buildings 1: https://i.imgur.com/7gN7vZD.jpg (already posted by Dupzor, Thanks!?) Vintage buildings 2 : https://i.imgur.com/IWM1WMd.jpg Giani building https://i.imgur.com/Q6xordT.jpg French Carré Pontaba Buildings (Jackson Square) William Henry Jackson's works https://i.imgur.com/THnpG41.jpg A hypothesis: i guess the "Bastille Saloon" is based on "R'evolution restaurant" the house i haven't found in real life. Do you have an idea? PS: It's a shame, I don't understand how to display images on igta5 forum. Not for all the links of this post, but just one, sometimes.
  2. 3 points
    ^ Looks good This is the Giani Building: http://www.ireddead.com/img/content/1767.jpg I tried deciphering what it says on the signs and/or lights but no luck. https://www.google.com/maps/@29.9525238,-90.0682734,3a,75y,242.3h,114.12t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sgPwL3wgYiQmioopF09XY-A!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DgPwL3wgYiQmioopF09XY-A%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D83.32024%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100 Still looking for the building back-left (located where we assumed City Hall was): ^Kind of unique style so it should stand out when it's found. And going back to the city hall assumption, apparently it wasn't stone columns we saw in the postcard pic it was just the bottoms of trees whitewashed:
  3. 1 point
    Stop cutting onions you fucking piece of... of... I love you guys!!! *Cries*
  4. 1 point
    Map Update v0.74 - Added Treefitty's most up to date town maps *Rhodes *Valentine *St Denis - Added the rest of New Austin *Roads *Paths *Rails *Regions *Towns *Settlements *Note - This is probably my last update pre-game release. From here on out I'll be working on cloning the real map (when it's available) to make an unofficial version. I made the decision to fully add New Austin in its entirety since there's not much left to do now, and that's just my guess before the big reveal. I'd like to thank you TreeFitty, Viceman, and Koeklin for joining me on this journey and putting our brains together in amazing ways, and it shows. You guys have done a great job matching up town landmarks and visualizing the maps down to the very last detail. Hopefully, we'll be back for more in the future. And the final countdown begins, see you guys on the other side, it's been a ride!
  5. 1 point
    I'd say more than half of these pics are photoshopped. Minor things but it was about a 5 hour photoshopping session. Playing with remote controls Helping Petrie earn some loose change after we broke his car hood. This was surprisingly not photoshopped. This didn't work out too well for me. I should have stayed in the cab. Dio on the loose. Showing off... ...but I don't stick the landing. Nicely built race track. Beating down Fanboy. Some shots of killing. Water race. A Dunce and his car. Lots O' Dunces Poses after the first playlist. Knocking down LSPD choppers. This one had the last laugh. Dio overreacting. Missing the jump. Flanked! Really fun job. This was not the way to win it. Another one of these just because.
  6. 1 point
    Doing a little rummaging through google images. Nothing concrete but found similar architectural elements in a few different places: This New Orleans Officer's House has the right columns, balcony, and windows but not much else: Hillside Plantation, North Carolina has the right roofs and chimneys but nothing else: Lochinvar in Mississippi is similar but not quite:
  7. 1 point
    In New Orleans, there are not many buildings that have 3 floors of round top french doors. So I think that the books stationery is based on 837 Royal https://goo.gl/maps/rG2TrNqa86Q2 Vintage image from jamesmshaw.blogspot.com : http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-AxaDF1SFMDA/UbntJbOUn_I/AAAAAAAAM0E/mjoeich0jCs/s1600/842+Royal+Street,+Sign+1937.jpg
  8. 1 point
    We help Petrie with some money from store robberies Phantom wedge sumo. I go flying thanks to Bones and I'm out I figured it was a good idea to jump into it since i was already eliminated Getting sent by Fanboy I get stuck. No elimination this time bail out and I stick the landing Fanboy kills gtagrl, then I kill Fanboy Gtagrl, Nemo, Fanman, Petrie, Me, Bones Time for the flying hats. Petrie is up Bones BMX even showed up for a little bit in the end