I've recently found out that there are cheat codes that exist in the world of RDR2 in the form of Easter Egg. I remember seeing writing carved into things but never really made the connection. So now I am aware of their existence, I decided to look on the web for these locations. And I have had zero luck in doing so. I am aware all the cheats have been available since the game's release, but I was more interested in the locations.
Now then, after an extensive search around the map these past few days, I have found 16 locations that have carvings of cheats on them. Now I also realize that some cheat codes are from newspapers, so now I'm narrowing them down to see which ones are still missing. I was hoping you guys could help me since I haven't seen a single shred of compiled data for all these locations online.
So here are the cheats in the order they appear in the cheat menu on-screen:
*Edit - List updated, thanks for the help!
Red is Newspapers, green is the ones we've found and white is still unknown.
#01 Abundance is the dullest desire
#02 A simple life, a beautiful death Scarlett Meadows, LEMOYNE
#03 Greed is American Virtue
#04 Death is silence Grizzlies West, AMBARINO
#05 History is written by fools The Heartlands, NEW HANOVER
#06 You long for sight and see nothing
#07 Greed is now a virtue Grizzlies West, AMBARINO
#08 Vanity. All is vanity Bayou Nwa, LEMOYNE
#09 Eat of Knowledge Cholla Springs, NEW AUSTIN
#10 Share Cholla Springs, NEW AUSTIN
#11 Virtue Unearned is not virtue
#12 You revel in your disgrace, I see Gaptooth Ridge, NEW AUSTIN
#13 Balance. All is balance Roanoke Ridge, NEW HANOVER
#14 Be greedy only for foresight
#15 The lucky be strong evermore
#16.1 Guide me better
#16.2 Make me better Grizzlies East, AMBARINO
#16.3 I shall be better Scarlett Meadows, LEMOYNE
#16.4 I still seek more Big Valley, WEST ELIZABETH
#16.5 I seek and I find Grizzlies West, AMBARINO
#17 You flourish before you die Grizzlies West, AMBARINO
#18 Seek all the bounty of this place Bayou Nwa, LEMOYNE
#19 You Seek More Than The World Offers
#20 My kingdom is a horse Rio Bravo, NEW AUSTIN
#21 Better than my dog Roanoke Ridge, NEW HANOVER
#22 A fool on command Grizzlies West, AMBARINO
#23 Run! Run! Run! Big Valley, WEST ELIZABETH
#24 You are a beast built for war
#25 You want more than you have Roanoke Ridge, NEW HANOVER
#26 You want something new
#27 The best of the old ways Cholla Springs, NEW AUSTIN
#28 Keep your dreams simple Grizzlies West, AMBARINO
#29 Would you be happier as a clown?
#30 Keep your dreams light
#31 You want punishment Big Valley, WEST ELIZABETH
#32 You want freedom
#33 You want everyone to go away Gaptooth Ridge, NEW AUSTIN
Here are the spots we've found for reference (videos also coming soon)
#02 Small House, SE on the Braithwaite Land - Credit to Treefity
#04 Adler's Ranch, Northwest Grizzlies
#05 Railway Trading Post, Southen Heartlands
#07 Inside a small cave, SW of Bacchus Bridge, Dakota River
#08 Fence, St Denis
#09 Lake Don Julio House, NA - Credit to Viceman
#10 Pleasance House, Cholla Springs
#12 Upper floor Barnhouse, Solomon's Folly - Credit to Treefity
#13 Lookout Tower, Roanoke Ridge
#16.2 Ambaniro Sign, Grizzlies East
#16.3 Shipwreck Island, West of Clement Point
#16.4 Under Owanjila Dam, WE - Credit to Cutter De Blanc
#16.5 Railroad Tunnel, East of Cattail Pond
#17 Broken Shack, West of Lake Isabella
#18 Little Boathouse, Lagras
#20 On a small island, South of Rio Bravo, San Luis River - Credit to Treefity
#22 Millesani Claim, Inside the Mine, Mt.Hagen
#21 Shipwreck, Northeast of Annesburg, Lanahechee
#23 Fort Riggs, WE
#25 Deer Cottage, Roanoke Ridge
#27 Two Crows, South of Armadillo, NA - Credit to gtagrl & Viceman
#28 Cairn Lake, East of Spider Gorge
#31 Vetter's Echo, Big Valley
Big shoutout to WAX6428 for finding this one. It's been a long dry spell, and he's found one that I would personally probably never have found. It's hard to even see.
#33 Crossroads, between Gaptooth & Benedict Point Credit: WAX6428
#16.1 North of Bluewater Marsh, Lemoyne Credit to WAX6428
#30 Inside Cornwall Kerosene & Tar, The Heartlands Credit to pE0n1daS0FurA'Nus ?
Here's the screenshot album: https://imgur.com/a/yw8LAX6
Know of any others? Fancy helping me find the rest? Thanks.
So, to summarise there's:
8 Newspaper Cheat Codes
26 Found Locations
3 Unknown Locations?
These many locations in each State:
Ambarino 7
Lemoyne 5
New Hanover 5
West Elizabeth 3
New Austin 6
#14 Be greedy only for foresight
#26 You want something new
#32 You want freedom
So close, only 3 more remaining!