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About BlackSox9

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  • Birthday 10/23/1988

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    Sydney, Australia


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  1. BlackSox9


    I wonder how "The Institute" managed to make something as advanced as the human looking androids mentioned in Fallout 3. Maybe they scavenged Alien technology from a crashed mothership or something, so that ( and this is all hugely speculative ) they were able to make some massive technological leaps forward ( i.e. building androids ). Plus this makes me wonder whether the protagonist of Fallout 4 is himself an android and somehow doesn't know it, like he has been given memory implants or something ( like in Blade Runner ). Also remember Vault 112 in Fallout 3 had the Tranquility Lane Virtual Reality Simulators and was said to be one of the last Vaults ever made, and therefore one of the most advanced. I'm guessing that means that Vault 111 must have something more advanced inside it as well, like Stasis/ Cryogenic Pods or something. That must be how the protagonist was able survive for 200 hundred years after the bombs fell.
  2. BlackSox9


    Watching the gameplay montage from the E3 Press Conference, it looks like we'll be fighting the Brotherhood of Steel this time around - Also, judging by the trailer it looks as though Jetpacks are a new modification for Power Armor. Holy Shit!!! -
  3. Can't wait for this, the game's going to be epic. ... Just not as epic as Fallout 4...
  4. BlackSox9

    XBOX One

    Here is a comparison chart for the Frame Rates and Resolutions on some of the Multi-platform and Exclusive Titles for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 ~ And here is a graph made by Konami itself to show the resolution and frame rate differences between the Xbox One and PS4 versions of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes ( the much smaller prequel to MGS5 ). ~ Apparently there are some some major differences between the Xbox One and PS4 versions of this game. Even though some people have said that the weaker system hardware-wise ( the Xbox One ) would dictate the quality of multi-platform releases. We can clearly see from these graphs that this statement was completely false. With the majority of multi-platform games looking better on the PS4, as well as all PS4 exclusives looking superior to anything on the Xbox One. It's clear to me that the Xbox One will by far be the weakest system of this generation of consoles ( excluding the Wii U/ which I don't count as Next-Gen ). This means that most Xbox One multi-platform games will be of a sub-par quality when compared to it's competition, such as any PS4 versions of the same game ( alongside any PC and Steam Machine versions as well ). Anyone agree/ disagree? Is there any real reason to get an Xbox One?
  5. The X-Files or The Sopranos is better.
  6. BlackSox9

    XBOX One

    There have been some reports of Xbox One's leaking liquids ~
  7. BlackSox9


    Fallout 1, 2 & Fallout: Tactics are available for free for the next 1 day and 8 hours here ~ Just create a free account and you can download them.
  8. BlackSox9


    Here are a couple of YouTube Vids with some interesting info ( which I haven't heard ) about the Fallout Teaser Site. Makes it seem a lot more legitimate. And now I'm 100% sure that Fallout 4 will be set in Boston, in "The Commonwealth", and involving "The Institute" in some way.
  9. BlackSox9


    Maybe people are finally sick of Mario? I think Nintendo should try and make some new and original IP's. Instead of re-releasing the same tired old Franchises over and over again. I used to love playing the old Super Mario games on the NES and Donkey Kong on the 64'/ Gameboy, but I've moved on from these and I now want a more expansive experience. This doesn't mean that Nintendo shouldn't keep making kids games, but maybe they should think about incorporating a more mature and original experience into some of their games as well.
  10. BlackSox9


    On a more serious note, a man in San Francisco was shot while trying to sell his PS4 ~ http://www.gamespot....4/1100-6416497/
  11. BlackSox9


    6 hours to go...
  12. BlackSox9


    The Internet Browser on the PlayStation 4 is nowhere near as good as a laptops would be, but it's definitely 10x faster than the PS3's Internet Browser. It's major flaw right now is that it doesn't have a flash player to play videos, so you will have to wait for the PS4 Youtube app before you can use that. But if you just want to look up a game guide or a forum for some information on a game, it's pretty fast. In game just tap the PS Button, which will instantaneously take you out of the game and onto the main menu, then scroll over to the Internet Icon, then click on it ( it boots pretty fast ). After you're finished with it, close the Internet Browser, and click back on your game, which will bring you instantaneously back into the game. Overall the PS4's User Interface is very smooth and seamless, although it has less features than the Xbox One ( which too me is probably a positive attribute IMO / less features means less things will be buggy, and there is no slow down for the OS ). Also background loading has to be the best thing so far about the PS4 ( no more long waiting times for downloads and installs ), and downloading and installing happens at the same time now. Plus quick installs for games ( either from PSN or from a Blu Ray disk ) which then keep installing while you begin playing the game. And loading times on games are now much shorter, especially if you have a "Solid State Drive" installed ( which reduces load times by almost half again ). PS ~ A lot of gamers have not been utilizing the maximum graphical output that the PS4 has to offer. Here's a quick tip to maximize the image quality for your PS4 games. Go to Settings in the Upper Menu > Then to the Sound and Screen Menu > Then Video Output Settings > Then change the RGB Output to "Full" instead of "Automatic". After that the screen will go black and reboot with a crisper & higher quality picture. Edit: Most new modern TV's will be able to handle this setting, while older models ( 5 years or older ) might not. But this should result in a better image quality for your PS4 games. Also make sure that your TV's RGB Output is on the same setting. Edit 2: I'll bet any money that the graphics comparison videos that you see on some of the Game News Websites ( IGN/ Gamespot etc. ) have not been utilizing the best graphical output settings for both Consoles ( X1 & PS4 ). But this might not matter anyway because of the compression of the picture in these videos ( meaning reduced picture quality ). You really can't tell the difference until you've seen the graphical quality in person. The PlayStation 4 games I have played so far are COD Ghosts and Assassin's Creed 4 ( I'm still waiting on Killzone: Shadow Fall & Battlefield 4 ), and these look unbelievably good on the PS4, plus they have an ultra-smooth Frame-Rate. I really didn't think that the PS4 games were going to look this good, but I've been pleasantly surprised with the quality I've seen so far. Future games can only get better from here on out, and I can't wait to see what my PS4 will do with all the great games coming out next year.
  13. BlackSox9


    That's good news, I thought that it might struggle here, since most people gamed on the 360 last gen.
  14. Tom Hardy was excellent in "Bronson", his performance was underrated in it. Plus the movie was well done too, with the Mime performance on the stage and the surreal dance in the Mental Asylum to the tune of The Petshop Boy's "It's a Sin". Can't wait to see him as the new Mad Max in "Fury Road" in 2015.
  15. BlackSox9


    I would rather buy GTA V again for the PC. Mainly for the awesome Mods, which Next-Gen Consoles won't be taking advantage of. It would be awesome if Sony instituted a "Steam Workshop" style app for the PlayStation 4. Letting you download and install PC Mods for your console games.