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Everything posted by BlackSox9

  1. Fair Enough. I guess there was a little bit of interesting information in the vid. And it's probably better to leave a few surprises for when I actually sit down and play the game.
  2. Of course they wouldn't have answers for everything. But they could of had better, more relevant questions than stupid shit like "Do the cars run on Gas"? or "Will there be a Demo before release"? What the hell?!? Also, maybe instead of trying to answer questions that they had no clue about, they could of answered questions relating to in-game stuff they had actually seen...
  3. There was hardly any new information in that video at all. And the questions were a joke. Here's some good Questions that should have been asked and answered ~ - What does the Melee Combat feel like? And do the characters have different styles? Can you learn new combat moves at a Gym or Dojo? - Are the Boats, Planes & Helicopters customizable as well? - Did they see any new Sports or Activities? - What were the controls like for the Planes and Helicopters? - Did they see snow in any areas of the map? - What new animals did they see in the Countryside? - Are the Safehouses and/ or Businesses customizable in some way? And are there missions involved with the new Businesses? ( like in Vice City Stories ) - What was the coolest weapon they saw that hasn't been mentioned in any of the Previews yet? - Does wearing the wrong colors get you into trouble in gang neighbourhoods? - Do the police have Tasers or Mace now? And does Noose have anything new in their arsenal? Like Flashbang Grenades/ Riot Shields/ Attack Dogs... - What weapons can be fired while driving a vehicle? - etc, etc, etc...
  4. IGN Question & Answer Video ~
  5. I wonder what type/s of sharks the game will feature? ( Bull/ Tiger/ Great White etc ). Will there be only one type, or many? Also what marine animals do you think we'll see?
  6. BlackSox9

    XBOX One

    @Massacre, I hate soccer as well...
  7. Does anyone wonder if we could feed Chop to some Sharks? ( that's if he can even swim ) Step 1 - Bring Chop out onto the water. Step 2 - Introduce him to this guy below >>> Step 3 - Sit back and watch the fun unfold. Seeing him fighting with Wolves, Cougars and Bears would be nice as well. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Plus does this Screenshot remind anyone of the Beach Scene in Jaws? ( with the dog going missing ). It would be cool if sharks could come right out of the water and snatch unaware dogs and npc's, dragging them yelping/ screaming to their deaths. That would be awesome! I want a MASSIVE Shark twice the size of Jaws to spawn ( very rarely ) in some portions of the Sea.................... That would scare the shit out of people.
  8. Both Linear and Open World games have their place in the game industry ( and both types can be good in their own ways ). But personally, I would always take an open world game filled with tons of choice and consequences over a linear game any day. And in regards to what I was talking about in my earlier post, I was referring to the Single Player components for the top FPS games of this generation, such as Battlefield, Call of Duty, Halo, Resistance, Killzone etc. And the first 3 franchises in that list are very influential on the rest of the game industry, because of the money they bring in and because they spawn a lot of imitator games of lesser quality. The developers for these games will probably be trying to keep replicating their success, and so will follow the same formula without trying to change or innovate future games for fear of scaring off the large fan base that they have built up. This causes things to stagnate and become mediocre in the FPS market ( which is already dominated by casual players ). Which I think will cause more hardcore gamers to gravitate towards other types of games ( like third & first person RPG's ) once they see the quality that is on offer with the new Western RPG's that will be developed next-gen ( like The Witcher 3/ Fallout 4 & Next-Gen TES ), and to open world games with RPG elements ( such as Watch Dogs & The Division ). So I guess what I'm saying is that in the "Next-Gen Game Cycle" ( Xbox One/ PS4/ PC ) FPS games will still be a major part of the market. But other more open games will come to be more appreciated by a larger portion of the gaming community.
  9. I feel sorry for those dogs once Sept 17 gets here PETA is going to go ballistic when GTA V is released ( what with all the casual murder of animals on offer ). Same goes for when they see what you can do with Sharks and Whales in Assassins's Creed lV...
  10. It would be cool if something like this was in the game. Or better yet, if you could play GTA 1 & 2... I wonder if there will be any arcade games in GTA V like there were in San Andreas and lV?
  11. The driving mechanics will be better than they have ever been before. I don't know why everyone is so worried, to me it looks great so far. Just wait and see how refined it is when compared to previous GTA Games.
  12. You're right, it's Algonquin ( without any NPC's in it ). Also, the Ammunation Ad showed a few new weapons. Like ~ ~ Nunchakus ~ Shuriken ~ a Spiked Knuckle Duster ~ and a Machete Should be fun testing these new weapons out on random peds...
  13. This is great stuff ~ http://www.rockstarg.../ammunation.mp4 Hopefully there is more stuff like this on the in-game TV. Plus I wonder how many channels there are? ( CNT & Weazel are confirmed so far ) Also STUN GUNS are confirmed!!!
  14. BlackSox9

    XBOX One

    Do you like how the first ever Ad for the system was focused on TV and Sports? Yeah I agree, TV and Sports are much more important than focusing on games. I mean what do people think this is? A GAMES CONSOLE?!? Oh, and fuck American Football, it's boring to the point of tears...
  15. I thought that there would be more information on the back of the case describing the game. I guess they couldn't fit everything so they just went with something more succinct.
  16. BlackSox9

    XBOX One

    Take a look at the Xbox One's first official Ad ~ Pathetic...
  17. Re-Posted from the "Open Map From The Start/ First Road Trip" Topic ~ I'm heading straight for Vespucci Beach, and then I'm driving right off the end of Pleasure Pier and into the water. Bailing from the sinking car, then going to look for some sharks to fuck with. When I find one I'm going to see if I can convince it to eat me by hitting it in the nose a couple of times. Hopefully I succeed in my attempts and Big Red Chunks start flying everywhere. And whoever the starting character is ( Michael, Trevor or Franklin ) starts screaming and hollering in agony until they are slowly dragged under the water, gurgling their last desperate breaths. Afterwards I will pause the game for a second, go outside and have a pleasant post-orgasmic smoke, hopefully feeling satisfied.
  18. The thing is, IGN is full of a bunch of in-bred retards, with the same intelligence level as a pile of string. So I wouldn't put much stock into what they think. But the Map will be BIG of course...
  19. The real reason why Call of Duty started to suck ( after MW2 ), was because Jason West and Vince Zampella ( the main talent at Infinity Ward ) were fired by Activision due to a dispute involving "breaches to their contracts", and acts of so called "insubordination" ( it was rumoured that they were in discussions with EA at the time/ which could be the real reason ). Anyway they left and took almost everyone at Infinity Ward with them ( all the talent ), and formed their own independent game development studio "Respawn Entertainment". And every gamer on the planet should know about their first upcoming game "Titanfall" by now. So expect even more great games from this studio in the future ( there is a lot of talent there ). And this is why Modern Warfare 3 sucked, because they didn't have any talent left at the studio, and decided to just use what was left behind by the old Infinity Ward team. And it's also why Call of Duty Ghosts will almost certainly suck as well. And as for Treyarch, they have always been the sub-par COD Devs, they can't even improve the Zombies component of their game. I mean why don't they add pro perks for the perk machines, or let you pack-a-punch your guns twice or three times, to extend the longevity of the game? No, instead they just regurgitate the same crap, and build a bunch of small maps joined together, calling it innovative ( Tranzit is shit ).
  20. I think that every GTA has felt very different from one another, with each game having it's own atmosphere and feel ( a feeling quite unlike any other games/ and very unique to the GTA Brand ). I don't know how they do it, but Rockstar always seems to surprise me with the great game-world's they build, and I'm sure that GTA V will be no different.
  21. A preview article from a couple of days ago mentions the gun used in the movie "The Jackal". [ Excerpt ] ~ "Vinewood Babylon" ( mission ) involves using a weapon similar to what Bruce Willis uses to blast off Jack Blacks arm in "The Jackal". I wonder if we can get the gun and use it in free-roam, once we've finished the mission ( like with the Jetpack in GTA SA being rewarded to you after finishing the Area 69 mission ) The Model is a "Polish ZSU-33 14.5mm" (Browning M2HB mocked up as KPV heavy machine gun) ~ Here's video of the gun in action ~
  22. Well said. And it would be great if there were more real consequences in GTA ( as well as more RPG elements ). This would only immerse you more into it's world. Also I couldn't agree more with this statement. It reminded me of the old FPS games I played in the 90's ( before COD ). I remember playing the old "Medal Of Honor" games on the 'PS1' ( and Goldeneye on the '64' ), and having multiple ways of going about the objectives I.E. Multiple paths and multiple ways of approaching the enemy ( "Stealthily" or the "All Guns Blazing" approach ). It also let you infiltrate enemy bases using a disguise and a fake I.D. Plus you could find higher level clearances for different areas in the game, and if you didn't have the right papers to be in an area, the guards would run and set off an alarm, sending waves of tough enemies at you from multiple directions ( you could also disable the alarms yourself ). Plus the enemy AI had half a brain and put up a decent challenge ( shooting Nazi Helmets off was fun with the great sound design "PING!"/ And then him looking around all surprised to see where the bullet came from/ and then screaming in German at you when you're seen ). ( there was even a level in a German Castle where some of the Knights Armour ( decorating the place ) actually had people in them, and they would attack you once your back was turned ( making a heavy metallic sound as they charged at you/ they could kill you pretty quickly as well/ which made the level even more exhilarating ). Where did great original ideas like these go? Then I compare this too the crappy Call Of Duty's that we have today. Where the Single Player is a linear corridor with no alternate routes, and dumb generic AI enemies ( who are no challenge at all/ even on higher difficulties ). And the same shoot these guys/ blow this thing up gameplay, and I think how has FPS gameplay degenerated this badly? In the end you're just sitting through a boring B Grade Action Movie. But there are still plenty of great open-ended games like Fallout 3/ New Vegas, MGS 3/4, the GTA series, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 1/2/3, The Elder Scrolls Series, Far Cry 2/3, and the Batman Arkham games ( to an extent ). Or great games that even though they're linear still have great gameplay and tell a great story, like Uncharted 1/2/3, Bioshock 1/2/3, Max Payne 1/2/3, The Last Of Us, Portal 1/2, Hal Life 2 etc
  23. This is why I love Rockstar. [ Excerpt ] ~ “As a gamer, I always feel a bit cheated when you’re forced into something, or a big set piece moment is just a quick time event. We have big set piece sections of gameplay but it still feels organic and the player will feel in control. It always feels so much better if you’ve created it yourself, so that’s what we tried to do here. There are so many systems at work in the missions with the player at the centre of them, acting unpredictably – we tried to create a world in which these moments can arise naturally, and we look forward to seeing what players do with these systems when they get their hands on the game.” Rockstar - "Building better Open-Worlds since 1998". "The end result is something that, to myself, feels more "next-generation" than most of the titles coming out on PS4 and Xbox One later this year. IGN UK’s Daniel Krupa will be going into more detail on this topic in the coming days but, to me, there isn’t really anything in the PS4-Xbox One launch line-ups that matches the gameplay scope displayed here in GTA V." That statement is absolutely true, I haven't really been impressed by any Next-Gen games yet. How about you guys? Me, I'm still waiting for Fallout 4 to be announced...