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Everything posted by liquidhalogen

  1. It would be cool if there was valet parking for certain places and if you pull up with an exotic car they park it right at the front of the club or w/e to showcase it
  2. 20 to 30 gallons? how far in the distant future do you live in?
  3. Too right, although I really hope they do something extra controversial with GTA 5. All the other games were groundbreaking, letting you shag prostitutes, deal drugs etc, but GTA 4 was fairly clean in my opinion. There wasn't the hot coffee type controversy (which they totally avoided with the custscenes showing the outside of the house while you're shagging), and although they really hated that, they need to do something similar to make GTA the epic, most talked about game it used to be. Well, I think going in a new mature direction in GTA4 was controversial in and of itself. They created a very different type of video game, borderline serious drama. I might be mistaken about this but I think GTA4 was the most epic and most talked about game of the series.
  4. What would ruin GTA for me: If I couldn't dress up as a clown with a chainsaw If I couldnt use humans as shields If I had to pay some extra bullshit money after the game came out to get all the features like LA noire, because fuck that. If I couldnt shoot a rocket launcher into the school I study in here in LA If car customization, plane selection, character features, any extra features were removed because of some pussy excuse such as "It doesn't sit with the seriousness of the story If the game did not change my diapers for me If there was a better version for one console than for the other, because fuck that.
  5. If it's not too much to ask could you use punctuation in your writing? It's impossible to understand what you're saying. Punctuation means periods commas and apostrophes...
  6. It would be awesome to be driving in a car and hit a bear lol. Also if there are spots in the game with huge flocks of birds, like beaches, they could have them poop on you once in a while. I wonder if they have animals if they would let you have your own dog lets say. I just can't imagine how far a franchise like GTA can take that concept, but I'm always for more features so I'll be happy if you get mans best friend.
  7. Good point, that sounds very plausible... Yea maybe, I'm thinking maybe the maps shouldn't get bigger and bigger, I think I bonded with the previous games more because every street had a very particular feel and vibe, maybe too much of it and you become desensitized to it.
  8. Hmm, maybe I should add another option for the possibility of other cities included with Los Santos other than SF or LV...
  9. I hear a lot of people interpreting the statement Rockstar made regarding "returning to Los Santos" as being ambiguous and still allowing for the possibility for the other cities to be back, and the trailer does have some moments where it seems to be insinuating other cities. On the other hand, is it totally clear to you that V will just be Los Santos?
  10. mazda rx8 would be really nice, I would like to see a lot of variety in high end sports cars? How many were there in iv? Like about 5 right? I don't know for sure cause I barely played that game but yea, we are in LA after all... I'd like to see a lot of unique vehicles like formula 1, nascar, desert vehicles, off roading cars, farm vehicles, airport vehicles, that kind of stuff is fun
  11. Holly shit, I live in downtown and I've never seen those mountains! Must be the smog
  12. No reason not to, whoever doesnt want one should be able to set it to auto in menu.
  13. BS alert. Compton is a total latino neighborhood. I drove my white ass through it for kicks, they aint black. Here's a little scoop on gangs in present day LA
  14. this topic is the same as what does radical.... mean to you
  15. Ok, to me Radical reinvention means its going to be extremely different. I was just wondering what sort of ways you think they can make the new game totally unique from the rest?
  16. Hypothetically speaking let's assume GTA V is 30 square miles.So if San Fierro and Las Venturas were included at 4 square miles each, that would leave 22sq/m left for Los Santos, and the surrounding countryside. Realistically if LS is the main city it should be bigger than the rest, so maybe 6sq/m? The size of LC? and add on 2sq/m for the little towns scattered across the countryside. So that leaves 14sq/m of countryside, which in my opinion is a reasonable contryside:city ratio. Doubt it, that would seem half assed. All three of those cities in real life are a big deal, and though LA truly is bigger than the other two put together by far it would still seem lopsided in my opinion. I just want to point out somethign that I've mentioned before, LA county has some cities in it that have a very unique vibe and could definately be mentioned. Malibu - super classy, Glendale - huge russian community, Pasadena - totally different vibe. Loads of others...
  17. driving a car is technically running from the cops no? But I like your style