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Everything posted by Tj1987

  1. No it isn't, that's a Cessna dumbshit, not a Douglas DC-3 or 10. Don't talk if you don't know what you're saying. If you could fit 20 US airborn troops in the cabin of that plane, then either they're in tiny pieces or ghosts. The plane we see in the trailer is the exact type of propeller plane used in the film "2012" during the L.A. earthquake scene.
  2. That isn't a WWII plane, it's the prop plane from trailer no.2. Also they wouldn't release screenshots of the game that is currently ONLY CONSOLES with graphics rendered from a computer.
  3. Maybe you do a ped mission, and he asks you to drive to some place in the city for him, and you decide to speed through an intersection, and it just so happens Franklin repoed a bus, and he T-bones you. The car gets destroyed, and flips over. The ped in the car is moaning, and you climb out as a small fire starts in the engine. Traffic halts, and crowds gather on the street. The police show up and Franklin has already left. You quickly go into the crowd and hide. The police check around when the paramedics pull up, but the fire grows and the mans starts screaming for help as it makes its way into the passenger cabin. The firemen finally arrive. They take the hose off and start dousing the car. One helps the man out. The paramedics rush over to his aid, and place him on a stretcher continuing to load him into the back of the ambulance, then disaster... The car explodes in a fireball!!! People screams and drop their phones and cameras. The firemen are thrown to their feet. A news chopper circles high above. You dissappear when the police start asking pedestrians what they saw. Then you drive away.
  4. We'll just have to wait 'till release probaly. I know Rockstar isn't going to pull a Saints Row, and show the map.
  5. Well well well, when did you become the idea police?? Sure, a good storyline would be very good. But remember, alot of people look at the graphics, and physics, and gunplay for shooters nowaday. Watch_Dogs recieved best of show at E3 '12, ya know why??? Because of it's graphics, physics, and gunplay. Not because of the small story section we got to see. They said; " the graphics were just...stunning". People though it was going to be for Next-Gen consoles, but Ubisoft said it was going to be for current consoles, and PC. Half the stuff I see in analysis' about GTA V trailers 1-2 people say the graphics look terrific, not "HOPEFULLY THE STORY IS GOOD!*spoken with lisp*". YOU need to get YOUR standards re-evaluated, and start realizing what people like to see. Look up at the comments above mine and yours...they talked about physics, gunplay, and graphics. Half the forums on the GTA5 discussion have something to deal with physics! Not the story. The Map! Not the story. The GUNS!!! Not the story. >
  6. Maybe, if the gore is realistic, the graphics are like WATCH_DOGS, the sounds are better, and there are more peds, and there is more traffic then MAYBE, juuuussst mayybe the game could be good...ONLY GOOOD. But as long as Michael's eyes don't scare the shit outta me everytime I play as him, I think things will be just swell! *swings arms*
  7. I'll do mission 1, then play as Trevor for an hour or 2 trying to get a cargo plane, then bail over the map and spowly parachute down looking at everything.
  8. I hope they have reaistic flares on the jet! Also a realistic aircraft carrier off the coast, kinda like the nimmitz mod for san andreas!
  9. Okay, his eyes are scary as fuck! Jesus, I hope those aren't his normal eyes...what are his angry eyes?! < Dude...MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS!!!!!
  10. I would probs like to see some sort of "Tony Stark house" as an unlockable property, and it must have a full interior. And maybe a realistic(er) police system. A sandstorm cheat code, but it shouldn't just APPEAR magically out of knowhere. First the wind picks up, then the radio starts warning...then, you see it. A thousand foot high wall of sand approaching Los Santos from the horizon. The storm should cause the. Character to move slower, and make it VERY hard to fly aircraft. Also a tsunami cheat....I don't know, now I'm just rambling. *lightly/ high piched humming, but off key* ANYWAY, hopefully they implement many more clothing options, (with different stores of course). Ooooooh, a snow cheat! Yeah, yea, the cars slide around like your on dirt, and the streets get blanketed with it, and the more times you enter it the higher the snow gets! Another safehouse idea popped into my head, but it probably already is in the game. But here it is anyway; a modern mansion high up in the Rockford Hills (Hollywood Hills) that has a panoramic, cliffside view of the entire Los Santos area, but not as low a Michaels house, and as Mexican as his...and as orangish/ white as his...and a-Oh you get the point. THE ENDZEZ, HAPPY CWIZMAZ AND MEWWY NEW YEAZ!
  11. I hope to see them implement something like LCPD first response, maybe as a multiplayer minigame for Co-op/ Single player side game. A sandstorm cheatcode, but instead of the storm just appearing you see it come from the distance, and it slows down you character and you walk with your hands up staggering almost. So if you try to fly an aircraft in the storm there is extremely low visibility & it is quite difficult to fly. I would also like to see ALOT of different clothing options for each character, including your multiplayer avatar. Car customization is a must, kinda like Midnight Club: LAs' customization. I hope you get different houses; since you can't buy them why not just get them through gameplay? Daphnee's superyacht from Max Payne 3 should be included as either a drive-able vehicle, or an object that is constantly accesable/ enterable to the player, which is far off the coast of Los Santos. I also hope the C-130 seen in Max Payne 3's multiplayer map "Tete River Docks" or whatever.
  12. Hyep...I'm a bad ass. OFICIALLY NO JOKE. What I wrote seems more like a T.V. show pilot or something...WOW I should dtart REALLY writing. OFF TO NEVERLAND!
  13. Thanks guys or girls...what ever. But thanks for positive feedback!
  14. Well they said that the peds got on buses and worked so it sound like maybe they took the path of ULTRAREALISIM this time around. But what would impress me is; like you see a ped right, so you follow him to see this so called "life" they have... He comes out the doors of the IAA tower and begins walking down the sidewalk toward a car garage. He takes out his phone dials something and puts it up to his ear; "hi hon just got off of work, ah it was crazy some guy apparently was repelling down the side of the building, broke through a window, took some dude, jumped out and escaped with the other guy on a parachute! I know it's crazy right? Well do you need anything from the store? Okay I'll get em...bye!" he hangs up just as he gets into his feltzer. You grab a car just across the way and follow him in your car. He drives up infront of a grocery store and gets out. A few minutes later he comes out with a shopping cart full of bags...he pushes the cart over to his car, pops the trunk and starts loading the groceries in. After he's finished he closes the trunk and gets in. He backs up and hits the shopping cart. He gets out looks at the scratch on the back and say,"Ahhh SHIT!" he kicks the cart into the middle of the parking lot, gets back in his car and drives away. You follow him to his home in the suburbs. He backs his car into the driveway and gets out infront of a nice two story house. He walks up to the door and opens it, and you hear "OH MY GOD! Brianne BRIANNE?!!! FUCK NOOO! " then a second or two passes...POW! Dogs start barking and car alarms go off. The cops pull up and close off the scene. Later paramedics pull up and take the body on a strecher out of the house and into the ambulance. A crowd that has gathered becomes hushed as the ambulance drives off. You go home and save the game when you come back police tape is still around the house. You do a few missions and switch characters, you turn on a tv and Weasel news is on talking about a murder and suicide. Your jaw then drops.
  15. I think you should be able to comendeer ANY vehicle you see, wether it's in a cutscene or not it shouldbe drive-able. But I want to see: .Combine Harvesters that chop up peds .Steamrollers .A C-5M Super Galaxy w/ enterable/ loadable cargo bay and functioning cargo doors .A super yacht similar to Daphnees in Max Payne 3's campaign mission; "SUN TAN OIL, STALE MARGARITAS, AND GREED" w/ a full interior .More realistic police cruisers ie; realistic sirens (as mentioned above) .A police SUV for Los Santos a Police Clavaclade and for Grapeseed a Ranger (seen in San Andreas) .A small private jet like a Gulfstream G-650 (the Shamal from San Andreas) w/ an enterable interior .A passenger train similar to an Amtrak Superliner (the Brown Streak from San Andreas) w/ fully explorable passenger cars .A B-2 Spirit ,just for fucking around with bombs! .Better damage models .MUCH BETTER engine sounds/ tire screeches ie; for 18-wheelers screeches, the sounds that the trucks made in Final Destination 2's opening sequence .A bunch of different trailers for Semis; Tanker, logs, box, pipes, liquid nitrogen, car carriers, boats, construction stuff, flatbeds, and hoppers .A tractor attachment; those slicy thingy trailers that look like giant lawnmowers w/o a seat, it just tows it .Military trucks ie; the H.E.M.M.T. Oshkosh truck in convoys on the road .A BTR .A MH-53 Super Stallion (un-armed variant of a Pave-Lo) w/ seats in the back, and one guy in the back can shoot at shit .A Huey w/ guns on it .Better helicopter crashes ie; more death yaws n' such .A Bell/ Boeing V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor heliplane .A septic truck .Police men/ women on horses...PO LEECE HORSEEEEEEZ .The wreck of a cargo plane in the middle of the desert w/ guns inside of crates, basically an Uncharted 3 easter egg...opa story time! Your driving down a desert road as Trevor and see a smoke cloud in the distance, you go offroad and start heading towards it. After like 3 minutes you get there, and there is a wrecked C-5 in the middle of the desert, with a huge cloud of black smoke towering above. You stop the truck and get out and start searching the wreckage; you find a crate full of military grade weapons, so you take what you want. All of a sudden there are humvees closing in on the crash site you take an AT4 off the sand and get ready to let hell break loose...
  16. I'm looking to grab a Cuban 800 (new shamal)and fly around the entire map, then finish teh game and buy all the houses, vehicles, clothing, and weapons.
  17. Parabolicisim: to float within an object moving at an equal speed to one's descent.
  18. Yeah.....Oooh how about a mode where the city is in chaos, and riots are breaking out, burning buildings around Los Santos. An all out onslaught of Police V. Pedestrians just havoc in the streets! With zombies too. Abandoned cars scattered everywhere, heli's flying over capturing the news. People jumping off buildings, dogs wandering aimlessly looking for their owners midst the chaos, and you with a flamethrower just having fun. plz comment
  19. Aghhh fucking Rockstar won't budge! No fucking info, (real info) for pretty much a year!? That is complete bullshiiiiiiiiit! Goddamnit they are soo good.
  20. I hope there is a skyscraper penthouse suite. You take the elevator up and just chill watch Republican Space Rangers on the 90" T.V. you just bought. You get bored after a new episode of Princess Robot Bubblegum so you take drastic measures. You go to the closet put on a trench coat, paratrooper pants, combat boots, and gas mask, turn on the zombie cheat and start up your chainsaw, load your m-4, and unholster your Deagle...It's time for a bloodbath.