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Everything posted by Tj1987

  1. No...I got it! Ned luke is the voice actor of the balcony man, who is a friend of the protagonist... The protag, the golf/ hiking guy, asks ned lukes character why he came to LS and the monolouge is his reply.
  2. Yeah I understand what you mean... It's called 'Parabolic flight' just like in the mission turbulence from MW3. Your friend is flying the jumbo jet tens of thousands of feet about the ground. You and ten others are in the passenger cabin role playing. Then a kid not in the plane grabs a fighter jet and flys up to your plane he takes out the engines with the cannon and the plane starts dropping. The 11 guys in the cabin start floating around uncontrollably, the pilot struggles to keep the plane from smashing into the ground. The kid in the jet decides to follow the plane down to watch it meets its doom. He shoots once more but accidentally hits the missile button! A chunk of the wing tears of and slams into his jet, ripping it to peices. The rest of the plane accelerates at terminal velocity towards the ground. One of the kids pulls out an uzi and starts spraying the cabin with bullets, and a few puncture the doors and windows. A red warninglight flashes on and off through out the plane as the side rips open. 3 kids get sucked out and fall to their deaths then the pilot pulls the nose up and the plane slams into a residential street you and the other kids' bodies go bouncing around the cabin as the plane skids to a halt in the middle of a cul-de-sac. The pilot has died, and so has everyone else, but you. You stand up and limp ouut of the crumpled burning heap of metal and walk away, but not 50 steps later the plane explodes in a fireball! The shockwave throws you down to the pavement. You pan the camera up and see a cloud of fire rising out. Then a small do appears high in the cloud...headed staright for you! The landing gear slams into you, therefore crushing and killing you. THE END
  3. I like the seventh star idea, but it should only be activated if you enter a resricted area. The FIB comes then.. All hell breaks loose when they show up. Assault rifles and special forces. If you try and go in the water destroyers and shit are after you. If you try and get out by plane fighters are scrambled. On foot...they'll tear apart a city to kill you. They are the branch of the government who don't care about civillians, just you. They are extremely hard to kill and are otherwise unavoidable unless you cheat.
  4. I would like to see: . An Antonov AN-225 that's pilotable, enterable, and have the ability to put vehicles in the cargo hold and continue to drop them out . Wide variety of aircraft and watercraft . Transportable safe-houses . Buyable propertys that have customization options, similar to TDU2, furniture, paint, etc. . Wider variety of weapons in each category; 5 shotguns, 6 pistols, etc. . Pets, WITHIN SAFEHOUSES ONLY! . Realistic car sounds . Car dealerships (if you choose not to steal) . Car customization . Wider variety of clothes . More clothing stores . Cars tumble easier, I'm a crashaholic . Ability to eat food, and get fat, skinny . Ability to work out and get buff . Propeller planes; C-130, AN-22, Piper J-Club . An enterable airport, like Saints Row 2's Wardill Airport. . A dune dessert . A secret military base Thank you, and input!
  5. Definitely a bunker. Maybe an addition/ upgrade to certain houses, and then a standalone bunker out in the woods. A motel room safehouse. A penthouse suite thats customizable. A drive-able, enterable, save-in-capable yacht with its own dock and helipad, maybe jetskis in the back... One just like Daphny's from Max Payne 3!!! That was so cool. A private jet!!! Flyable, of couse.
  6. Stop. It isn't right to discriminate. If you want to be racist go join the fucking KKK these forums are for fans to interact, and give ideas...not blurt out honky every 2 seconds. Why on Earth do I have a warn status bar under my name?
  7. Fucking cloth physics FTW go fucking neo dodging bullets in your flapping trench coat. Particles are a definite. Crashes ...errr um better chances of spectacular rollovers maybe? Nice tig ol explosions for certain things; gas tankers to rpgs.
  8. Holy Christ... You act fast. PEPPY LIL SPIT FUCKS! I didn't mean like wall backflips ortricking, I meant like cool vaults over stuff ; Kashes Dashes Cat vaults etc. But seriously enough with honky this and honky that. We are all equal *no homo* here. Off topic, but a nuclear bunker safe house out in the woods would be fucking siiiiiiick. Like completely hidden too. Just a hatch, only you know about, in the side of a mountain then a big tube going down deeper then the bunker.
  9. In GTA IV we saw the adaptive parkour fail... Will it come back in GTA V or willit not? Post what you think and what you'd like to see added/ improved about it. Stay on topic, and NO RACISM please. Thanks
  10. Yes there is proof... The scene in wich it shows the ladies of the night (hookers) there is sn obvious desert enviroment in the background, and foreground. Hence the lack of an urban backdrop, but a large mountain. Only a few palm trees are seen, probably planted, and the sky shows the heat. So there is proof what's your face! HAH.
  11. I would like to see: . Oshkoshs' (military cargo truck) . Enterable/derailable trains . Realistic vehicle sounds . All vehicles customizable, from bicycles to jets (with their own individual mod shops) . Realistic traffic interactions, IE; If a dude in a sports car is behind some slow-ass beater, he should cut around and speed off. . Larger variety of aircraft/ watercraft, from yachts to prop cargo planes . YO MAMMA . More grip on cars . Off topic but...Complex airports (not just two runways, multiple ones with active traffic, [baggage carts, passenger jets, etc.] . Definitely a steamroller, street sweeper, combine harvester... GORE TRAILS??? . Jacknife-able semis' . A buyable, drivable, enterable RV!! . Cargo planes w/ cargo bays, enterable/ loadable interior. THE END!!!!
  12. I hope that pools of blood on appear if; 1-shot, 2 crushed, or 3 LARGE falls. For intance if you push a guy off a skyscraper, when he hits the ground it should be gory splashing blood. If they're shot in the head there SHOULD be a hole, or headless gory-ness. If the "flatty" turns out to be a steam roller they should be squashed and also be disgusting sounds. Trains oooooooh MAXIMUM GORE.
  13. Propagating fire...FOREST FIRES!!!! Build your own safehouse!!!! Sims 3
  14. I would like to see: : Drivable Yachts BIG ONES : All seen clothing available via store (in-game) or mission unlock : Flamethrowers!!!! : Antonov AN-225 : Realistic damage models : Every vehicle customizable and available : Varying explosion sizes : Cloth physics/ APEX : Waves ; breakwaters on beaches n such : Vinewood or malibu mansion safe house : Customizable safehouses : An all dubstep radio station : A massive Desert : Ability to import itunes music onto ingame radio : Finally, all enterable vehicles with detailed interiors. Be able to get off the yacht's bridge and walk around inside. In a plane (passenger jet) walk around cabin in-flight...that kinda stuff
  15. What if the cause of seperation of different portions of the map was forest fires? That's a very plausible, realistic approach. The athorities have decided to seal off parts of the msp due to massive forest fires. All citizens in towns near these locations are advised to stay inside and wait until further notice. You see massive smoke clouds rising trees blocking the road firefighters working as hard as they can to douse the flames. The ground is covered in sut and burned branches...etc etc
  16. Cloth physics propagating fire dynamic smoke shrapnel/ pieces of things that fly when shit explodes.
  17. What if those contrails were from the C-130J in the screenshots in Max Payne 3's multiplayer map 'Tiete River Docks'? In the office area. Go look for yourselves you disgusting rapscallions. Lol
  18. In Gta V we all know there will be vehicles, but what about "bigger" vehicles? Such as RVs, trains, and planes. I hope you can go inside the cargo hold of a cargo plane or the cabin of trains and passenger jets. Take a cargo plane fly it over a train in MP with some friends on motorbikes in the c-hold, then open up the doors and they back out onto the roof of the train. Ride to the cab then bust in guns blazin' taking over the train. The passenger npcs are freaking out then your friend in another train full of explosives plows head on into yours.
  19. I think GTA V will feature a huge desert. The reason why, the scene when it shows Liquor Ace. Take a few supercars, a prison bus then make it tumble...oh oh how about a train that runs through the mountains over gorges/ ravines. Wow if only... I'm watchin' Top Gear (BBC) and Jeremy is driving down this big ass highway that's just straight! I could see some huge pile-ups on a big highway.
  20. I hope in Gta 5 the explosions are different sizes not just one identical looking explosion. For instance if you blow up a gas station it should be fucking massive. Sheapnel raining down from the sky. Just go on youtube and type in Watch_Dogs E3 '12 gameplay. Somewhere near the end the mc causes a huge pile-up one of the cars crashes into a gas pump a gunfight breaks out while the station is slowly burning then it explodes. Fucking amazing! What do you think?
  21. Do you think GTAV will feature cloth physics or apex? How about volumetric/dynamic smoke when you burnout?Lets say you're cruisin down the I5 and all of a sudden a big ass tanker truck cuts you off "oh shit!" you swerve uncontrollably across the freeway! The truck swerves too, and jacknives. A cloud of billowing smoke rises from the tires. A dude in a sports car slams into the jaknifed truck, smoke is now poring out. You jump out of your car and begin sprinting away with your badass trench flapping wildly. BOOM! The tank ruptures and the tanker explodes. Shrapnel flies through the air. The ground shakes.