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Posts posted by evan466

  1. Fuck Boise because they win games in a less than BCS division and are sad when they play in the Macco Bowl every year against some 6-6 team? I'm sorry, they would like to play better teams. Boise offers a home and home deal with anyone who will take it. Every once in a while a BCS team will get off it's high horse and accept that, Oklahoma State and Florida State have recently signed home and homes with Boise. They don't act like spoiled children though. They have stated countless times that they realize the importance of winning all their games and what it means if they don't.

    They are 9-3 since 2007 against BCS teams; losing to Michigan State last year, and Washington and East Carolina in 2007. Chris Peterson has a record of 61-5 overall at Boise. Also, you are right when you said he recruits nobodys. He gets players other teams over look. We are usually around the 40-60 area in recruiting ranking yet we are usually a top 15 team, 20 or so this year. Haven't checked recently. Boise gets players that are going to work hard on and off the field and, other then Titus Young, avoid players that cause distractions. Just this year they dismissed two of their best defensive players, Sam Ukwuachu (Now with Baylor) and Lee Hightower (Now with Houston) for team violations. Even Titus Young was suspended for almost his entire Sophomore. Boise State is often criticized for lacking in academics, which is just stupid. Look up any academic ranking of football programs and Boise football team is likely in the top five. Obviously this way of recruiting does alright. Boise currently has 21 former players in the NFL and has had 10 drafted in the last 3 years including 6 in 2012. Not overly impressive but obviously the talent is there.

    TCU was also doing fine in the Big 12 before their QB went to rehab. If he can stay on the field this year then I'd bet on them winning the Big 12. Unless Texas finally plays like Texas.

    Also, Nebraska sucks. What ranked team get beat 70-31 by an unranked team? Also, it seems like Taylor Martinez has been their quarterback for like 8 years.

    Also, why hasn't anyone told me that the Dolphins suck yet?

  2. TESO is going to be stupid, especially with all of the really strong open-world games coming out. Only saw a bit of the horror gameplay but that stuff doesn't really interest me. Although the Cube mod for Fallout 3 was pretty scary at times, I recommend that if you still have Fallout 3 on your PC.

  3. Just do a console command to send you somewhere else. I can't think of the ones where you choose a town to go to but if you have a quest marker that is outside of the hotel just select that quest click the ~ button and type movetoqt. I'm pretty sure that's it, I haven't used it in a while.

    When the fuck do we get to hear about Fallout 4?

  4. I'm glad some of you assholes finally took notice of this game.

    I'm hoping the sheer scale of the game will attract me. Also, is it open-world or linear story-line?

    The game is open-world set across the sol system. Confirmed Planets are Earth, Venus, Mars, earth's moon also has been confirmed. They've been pretty vague about the story. Apparently it will be told in chapters like in a book, or sort of like the Live-action trailer above, but whether the story will go along a set a quest lines for each class like TOR or something cooler we don't know. I guessing something different because they've said that the most important element of this game is the coop play.

    but the game looks really shiny

    It's too shiny? Really?

  5. It's set during WWII and at the beginning there's a wedding between a British RAF pilot and some unimportant woman. Well then after there wedding they get in a car crash and the pilot gets paralysed and can't fly anymore. I think it fast forwards a little and you see some British generals walking through and airfield littered with planes. Well turns out all the planes are fakes or something and will just be used as a diversion. Well then some German spy shows up and takes pictures of them all, gets seen, runs away, steals a boat, boat sinks, washes up on island populated only by the couple that was mentioned before.

    To make a longer story short he kills the man sleeps with the wife then the wife finds her husband and when the german guy is about to escape to a german u-boat she shoots him. I can't think of the name and it's bothering me so tell me if you think of it. I'd try google but frankly I have no idea what I'd google. Also is Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb a good movie?

  6. Ok?

    The concept art looks borderlandsish to me.

    Well it's just concept art not in game footage. The GTA concept art would make you think the same thing. Watch the PS4 video it shows more gameplay, it's not cel.

    pretty vague details on what it is. MMO fps?

    Looks pretty sick tho

    This is just me guessing on what I've read but it seems like in "Campaign" single player and coop are the same thing. I'm guessing that when you start up your game and enter the world it will be like a server because it will always be running but it will be your personal server which your friends can be apart of, I don't know what player size limitations might be. I see it kind of like a Madden Online Franchise as in you create it and invite who you want to be apart of it. When your enter some sort of market thing it lets you see other players and you can also come across the while doing missions but its your choice if you want to play with them or ignore them, maybe in the options you could turn of seeing other players in your game.

    They said it isn't an MMO, plus there is no sub fee. I'm not sure whether there will be leveling or not, I hope not, but armor customization is a big thing and it sounds like they might be going for a borderlands type thing with the guns. Again just speculation, their teaser was more like a teaser of a teaser.

  7. Didnt watch the video... But im not into cell shaded graphics... Wasnt able to get into borderlands as a result...

    Edit: having watched it, it looks like next gen games will have epic scale.

    Had to google cell shaded graphics to know what you were talking about, it actually just Cel shaded graphics. Definitely not what Bungie is about and I wouldn't compare it with Borderlands. Honestly they really haven't said shit about the game but I would be very surprised if it ending up being anything like borderlands or a typical MMO. By the way it's not an MMO either but does supposedly share some aspects. Which aspects? Again they've said almost nothing about the game.

  8. Meh.

    You should read the gameplay bit on the wiki or maybe it's just not for you.

    Well, hell. If they've got the thing in the sky to protect them, why are they trying to reclaim the abandoned colonies? Why are they afraid of the alien threat?

    The thing in the sky is dead just picture it as a floating carcass above the city. Almost all the humans were killed during the collapse as the only survivors were on Earth and have come together in the last City on Earth. I'm guessing they just want the colonies back and there's probably a lot more aliens than humans. Just picture Earth right now as Africa during the time period when all of Europe just started grabbing all the land they could. Watch the video if you haven't.