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Posts posted by evan466

  1. To be more realistic they should be less forceful. Oh, so I had a little fender bender with a cop car well don't shoot me just write me a ticket. God knows I'm not letting them arrest me and take all my weapons away. It would be cool if they could script cops to act different in certain situations. Like if you're just camping in your house, maybe instead of running in like lunatics and getting killed they could throw in some tear gas. Maybe even throw in a negotiator who calls you on your cell phone.

  2. Well when I was making my Steam profile I didn't feel like being creative so I just put evan. It was taken, but steam recommened evan466 so I took it. I've since changed by steam name to The Man With No Name, named after my favorite movie character. But steam messed up and it shows me as being evan466 sometimes and other times The Man With No Name. chuck571 was created when my step-dad was making my X-Box live profile. When he was asked for a "name" he just put his name followed by the numbers 571. I like it because it's simple and I have no intention of paying 10 dollars to change it.

  3. Hello, I'm Evan. I've been on a few of Marney-1's fansites: the red dead one which I was on a lot for a while and then the Rockstarspy one which I hardly ever got on. I guess I just go where ever Marney goes. Anyways, my musical tastes are classic rock for the most part ie: The Doors (my favorite), Beatles, CCR, ect. I also like a lot of 40's music Frank Sinatra being my favorite. I'm also a big Elvis fan but he deffinitly isn't to popular anymore. Anytime I bring it up people say, "ha, he died on the toliet". He didn't.

    Anyways, Rockstar is my favorite developer right now, all their games seems pretty solid, though I've heard Max Payne sucked but I didn't get it. So I try and keep up to date on any game they're making. Which is my main reason for coming to sites like this, they usually keep pretty up to date with news. I usually don't comment too much.

    Games, my favorite game of all time is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Has my favorite Star Wars character in it which would be the Jedi Revan. I'm usually good at any multiplayer game for about the first month but then I stop playing and everybody gets better weapons than me and then I suck. The only game I'm always good at is Halo. Red Dead Redemption is my favorite Rockstar game but I've only play that, L.A. Noire, and GTA 4 so my choices are pretty limited.

    I'd say thats a pretty good place to stop. Hopefully GTA 5 will be great and won't be delayed. If it sucks and is delayed then you can blaime me for jinxing it.