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Everything posted by narcolepsy

  1. narcolepsy

    XBOX One

    Lazy development, shitty hardware whatever it is, I just won't defend it. There is no reason you should have to play with a meager 30fps. I think 60 is fairly shitty too sooo...
  2. narcolepsy

    XBOX One

    Yeah in that regard it really does suck. Bully scholarship edition is locked to 30fps and gets buggy when unlocked with a mod. I find a lot of games I've played arent like that thankfully. You can't tell a difference... when YouTube will re-encode any video to 30fps. This is why any xFPS vs xFPS videos on YouTube don't look any different.
  3. narcolepsy

    XBOX One

    You can have both on your PC.
  4. narcolepsy


    You're stuck then, i heard on the grapevine you can edit your console savefile with special tools but it seems like a right pain.
  5. narcolepsy

    XBOX One

    You don't need anything to notice a difference in FPS. 30 is significantly more choppy than 60. This is just one thing I can't agree with, and the fact it's going to be 30 fps seems more like lazy developers to me. This isn't a case of it being underpowered [a glance at the specs tells me this can do far more than 30fps]. Ran a google search and all I can find is these: http://www.digitalsp...n-xbox-one.html Which states it's because: which kinda seems like maybe QTE or something was too fast for players? That said at the same time Capcom are just lazy these days and even their PC games are locked to 30fps all too often. This: Were apparently players preferred motion blur [what the fuck man, this is a game I had a special interest in and motion blur sux] Aswell as a few others but those were general shovelware [Kinect lets play with grandma edition etc] and oddly Watch Dogs which runs at 30 on both PS4 and Xbox One [makes sense, that game is going to be an early boundary pusher for both consoles]. Is there an article detailing the blanket on all games? tl;dr 30 FPS is unacceptable.
  6. narcolepsy


    Console commands to teleport you to a certain area. coc <cell name> - Force fast travel to town/area (Example: coc Jacobstown) The coc command doesn't work for all locations in the game, it's also fairly heavy on lower-end systems and can cause freezing. Unless of cause you're one of them console QDs, then you're fucked and stuck there.
  7. narcolepsy

    XBOX One

    Absolute conjecture made up by console gamers as a reason that they don't need PC's. The Hobbit is plain evidence that it's nothing more than bong water.
  8. narcolepsy


    Santiago919 guys... he's here all night.
  9. Fuck rick. Fuck him so fucking much. Saw the first few mins of talking dead. Chris Jericho was right when he talked about carol. I am fairly certain this is a precursor to
  10. narcolepsy


    That's they way I always played. Three Dog made out like I was a total dick but my thing was I'd do shit for people, but take some of their supplies, lowering my karma
  11. London is not the sticks lol BT just sucks
  12. narcolepsy


    Finishing fallout new vegas definitely hasn't left me wanting to pick that thing up anymore. What the fuck kind of ending is that to not carry on back in the Mojave? I even have all the DLC for it [some of which like the useless tribal pack isn't worth a penny aside from being early cap fodder] and it doesn't carry on. Unless I use the console I'm stuck, also worth mentioning that Legate is the most overpowered dick in gaming existence, and I tried to beat Vorack first day in runescape, so that's saying something. I'm probably going to go back to 3 and sink a few hundred more hours into it, finally going to give some mods a go. PS: Is the Wanderer/Courier is portrayed as a slight antagonist, he should definitely be played by Jon Bernthall.
  13. narcolepsy


    Yeah, I figured, I asked a buddy about it and he literally said "bethesda fucked up and make super mutants hostile, in lore they're originally friendly"
  14. d-o you seriously have that "neighbour from office space look" going on
  15. If you're using it vertically, don't. I'm not sure where this idea came from that standing them up is a good idea (some photographer taking promo shots probably thought it looked better) but in the drive assembly there is a small piece of plastic [iirc] that is missing that secures disks so they can be safely played standing up. There are certain drives [samsung I think] that has that piece and is a little safer. The matter of fact is, a horizontal setup is better for everything, including cooling. I found when I was trying to cook my xbox to have red rings since I used it Horizontal I could never even get it remotely hot [this is a xenon btw]. Flipped it up vertically, played it for an hour and the fans were really going. This is kinda why as a medium I prefer Blu-ray, they're expensive and flash memory is faster, cheaper and more compact but they have that anti scratch TDK technology that is pretty cool and most other disc mediums cant match.
  16. narcolepsy


    Crazy. Approached Jacobstown and saw a few super mutants, scoped the joint out and saw tonnes of them so I healed up, equipped best weapons and got ready for a war and then found out they're friendly in new vegas.
  17. narcolepsy


    I bought New Vegas but don't enjoy it nearly as much, I think the main storyline sucks compared to 3, sneak seems to be completely broken too since I'm 50 yards behind a guy, theres no way he can detect me yet he miraculously seems to spot me
  18. I don't. The guy is a joke and has suffered dearly because he thought he would have his men around him 24/7. I wouldn't even be surprised if that Martinez guy who looks like Mark Hunt actually channels Mark Hunt and kabosh's him.
  19. narcolepsy


    I'm saying it's a nice feature, most people don't respond to "my console sounds like a jet engine, should i give it a rest maybe" so maybe a red line that says "please turn me off" might work a bit better. the issue with leaded/unleaded solder doesn't stem from environmental issues, it comes from the people working in factories in China inhaling lead fumes 18 hours a day.
  20. Can't look past Page when she was on Trailer Park Boys, so everytime I see her I think of her trying to fit in with Ricky lol. Honest thoughts, the game has the look and marketing of a triple AAA game but it falls short. Graphics are real pretty but the gameplay is sorely lacking because of it. Bit of a marmite game
  21. Don't get me wrong, that entire episode was basically a piss break (other than the discovery about Carol and them seeing that huge build up) but I'd never miss a bit. I know the show isn't really the greatest harbor of logic but the threat has never been the zombies because multiple seasons of just killing zombies would never engage you for long enough. Dead Rising was basically the game of TWD before the games existed considering the zombies were really a minor annoyance and the real threats and enjoyment from the game stemmed from scavenging and the psychopaths, just like The Walking Dead. The governor is low tier psychopath at best, he's weak and grew soft because of the resources he had to hand.