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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. How fucking insecure do you have to be to avoid a sport because it has too much "man on man" contact.

    Rugby has a fair bit of that and is one of the ultimate sports, right up there with wrestling which is probably one of the most physically demanding sports in existence.

    I bet you're one of those guys who is anxious as fuck when it comes to showering post sports.

    Looks like united are done anyway. Liverpool are looking strong. Truly a shocker

  2. Carl annoys me.

    He's been a complete douche thus far, but he appears to be going towards the Carl in the comics who was for all intents and purposes, a very good character.

    I'm disappointed there are no twins. I want him to kill Ben.

    People that haven't read the comics are getting babied, honestly. Things are so much worse in there. Fucking Tyrese...

    ben was a dick man. Best thing Carl ever did was that. It's moments like that that make me miss Shane.

  3. and there has been no indication that anything resembling a prepping community exists in this world,

    Tyreese mentioned he and his sister stayed with a friend in a bunker until they ran out of food.

    "As the outbreak began, he and his younger sister Sasha stayed in a bunker in their neighbor Jerry's backyard for about 7 months until they ran out of supplies. After that, they met up with Allen, Donna and Ben and joined a larger group, which had about 25 survivors at one point. The camp was eventually overrun, and many were killed. For about 6 weeks they wandered until they arrived at the prison. "

  4. icon11.gif

    Having not read the comics, I think it allows me to enjoy the show more than the rest of you lol

    My issue is that as a person that understands prepping, it flies in the face of basic logic.

    Why aren't the fences manned 24/7? Why aren't kids being educated as children basic survival (Carol was but not with approval of the leader of the group). Why are precious resources wasted on communal areas that a PRISON is bound to have?!?

    In terms of logic, the train derailed, did a barrel roll and blew up killing everybody on board.

  5. A bus carrying three people at first, drove from Koumakan.

    When it made a stop at Hakugyokurou, one passenger came down and a half-person hopped in.

    Then at Yakumo's place, two people got off, so how many people are left on the bus?

    The answer is? The answer is? Nobody! Nobody!

    And why is that? Because...


  6. I don't think George can take him down. And Cain, I think I picked JDS second fight but if Cain keeps coming forward and threating with strikes and TD's like he did second fight he has it in the bag. If that happens I hope Junior trained off his back and isn't just looking to keep getting back up.

  7. He was bite-free. They wouldn't have made the connection until he'd already gone zed.

    I think it's implied that it might be in the water supply, as the pig also dies from it. Rick needs to stop being a pussy goddamn, this is why i prefer shane. Shane would have everybody out along those fences making sure there wasnt a build up and precious resources wouldnt be wasted on communal shit.

  8. glad i wasn't the only one that saw this episode was basically guys macking on women?

    Tyreese/White woman

    Glenn/Maggie (as soon as she wasn't duffed he was all over that ass with his hands)



    entire episode was just guys being total macks.

    Am i to believe they didn't scout the store before they went in to scavenge? from a far off distance and a pair of binoculars (basic scavenging technique, make sure nobody is there before you go there), or surely they'd hear the fucking zombies on the roof groaning and shit?

    Amateur hour or what?

  9. show has officially gone batshit, they've wasted precious reinforcement resources by fuarking building communal shit that's attracted moar walkers, meanwhile they aren't killing the walkers as soon as they show up, giving the walkers time to gather and push away at the fences.

    B- for this episode.

    >zac efron cut

    the official cut of any apocalypse is the buzz cut or the short back and sides. men AND women.

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