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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. Just got a 2 day Bad Sport, over my 2 days off a week, for blowing up my mates cars with Sticky Bombs. It's fucking GTA, a game full of mayhem, carnage, murder and hookers, but blowing up my boosting fucking mates cars makes me a bad sport? Now I can't play with mates, I can't do any races and I can't get a mission, for 2 full fucking days. I used to think the 5 minute probation on COD was a pain in the arse. Fuck R* for this bullshit, whoever came up with this idea is a fucking idiot. Honestly, I was enjoying GTAO so much, but Ill be lucky if I ever switch it back on now, I'm sick with this shit!

    This is why I don't bother with official online expansions for GTA ;)

    IV was Crap, V has this "bad sport" shit.

    back to SA:MP for me

  2. I used to get these on the back of my Rizlas. Fond memories.

    Acting on a tip of, the police raid a flat to arrest a suspected murderer. They don't know what he looks like but they know his name and know that he is in the flat. The police burst into the flat and see a bricklayer, cab driver, an electrician and a fireman. They immediately arrest the firemen . How do they know they've got the murderer?

    The fireman is the only one who isn't dead!!!

  3. Confirmed not pay to win. All guns, grenades, car upgrades, even clothing and hairstyles need a minimum lv to unlock. Unlocking is only done through doing missions and doing various activites around the city. Money for the most part is easy to get, but not in large amounts. 5kish on a good Deathmatch match can get you max the ammo for any early gun.

    Hardly confirmation, a person who buys cash still has an advantage at every level.

  4. I have 361 hours put into San Andreas, and that's just what was tracked on PC by Xfire (I made the mistake of stopping X Fire booting on startup), but It wouldn't be a stretch to suggest I put a minimum of 1000 hrs into the PC version alone, and I had the PS2 version for like 2-3 years before I got San Andreas for PC. I'll get bored of Five fairly soon but it isn't a stretch to say its a game you could get bored of.

  5. I'm having a hard time playing with Micheal after seeing what he did to Trevor, especially since

    Trevor wasn't even willing to help Franklin take out Micheal yet Micheal was so quick to do what he did.

    Man that shit was dark and cruel... I was on Micheal's side the whole story up untill that point.

    Trevor was right about him all along -_-

    I like to think ending c is Canon. Not a big fan of

    any of the 3 dying

  6. You never play free roam on a non-spawn server on SAMP when some douchy 13 year old script kiddy with mod s0beit shows up?

    Here's what happens, you're playing fairly, when out of nowhere... HOLY FUCK, HUNTER AND 4 BILLION ROCKETS and you're dead.

    these people never go for modding cars or that shit, always something they can be as cheap as possible with.