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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. I don't know the original wording, nor the source but I'll phrase it like this:

    There was a bird, that flew south and found itself in a cold land, it hit the ground, was quickly snowed over and froze. at some point, along came an animal that took a shit on the bird, melting the snow, still buried the bird began to chirp and attracted another animal, which dragged him out of the shit, and promptly ate him. The moral of the story? The person who takes a shit on you, is not always your enemy and the person who drags you out of the shit is not always your friend.

  2. eurogamer notes from a friend who was there

    I went to Eurogamer yesterday and thought I'd share my thoughts with you guys.

    Overall, the event was.... thoroughly underwhelming, to be honest.

    Yes, it's for the public and yes, it's probably more geared to console gamers than PC gamers. And they're likely to enjoy queueing to see the latest games on the latest consoles. If you're a PC gamer, though, the wow of the graphics was nothing new. I guess it's good that PC and consoles can produce equally good games, but it does detract from the feeling that this is meant to be something better.

    Most of the PS4 games were not running on PS4 - there were dummy consoles and the controller wires ran out to the back, presumably to a PC. War Thunder (running on such a PC) had horrible physics and my friend said it doesn't run anything like his Steam version. The only game we played on the PS4 itself (with the exception perhaps of a pointless Snake-like drawing demo) was DriveClub, a special 2 lap challenge version. For a game that's weeks away from release, it played horribly. It kept lagging (whenever an event happened like an on-screen message, it froze for a second). I got a fraction of a wheel off the track and span several times, as did my friend who is much more into his driving games. And somehow, I managed to get my car on two wheels, climbing up a wall, by merely going towards the wall! I was not impressed. That said, the controller felt like a vast improvement.

    The Xbox One looked nice, quite bulky but nice. The controller was nice, quite comfortable. The sticks feel a bit looser than the 360 sticks. However, Forza was not an impressive title to demonstrate with. It looked like a 360 game - like the last Forza. I think the day one pack-in titles are terrible choices - FIFA I guess I can understand to tempt the sports fans, but it doesn't interest me in the slightest. Forza would have been my choice, but after seeing that, I'd rather save my money. Maybe I'll get one when the price has dropped but it's vastly overpriced at the moment. I'd rather put that money towards a nice PC. Incidentally, Gran Turismo 6 looked a lot like Forza. I wasn't overwhelmed, but it's probably a title I'd pick up when it comes down in price, as I like the series (well, I did the earlier titles, anyway).

    A lot of the games were rehashes. It's depressing that the video games industry is leaning towards just churning out sequel after sequel. To be honest, I loved my GoldenEye, Counter:Strike, Unreal Tournament, Call of Duty etc. but I'm getting bored of the whole genre now. There's only so much shooting people that I can take before it gets boring. Oh look, new COD - it has somewhat different areas and some new guns! Yawn.

    That said, some of the titles that impressed me the most were nothing new per se, but they were done well. The likes of Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8 and the Zelda titles looked good. My friend was trying to get me to pre-order the last Xbox One in his shop on the train up there. Another friend was trying to tempt me towards the PS4. After what I saw yesterday, I think I'll be leaning towards.... Wii U.

    I saw Fable Anniversary, the Holiday 2013 build. It was very buggy, but it does show promise. Well hey, Fable was great anyway... remastering it can't be bad! It's somewhat surprising that they're releasing it on 360, though... although from one point of view, nice that all the games are on one platform. Maybe that'll lead to a re-remastering in future! :P

    Ryse is supposed to be good, but I didn't get to see it as the queue was HUGE. Which brings me to another point - overall organization.

    For anyone who has been to a trade-only show in the past, this was poorly executed. There could have been more stuff there. There certainly could have been more freebies. When it's actually a public show with people paying, you'd hope for freebies. And Gamestars Live was an EXCELLENT public show. This just seemed smaller and not as well organized. You had to queue for EVERYTHING. I'm pretty sure they geared it towards you having to buy a full weekend pass for more money.

    Microsoft had a competition to win prizes, such as an Xbox One. You got a card given to you at whatever game you chose to preview, stamped. It has ten games on it, you can get a stamp for each game. The more stamps you get, the more chance you have of winning. Sounds good, right? Well, actually - no! Firstly, you have to queue a good hour to see each game, plus the time playing it. Yesterday was 10 hours long, although our tickets only got us in for the last five hours. Which makes it impossible to get many stamps in a day. Furthermore, the draws are made on the hour, every hour. And you have to have handed your card in to enter. So you have to decide whether to just enter, or try to build those points up. Plus you have to actually be there to hear the prize draw and redeem it. So basically, you have to spend two days on the Microsoft stands queueing to be able to enter the draw on the third day! Some of the Microsoft stands were open, so you could see the screens, but others (e.g. Ryse, Fable) were in a room.

    Sony had a slightly better system, in that they made you queue to enter their area. There was a giant screen showing demos and behind the scenes stuff (including a video showing developers working on Little Big Planet) to keep you entertained in the queue, but it was a lot of standing around with nowhere to sit. I think possibly Microsoft had a line for those with disabilities, as some people in wheelchairs and crutches went ahead of us from a small adjacent line. I don't think Sony had that facility, but I could be wrong. The queue was in the usual snaking barriers. A nice feature was three PS Vita stations at each end, allowing you to try out some games. However, they were a bad choice of games for a moving queue as they had long load times... I didn't get to actually play anything! They then had a PS4 in a cabinet on the last corner to ooh and aah over. On the final straight, you got handed a lanyard and two tickets - each being redeemable for one game from a list. Sounded disappointing that we were being limited, but I think that may have been for the challenge games. There were still pods that you could play other titles on, so it was quite good. You had to re-queue for the 18+ area, though.

    They really need to do something to cut down the queues - perhaps have more going on so there would be shorter queues, at least for some games. And, considering we don't really have trade events over here any more, they should have made one day dedicated to press and trade only. In fact, yesterday WAS originally press only, but I think they opened it up when tickets sold out. And, as I said, there really should have been more freebies. I came out with a Turtle Beach bracelet. I saw some people with posters. And a few had Fable t-shirts - God knows how they got those. I overheard a Microsoft representative on the Fable stand say "we've given out our quota for today" so maybe he was talking about t-shirts and they gave them out early.

    Overall, I wasn't that impressed with the event, or the titles coming out. I was more impressed with the stuff coming out for the older consoles (Fable and the Nintendo stuff) than anything. Bit sad, really. Oh, and the Oculus Rift was very interesting... particularly in conjunction with the Virtuality-esque OMNI treadmill! I didn't get to see the VRX iMotion up close, but it looked good from the top floor!

    should I X-post into the xbox 360 thread?

  3. eurogamer notes from a friend who was there

    I went to Eurogamer yesterday and thought I'd share my thoughts with you guys.

    Overall, the event was.... thoroughly underwhelming, to be honest.

    Yes, it's for the public and yes, it's probably more geared to console gamers than PC gamers. And they're likely to enjoy queueing to see the latest games on the latest consoles. If you're a PC gamer, though, the wow of the graphics was nothing new. I guess it's good that PC and consoles can produce equally good games, but it does detract from the feeling that this is meant to be something better.

    Most of the PS4 games were not running on PS4 - there were dummy consoles and the controller wires ran out to the back, presumably to a PC. War Thunder (running on such a PC) had horrible physics and my friend said it doesn't run anything like his Steam version. The only game we played on the PS4 itself (with the exception perhaps of a pointless Snake-like drawing demo) was DriveClub, a special 2 lap challenge version. For a game that's weeks away from release, it played horribly. It kept lagging (whenever an event happened like an on-screen message, it froze for a second). I got a fraction of a wheel off the track and span several times, as did my friend who is much more into his driving games. And somehow, I managed to get my car on two wheels, climbing up a wall, by merely going towards the wall! I was not impressed. That said, the controller felt like a vast improvement.

    The Xbox One looked nice, quite bulky but nice. The controller was nice, quite comfortable. The sticks feel a bit looser than the 360 sticks. However, Forza was not an impressive title to demonstrate with. It looked like a 360 game - like the last Forza. I think the day one pack-in titles are terrible choices - FIFA I guess I can understand to tempt the sports fans, but it doesn't interest me in the slightest. Forza would have been my choice, but after seeing that, I'd rather save my money. Maybe I'll get one when the price has dropped but it's vastly overpriced at the moment. I'd rather put that money towards a nice PC. Incidentally, Gran Turismo 6 looked a lot like Forza. I wasn't overwhelmed, but it's probably a title I'd pick up when it comes down in price, as I like the series (well, I did the earlier titles, anyway).

    A lot of the games were rehashes. It's depressing that the video games industry is leaning towards just churning out sequel after sequel. To be honest, I loved my GoldenEye, Counter:Strike, Unreal Tournament, Call of Duty etc. but I'm getting bored of the whole genre now. There's only so much shooting people that I can take before it gets boring. Oh look, new COD - it has somewhat different areas and some new guns! Yawn.

    That said, some of the titles that impressed me the most were nothing new per se, but they were done well. The likes of Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8 and the Zelda titles looked good. My friend was trying to get me to pre-order the last Xbox One in his shop on the train up there. Another friend was trying to tempt me towards the PS4. After what I saw yesterday, I think I'll be leaning towards.... Wii U.

    I saw Fable Anniversary, the Holiday 2013 build. It was very buggy, but it does show promise. Well hey, Fable was great anyway... remastering it can't be bad! It's somewhat surprising that they're releasing it on 360, though... although from one point of view, nice that all the games are on one platform. Maybe that'll lead to a re-remastering in future! :P

    Ryse is supposed to be good, but I didn't get to see it as the queue was HUGE. Which brings me to another point - overall organization.

    For anyone who has been to a trade-only show in the past, this was poorly executed. There could have been more stuff there. There certainly could have been more freebies. When it's actually a public show with people paying, you'd hope for freebies. And Gamestars Live was an EXCELLENT public show. This just seemed smaller and not as well organized. You had to queue for EVERYTHING. I'm pretty sure they geared it towards you having to buy a full weekend pass for more money.

    Microsoft had a competition to win prizes, such as an Xbox One. You got a card given to you at whatever game you chose to preview, stamped. It has ten games on it, you can get a stamp for each game. The more stamps you get, the more chance you have of winning. Sounds good, right? Well, actually - no! Firstly, you have to queue a good hour to see each game, plus the time playing it. Yesterday was 10 hours long, although our tickets only got us in for the last five hours. Which makes it impossible to get many stamps in a day. Furthermore, the draws are made on the hour, every hour. And you have to have handed your card in to enter. So you have to decide whether to just enter, or try to build those points up. Plus you have to actually be there to hear the prize draw and redeem it. So basically, you have to spend two days on the Microsoft stands queueing to be able to enter the draw on the third day! Some of the Microsoft stands were open, so you could see the screens, but others (e.g. Ryse, Fable) were in a room.

    Sony had a slightly better system, in that they made you queue to enter their area. There was a giant screen showing demos and behind the scenes stuff (including a video showing developers working on Little Big Planet) to keep you entertained in the queue, but it was a lot of standing around with nowhere to sit. I think possibly Microsoft had a line for those with disabilities, as some people in wheelchairs and crutches went ahead of us from a small adjacent line. I don't think Sony had that facility, but I could be wrong. The queue was in the usual snaking barriers. A nice feature was three PS Vita stations at each end, allowing you to try out some games. However, they were a bad choice of games for a moving queue as they had long load times... I didn't get to actually play anything! They then had a PS4 in a cabinet on the last corner to ooh and aah over. On the final straight, you got handed a lanyard and two tickets - each being redeemable for one game from a list. Sounded disappointing that we were being limited, but I think that may have been for the challenge games. There were still pods that you could play other titles on, so it was quite good. You had to re-queue for the 18+ area, though.

    They really need to do something to cut down the queues - perhaps have more going on so there would be shorter queues, at least for some games. And, considering we don't really have trade events over here any more, they should have made one day dedicated to press and trade only. In fact, yesterday WAS originally press only, but I think they opened it up when tickets sold out. And, as I said, there really should have been more freebies. I came out with a Turtle Beach bracelet. I saw some people with posters. And a few had Fable t-shirts - God knows how they got those. I overheard a Microsoft representative on the Fable stand say "we've given out our quota for today" so maybe he was talking about t-shirts and they gave them out early.

    Overall, I wasn't that impressed with the event, or the titles coming out. I was more impressed with the stuff coming out for the older consoles (Fable and the Nintendo stuff) than anything. Bit sad, really. Oh, and the Oculus Rift was very interesting... particularly in conjunction with the Virtuality-esque OMNI treadmill! I didn't get to see the VRX iMotion up close, but it looked good from the top floor!

    should I X-post into the xbox 360 thread?

  4. Somebody did some snooping around and found a bunch of evidence that suggests you'll be able to buy cash.

    We all have read some comments in the subreddit about it's quite hard making money in the game, properties are not very profitable, and the missions that affect the stock market seem to be too few and too early.

    I think I might have found why. When you open the store section in the pause menu, it says there is nothing available yet, but the console requests this file.

    It's a plain XML file where you will see that besides of the downlodable content from the special editions, there are 4 so-called "cash cards", ranging from $100,000 to $1,250,000.

    I may be wrong and I sincerely hope I am, but to me this looks like the explanation of why it's so hard to make money in the game: at some point (when GTAO starts?) you're supposed to buy game money with real money :(

    This seems very un-Rockstar-y to me, so I want to believe there are other plausible explanations:

    • It's just a test, since it was not supposed to be public. Maybe something used internally?
    • They are redeemable items, not something you buy with real money. Maybe the prizes of some Social Club sweepstakes?

    tl;dr: making money is hard because you're supposed to buy game money with real money at some point

    xml file sez the following

    "Cash is king in this town. Solve your money problems and help get what you want across Los Santos and Blaine County with the purchase of cash packs for Grand Theft Auto Online. All purchased cash is automatically deposited into your character’s bank account. Spend wisely, cash therapy is fleeting."

    Imgs of cards:





    brb 100%ing and selling game

  5. My list of negatives:

    1. A grandma car can climb a 90° angled mountain just as an off-road truck can.

    2. Cars stop a little bit to fast and turn just a tad bit sharp in my opinion.

    3. There are not enough car customizing options.

    4. After about 10 hours of game play time in GTA5 I want to say that there aren't enough things to spend money on but I am not 100% sure yet. (anything else I can spend money on besides cars, garages or investing in stuff)?


    1. Can forcing your car up a steep mountain affect the engine performance.

    2. Can crashing affect your car's engine performance?

    You've been whinging about the fucking driving for ages now. Can you shut the fuck up already?

  6. Since somebody wanted to ruin the endings for me, then link me to them, here they are. Lets discuss them.

    A. Franklin kills Trevor

    B. Franklin kills Micheal

    C. They all live happily ever after

    I think A. is the best one, because Trevor is a horrible person, who I love playing as, so I'll choose C when I get there.

    Since somebody wanted to ruin the endings for me, then link me to them, here they are. Lets discuss them.

    A. Franklin kills Trevor B. Franklin kills Micheal C. They all live happily ever after I think A. is the best one, because Trevor is a horrible person, who I love playing as, so I'll choose C when I get there.

    More details

    trevor gets fucken burned

    michael gets capped

  7. But I'm guessing that new users of the site ( who probably used Google to find igta5/ searching for GTA V related stuff ) would of probably had a few problems, and might of even been infected if their Firewall or Anti-Virus wasn't up too scratch.

    There was nothing malicious on the site, I thought I might not have been getting it because my security is beefy but I booted up my old test laptop and couldn't catch anything on it. Curious as to what actually caused it. False reports?

  8. Don't worry, it won't "Fail". Neither will your precious Xbox One...

    I've already told you, I haven't pre-ordered either and won't be buying either.

    Don't throw a hissy fit because Sony themselves said the PS3 was a failure.

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