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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. Kuz raised (albeit was copy and pasted) an excellent point.

    It should be black and white. Realistic or not. And if realistic is the direction they go in, it won't be a game I buy.

    I've had the game just over a week and already i've had more fun and spent close to the same amount of time playing GTA V as I did IV.

    BTW the driving in GTA IV wasn't realistic. Everything handled like you had bald tyres on wet muddy roads. If you're from some backwards ass town where the tyres have less treads than you have teeth, fair enough, but no car controls like that with good tyres and dry roads.

  2. I have noticed the same cars seem to spawn quite often. I saw about 8 Bullets in 1 block.
    They still haven't fixed that?
    There is nothing to be fixed pal!(spoken with Michael's voice) It's a Vram limitation thing, the more car models are loaded in the traffic, the more ram usage. Traffic has more variety than IV imo.
    Well, it is a bit of an issue that should be fixed. I loathe seeing 8 million of the same cars in one spot. It breaks my immersion. And how is the vehicle damage? I saw some leaked gameplay and it didn't look to great. I'm not "hating" either, I'm just stating my opinion.

    that was on an armored vehicle

  3. Killzone is going to be cool for one week, then dry up just like every other killzone game, which no one ever talks about.

    Yeah I always noticed that, they get hyped up beyond recognition then release and... nothing.

    I thought the first game was a bit dire, as did most impartial news sources (IGN was impartial at one point, holy shit.) but the multiplayer on the second was alright (Didn't play that much though, Call of Duty 4 multiplayer was still the best thing since sliced bread back then), single player wasn't up to much and I never got round to finishing it it was a PS3 tech demo though really. Never bothered with 3.

  4. TBA on the external storage? I know PS4 has a user changeable HD but whats the hold up causing the TBA? OS must be finished by now.

    For people in the US XBone makes a pretty sweet media centre, still remains to be seen if Netflix fee is inc in gold membership or if it has to be still (PSN users will have to pay, kinda sux). I wanna see what the tv deals will be like over here, ps4 was obviously tempting to me cause it's what most of my friends are buying but i mainly use consoles as media centers, and i can probably get some kind of android device that will be better than xbox and ps4