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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. What was the premise behind the first RDR?

    I don't know, I never played it, we had a shonky copy for Xbox that crashed halfway through the first level, I know its Cowboys though.

    Here's the cliffs of the wikipedia article


    -Wild west

    -Find gold and make two special revolvers

    -bro gets taken by goddamn mexicans

    - mexican army sends guy to kill a guy, they're successful

    -his kid finds gun

    -becomes bounty hunter

    onwards from there.

  2. I'm not sure if I'm going to like where this is going (however it will still be an excellent tv show despite that) because I love Greedy and evil Walter.

    Explanation which spoils S5 part 2's first episode.

    Blood money shows Walter's strengths and what allowed him to get this far begin to fade; intimidation and manipulation When Lydia tried to get him back into the meth game, Skyler scared her away, not him. When he lied to Jesse about Mike, Jesse didn't believe him.. When Hank attacked him, Walter's silver tongue nor Heisenberg's attitude saved him. It's the beginning of his end for Walter, whether that be Greedy Walter, or Walter as whole.

  3. This is the most unforgiveable. -

    They out-jewed an import website that was small but catered to a lot of people, and flat out lied in the courts.

    Lik Sang strongly disagrees with Sony's opinion that their customers need this kind of protection and pointed out that PSP consoles shipped from Lik-Sang contained genuine Sony 100V-240V AC Adapters that carry CE and other safety marks and are compatible world wide. All PSP consoles were in conformity with all EU and UK consumer safety regulations.

  4. it is good to hear the kinect isn't mandatory anymore for the xbox to work.

    you wont have to worry about the NSA and secret information if you keep it disconnected, now that it isn't needed to use the XboxOne. problem solved!



    if you keep it disconnected, now that it isn't needed to use the XboxOne. problem solved!

  5. it is good to hear the kinect isn't mandatory anymore for the xbox to work.

    you wont have to worry about the NSA and secret information if you keep it disconnected, now that it isn't needed to use the XboxOne. problem solved!


  6. I think Agent is a spiritual LA Noire 2 - In development for donkeys and zero information for years, theres rumored to be a build floating about amongst collectors of the game that was seen in the 2006 trailer, that's the one I'd kill play.

  7. Something make me think Brian is a real old school Italian

    He dissed my fuckin' pignoli. He's the ultimate mangiacake. Also, please do not associate Jersey Shore characters with "old-school Italians".

    Jersey Shore characters are old school italians so you can fuhgedaboudit!

  8. I watched trailer park boys long before I ever touched weed and thought it was awesome, it's just a show you either like or don't like, their is no inbetween. I really love how low budget it's always seemed. Countdown to liquor day was awesome but seemed too high budget!

    No word on Trevor yet. After his internet-blog rant I seriously doubt the producers want him back.

    Apparently Barrie Dunn isn't involved, and he's the fucking jew that screwed everybody over so there's always a chance but I figure they would have announced it by now if michael jackson was back