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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. On 30/01/2017 at 6:58 PM, gtagrl said:

    Whatever you do, take the full run of antibiotics, don't stop it early if you start feeling better, otherwise it might not kill off the infection completely and you'll be in hell for weeks.


    and aid in the creation of super gonorrhea.


    this is not a joke. people stopped taking antibiotics half way through treatment for gonorrhea. The result is a strain resistent to antibiotics. terrifying

    • Like 2

  2. On 25/01/2017 at 9:14 PM, Massacre said:

    200,000 liters of oil spilled on aboriginal land in Canada, a few days ago. The assertion that these pipelines will prevent oil spills in the ocean means jack shit, if it's still spilling on land. The difference is that the oil can easily be recovered and cleaned, if it's spilled on land. That's all they give a shit about.


    There is no excuse for oil anymore. Renewable energy is cheaper and easier to set up than it's ever been before. We were making excellent strides in the right direction, and Trump is going to ruin that. Last I looked, the White House's page on climate change is fucking gone. RIP progress.


    200000 liters is next to nothing. It wouldn't even fill a swimming pool. The Saskatchewan leak wouldn't affect a water supply like a leak in the proposed one at standing rock would. I think it's time for renewables and nuclear to take the lead, but let's be clear in that not all oil spills are equal.


  3. Just caught the newest ep (water park), and the ending sequence with:



    frank going down the slide, cutting up his back and causing the aids water panic


    Had me literally screaming in laughter, I was making dolphin noises.


    FFO this you may also want to watch: Workaholics, Archer, Trailer Park Boys, and at a serious stretch, Seinfeld.


    I've watched this show so many times and keep going back to it, even though my to watch list is humongous, anybody else watched or wanting to start? Anybody watched from the very begin?

    • Like 1

  4. How are those newer smaller "point and shoot" lookalike EOS's? I was expecting something much bulkier when I saw EOS but saw it was what I had my eye on for a while.


    I have a fujifilm point and shoot, but the battery is fucking dissapointng. It drains 4 AA's so fast, not that I'd get an EOS, I'm probably selling my fujifilm and under going a rapid life change really.

  5. Seek a proper lawyer on both counts. The law could differ state to state and if he does a bunk and the police come looking you may well have been harboring a fugitive. A decent lawyer should cost between $200-$250/hr. Specialized will be more.


    Are you running background checks on your tenants? How didn't this turn up earlier?

  6. 12 hours ago, bOnEs said:

    i like what this current episode said, everyone needs a leader, you need someone the people can look to... i really liked this episode, it was a nice set up for the kingdom and hilltop and alexandria... i feel like we're gonna see some happy times, but those moments when negans crew continues to push the rest of these settlements too far are gonna be highlights... does he want to see them rebel, or are his numbers that high that he can fuck with them?


    no spoilers just an observation... i really liked this episode, after last week, we needed something that focused more on the season ahead instead of torture porn...


    Just finished watching.


    Zeke gave me vibes I just didn't get in the comics. I was genuinely sceptical of him and the kingdom.


    Shiva looked fucking awesome.

  7. 4 hours ago, bOnEs said:

    i'm looking forward to seeing the kingdom tonight... and seeing how the group plans to move forward after what happened to them in the woods... that first episode tho, that's one of the better ones in this series IMO... a lot of people found it to be too graphic and/or don't want to watch it because of who died :rolleyes: (give me a break... sincerely, game of thrones fan) but i thought it played up to the hype quite well... and i think it's gonna be a transition season, which means what we just saw might be the biggest shock moment of the season... there's gonna be a lot of "trying to get along" this season with the different settlements...


    QFT. Too many people get wayyy too wrapped up in these relationships. If somebody dying in a zombie show is difficult to watch following you shouldn't watch. Nobody in the core group is off limits at this point (both comics and tv show), and that includes Rick and Carl.

    • Like 1

  8. 12 hours ago, TheLunaticFringe said:

    I questioned life after had watching that :blink: just brutal and gave a good sense of whether you're gonna walk away alive or die.


    Anybody think that was worth the wait with that cliff they left us hanging on?


    More than worth it, that and


    killing Abraham first


    so the comic book fans got (predictably) riled up only to slap them down was fantastic.


    +1 for the liveleak special. I've seen IS videos that werent as graphic

    • Like 2

  9. i smoked weed every single day for 6 or so months and intermittently before then.

    I really can't offer much because I just "stopped".

    That's me though, I find it easy to drop a lot of habits aside from the ones that are drilled into muscle memory, such as bad posture etc.

  10. I wouldn't touch plusnet with a 40 foot pole. We were burned once when we were one of ~1k people they booted off because "unmetered" dial up according to them was being abused by us [granted, we used it alot] in 2001.

    They also had an absolute farce with sensitive emails being completely lost and they didn't have backups, and then the year after the webmail service they used had a trojan built into it.

  11. TalkTalk are wank. Avoid avoid avoid. "cheapest possible route" is not the word when it comes to the lines they use. They are absolutely god awful. Marney was a cunt but he wasn't lying when he said TalkTalk are crap.

    Sky... meh, I have family that use them and I've never seen internet as poor. 4AM in the morning, 5PM at night they're both as slow. Peak times don't exist for sky from experience.

    Just start applying pressure to Virgin, they'll start making changes. Every few years my performance gets a bit crap and when it does I talk about switching etc and it fixes itself pretty sharpish.

  12. Can't stand Fez, I think it's a gimmicky game that gets boring after ten minutes and the creator is an absolute dick [The "French Canadians are just blunt people" shit doesn't fly with me, he is purposefully a very offensive person.] as well so there's that. Braid is an example of a gimmicky game that doesn't get boring and I don't really know why since its essentially the same as Pez, a gimmicky and many puzzles based around it. The creator is an absolute dick also.

    New Rollercoaster tycoon appears to be on the way for PC and Phones, both are independant of one another but the phone version looks set up to be a pay to win cow clicker. Will probably buy the PC version first day since I put hours upon hours into the first game and it's expansion "loopy landscapes" but have never played a game in the rest of the trilogy.

  13. I think you're adorable, Cy.


    I make a point to give compliments to people who look a little uneasy, even if its just saying that I like there hoodie or s/t [especially if its baggy, I really like big baggy hoodies] because I know the effect it has on those types of people [from self experience] so you can probably fill in how that comment made me feel.

    I also bought this today, imagine a tall chubby guy in a comic book store sweating nervously trying to get up the confidence to go to the counter to buy this, in the end the lady at the counter saw the game I had sticking out of my coat pocket and made light conversation about how much she loved it and how I'd missed out not playing it already. Anxiety is a bitch.


    I haven't played much of World, but I played the heck out of Warcraft 3 and the expansion and love Arthas, so I had to have it. I also finally built up the mega bloks playset I got something like a year and a half ago so I'll take pics of that tomorrow.

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