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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. It's not uncommon for people to lose their minds on expeditions like that, especially cold ones.

    All those homeless you see that sound like they smoke pot 24/7? It's an effect of hypothermia from living through the cold cold nights. Affects the brain.


    You've never met Russian's, they're totally stoic people unless you somehow manage to piss them off. Plus, the majority of Russian people are well equipped for the cold weather that don't get all year round (look at images/google maps, the snow is only in the northern-most areas for most of the year I think. The nights are cold still, but unless you're amongst the very poorest (all those Chechen immigrants etc) you're typically kitted out for the weather there. Russians are amongst the most practical people.

  2. Yes please - I have two concepts for a sig but no skills (not even drawing ligers). If anyone has the time or inclination to attempt to make either or both of these, I would be very appreciative.

    1) This one could be used for a number of purposes. The word GINGERS (largish font) spread out along the background next to a cartoon white kid with a ginger afro (hopefully South Park style). I would like the first G and the N in "gingers" to slowly revolve around the I - as the N rolls around to be the first letter in the word, the skin colour on the kid slowly darkens to brown and the hair to black. A slight pause and then the letters revolve the same way, and the skin fades to white and the hair to orange. Slight pause and repeat. A smaller message along the bottom would say something like "Not even their mothers love them" or "Hated the world over"....

    2) The words "Ginger Tinged Afros" in traditional GTA font down the left side. The 3 protagonists with big, orange afro hairstyles next to that, with text underneath "Be Red or Be Dead" with my name somewhere on it, all over a suitable background.

    The gif may be a bit too much to expect - I really have no idea how difficult shit tlike that is - but I know some of you guys have mad skills...

    Thanks in advance to anyone who gives them a go.....

    I'm busy rn and tired so I couldn't (and cant understand, not exactly critical thinker rn im that tired) do your post,

    but for whatever reason i had a south park hunto laying around, so I added his neck tat, his flame tat and a ginger fro


    • Like 1

  3. I use godaddy for everything. No problems. They are a lot more legit. I used a couple of lesser known service providers, and they shut down (and held hostage all of my data) becuase i was using "too many resources"

    Same sites on godaddy all work fine, and i have 4-5 using the same hosting plan..

    The amount of free shit you get with godaddy is excellent too. Good that you can have every on godaddy and control them all in one place.

  4. Guys...

    This is going to sound stupid, but I think Walt poisoned Skylar with the ricin he was going to use on Lydia. Right before Hank goes to the toilet at the end, he looks at the glass right before he looks at her, his head reflects off it more than once (I think purposefuly) and I think I see something white floating in the glass..


    look at the start of season 5, he arranges the bacon in the way skyler did it for him at the start of the show, everytime he goes on to kill somebody or has killed somebody, he mimics something they did

    also, i made this the other day

    • Like 3

  5. Early Eddie Murphy (before he got too "big") is a favourite, and Richard Pryor as Jizzin said

    There are heaps I have seen and liked but can't remember who they are - I like watching the highlights from the Just For Laughs festival in Montreal.

    I quite like Bob Saget (as seen in The Aristocrats) as a stand up, just because of the contrast from his "normal" TV persona.

    A lot of British guys have their moments - Jimeoin, Danny Bhoy, Michael McIntyre to name a few

    We also have quite a strong stand-up scene in NZ now too.....

    herd of Brendon Burns at all? Think he's from your neck of woods (either that or Oz) and he's quality

  6. A lot of people can't handle it. I've seen so many people drop like flies from only 1 hit

    Just tolerance, smaller people can't handle it at all, my buddies gf was totally sunken into a sofa of the tiniest hit, whereas he did numerous before he was remotely affected.

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