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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. Not sure if you noticed but Kevin Nash is one of the removal men in "grandma's boy".

    And Kevin Nash would have been terrible, he'd have showed up, jack knifed a few zombies and talked himself into a role where a cardboard cut out replaces him but he is paid for his likeness.

    As a slacker though, Kevin Nash is my idol, as part of Nash's contract he is allowed to sit down twice during a match. Sometimes he wrestles from the sitting position.

    Kevin Nash once booked a episode of Nitro that had no wrestling for the first hour. He's a true genius

  2. Congratulations!!

    When I saw her photo, I thought to myself "That looks like Siobhan" but I don't know anyone named Siobhan....

    My Wife is called Siobhan ;)

    For years I had no idea how that name is pronounced. Mind was blown when I was informed its pronounced "sha-von".

  3. no shit, carl is one of the best characters in the whole damn show right now.

    Why is Carl such an annoying kid/proud american/insert your own word?

    Because he's a kid who is thrust into a life where it's almost certain he will quickly lose people he grows to care apart and spend the rest of his life constantly moving around until he likely dies much earlier than he should've done and returns to become a being who's only existence is to kill and eat.

  4. The only recovery software you should be using is Recuva from

    Having compared free [or pay software, recuva is free with more features if you pay] and paid solutions like wondershare data recovery, I've found no difference.

    on recuva enable deep scan and when choosing where to save the files, save them to a folder that is not what you are recovering from [ie, dont recover TO sd card, recover to your hard drive instead] deep scan can and will take hours.