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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. Well I could sell a couple things that could add to a budget of < $800. But is it really worth the save for just a core gamer?

    Absolutely. The improvements at those tiers are vast. The difference between AMD's CPU and the i5 you'd be getting would be massive. Same goes for the gfx cards

    While the 560ti is better for BF3, thats an old benchmark and drivers may be better now, pushign the scales in the 7850's favour. not to mention the 7850 is better than the 560ti for most of those games listed

  2. For 600 you're getting a good build for the most part. The CPU is AMD, but it isn't a bulldozer so thats not too bad. The 560ti is a more than capable card as is the 6870 if you're aiming for the lower end 600. Just if it was me I'd save that extra 200 because then you're getting the fantastic i5 range and Ati's brilliant 7850

  3. 600 =/= ultra settings on BF3 unfortunately, and if it did you're probably buying used parts which might not last as long or you're using AMD, and AMD is kinda shitty for CPU's. 800 is roughly the sweet spot these days with PC building. Makes it last for 4-5 years and more if you're ok with running it on Medium/High at 30fps (still looks good, and is playable)

    Start with the falcon guide.

  4. Today I will be breaking my fast with a Holland's meat & potato pie.


    I'm having a corned beef and potato pie for tea!

    Haven't had corned beef for ages, I used to live on that stuff. (Rations).

    Expensive as fuck tinned now. Not the kind of thing for rationing anymore.

  5. Michael Pachter doesn't know a fucking thing. Let's not forget how GTA V is going to be a box with a download code inside it...

    My only criticism of Max Payne 3 for PC is the DRM, They haven't disclosed if GameShield is the kind of DRM that limits how many times you can install it. That and Social Club is crap if you ask me.

    Max Payne 3 has issues with specific hardware firewalls and specific routers, something which we've never encountered.

    I use Comodo and the only trouble I had was the firewall blocked it opening, simple matter of clicking "Allow" and then never seeing another problem until trying to go online which was the exact same thing. Bunch of spackers. if your firewall is that poor that it stops you opening it. You've picked a crap firewall. Uninstall it and install Comodo. Better protection and free. Likewise, no issues on the AV front. I run MSE and Malware Bytes constantly and neither prompted an issue. RYG are probably using some piece of shit AV that they paid for, and it probably isn't NOD32, the only AV worth paying for.

    Are you implying that Michael Pachter said GTA V will be downloadable only? If so you're wrong, he actually said the complete opposite as in "There's no chance GTA V will be download only". Peter Warman from the Shit List said the 'download code' thing.

    Ah. Got my names mixed up. Disregard that section.

  6. Don't mention you dislike call of duty and the yearly releases of sports game. Also be prepared to be pushed to offer things such as Gamestop Elite service/preorders with every sale.

    Thanks for the tips ill try to keep my emotions inside!

    I don't see why it bothers people that much. If you don't like a game just don't play it. There's a difference between a game being shit and thus people must be warned(such as Red Faction Armaggedon, or SWTOR, both fresh in my mind at the moment) and a game being recycled. Games like FIFA or Madden aren't bad. The functionality is there, it isn't super glitchy etc, it's just recycled.

  7. im not trolling, and anyone who thinks i am is closed minded. Companys working on games sign a NDA contract stating that they cant release any information. Thats why his agencey denied the rumors...

    its clearly his voice in the trailer... i dont understand so many people are refusing to recognize it.

    But... But... People have announced that they were voicing characters numerous times. I remember I think it was Young Maylay did, amongst others.

  8. What role would you folks have in an apocalypse? I like to think since I have no bug out location I'd take the role of a pirate radio type person. I'd also run a website where people can radio in or something and give a general location of where they are and what they have, to create small communes of survivors.

  9. What im saying is we haven't had that much liberty.

    And quite rightly so. Liberty City has quite frankly been a boring city. In 3 it rained all the time and was the dullest of the lot. The return in IV was probably the most boring Grand Theft Auto game I've ever played.

    They used liberty city because of the dlcs they are not going to just shit some shitty shit shit out in a year like cod.

    Rockstar did that in theory. The entire 3 era was the same engine with updated graphics and new features (see also: CoD yearly releases). lets not forget the release schedule either. 2001, 2002 and then 2004.

  10. Michael Pachter doesn't know a fucking thing. Let's not forget how GTA V is going to be a box with a download code inside it...

    My only criticism of Max Payne 3 for PC is the DRM, They haven't disclosed if GameShield is the kind of DRM that limits how many times you can install it. That and Social Club is crap if you ask me.

    Max Payne 3 has issues with specific hardware firewalls and specific routers, something which we've never encountered.

    I use Comodo and the only trouble I had was the firewall blocked it opening, simple matter of clicking "Allow" and then never seeing another problem until trying to go online which was the exact same thing. Bunch of spackers. if your firewall is that poor that it stops you opening it. You've picked a crap firewall. Uninstall it and install Comodo. Better protection and free. Likewise, no issues on the AV front. I run MSE and Malware Bytes constantly and neither prompted an issue. RYG are probably using some piece of shit AV that they paid for, and it probably isn't NOD32, the only AV worth paying for.