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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. icon11.gif

    dam eh

    cause I know like cyan said, more game modes would have been sweet. one sa mp server i played was kind of an rpg and it saved your stats like your money and what now. there were different thing you can do to make money. forget what. nothing too tedious. it was pretty unrealistic. you could run around and rape people by typing "/rape" when you were near people, they would get stds and shit that would fuck their game up like take health every few minutes and what not. you could also put bounties on peoples head. it was awesome.

    Lmao yeah, the old RP servers, had a lot of fun on Littlewhitey's back in the day. Mainly spent my time on movie servers though bullshitting around with friends, that was a lot of fun.

  2. I'd like climate cheats:

    Desert cheat that covers the city in sand w/ frequent sand storms

    Artic cheat that covers the city in snow and ice w/ frequent blizzards

    And maybe a cheat that puts the city underwater. All movement will be slowed down, bullets included, underwater creatures like fish etc all swim above you instead of birds.

    A cheat that sets the whole city on fire would be cool too.

    A mirror cheat aswell.

    Climate would be nice, I'd like to see the streets snowy for a few days at random points in the game however mods did a lot of what you suggested in some of the GTA games.

    Desert/Arctic were accounted for in San Andreas through mods, GTA San Andreas also had a water level trainer you opened before you opened the game, the city would then be flooded to your set amount, I think there was a mod for fire, and funky AR Max codes could flip the screen upside.

  3. icon11.gif

    SA MP was amazing back in the day.

    did they make an IV:MP?

    IV had multiplayer, so I think there was no need. Granted it was lacking the variety SA:MP had but I think nobody bothered because it had multiplayer natively.

  4. What's the community for these too like these days? I sunk probably 800 hours into it 4 or so years ago and I've been out of the game for a while. It was beginning to get plagued by hackers on the more poorly moderated servers I played when I last played it which makes me think it might be up shit creek completely.

    Oh and anybody who plays this and uses Xfire hit me up.

  5. Same I try to play it but I get turned off by the graphics, but it will always hold a special place in my heart lol

    I sunk 800 hours into it back in 2007/8. Could I honestly do that again? Difficult, but I could easily put in another 200 within the next year, just in offline mode.

  6. well if the game is revolved around the "almighty dollar" i think the money cheat out off all, don't care about anything else but the money cheat would be handy

    Is it really that difficult to make money? GTA IV was to be a "rags to better rags" game but I had close to 1 Million $ by the time I finished.

  7. We already have this topic under "Why the Lost and the Damned wasn't great & DLC predictions," or something like that. You couldn't be bothered to look it up, so neither can I.

    I don't know why people on here get so butt hurt when they see something that has already been posted. It's not like they have a search option, unless I'm not seeing it, If I saw it, I would most likely not make a forum about it!

    Top right corner.

  8. While in film school in Los Angeles, we students were made aware of some issues you can run into when shooting a scene in public. One story involved a scene where a woman pulls up to a traffic signal in her car, stops, and is car jacked by another actor. During one of several takes, none other than Kiefer Sutherland (24's Jack Bauer) sees the "car jacking" and rushes out to foil the crime. I've never found the footage, so it could be bullshit, but I want Jack Bauer to foil some of my crimes.

    With that in mind, if anyone finds that video, please, let me know.

    I also want to ruin a major studios film shoot and/or opening.

    So a citizens arrest? They had it in Bully.