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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. If anybody has time could they make me a signature with a few of these below, maybe on some kind of aged cloudy looking background, perhaps parchment colored my current was one made by Indy (Or VanHelSingh as his moniker was back then) in 2007.

    Really you have a free reign to do as much (or as little) as you (or just flatout do whatever you want, I said that to Indy in 2007 and got a great signature) want. I prefer thinner signatures but bigger ones are OK too, if possible could "Shogun" be on there somewhere in a fitting font?

    its already transparent

  2. Jesus, that really sucks then, I've played it on all kinds of hardware [both spectrums in terms of processor and gfx card] and never ran into an occasion when it ran like shit. I know Bully and GTA IV especially are god awful but thought San Andreas was relatively good for it.

  3. GTA SA Is actually a fairly decent port. It's only after that Rockstar went into the toilet.

    At a guess its some kind of compatibility issue rather than poor performance and the game flat out wont work, in that case I'd suggest getting the Steam version because that version DEFINITELY runs on Windows 8. Try first right clicking GTA_SA.exe and finding compatibility mode and changing that to XP.

    Half the PC board in the old forums couldn't run the fucking game.

    It ran nicely on my old laptop and that was a POS [all pre-patch btw]. I cant imagine how chit your PC's must have been

  4. theres a 72gb torrent on the pirate bay that has every event, minus a few smaller grand prix ones and the bushido's [which is shit since Gomi was the man back int he day] but there is a separate 22gb torrent with those too.

    bearing in mind the 72gb one has a 0.3:1 seeder ratio so I'm figuring I'm just gonna start leaving my PC on at night while it downloads. there are also bootleggers on some of the local nz auction websites I've noticed [they had every nitro before I found a torrent with them] so if a bandwidth cap is a problem for you, you could probably pay them and they send out a slightly less than legitimate collection of every event.

    something like this -, although $110 is pretty extortunate when I've seen them for a quarter of that.

  5. GTA SA Is actually a fairly decent port. It's only after that Rockstar went into the toilet.

    At a guess its some kind of compatibility issue rather than poor performance and the game flat out wont work, in that case I'd suggest getting the Steam version because that version DEFINITELY runs on Windows 8. Try first right clicking GTA_SA.exe and finding compatibility mode and changing that to XP.

  6. I'm looking out of pure curiosity, I don't plan on buying it any time soon, maybe in two or so years, but I've been looking around anyway. I also thought 8GB would be good.

    50 bucks in ram is a two year decision for you?

    Also, you could probably by a whole computer two years from now for $50 that will be faster than your air, with the memory....

    Gigabyte are what I use. They're the most solid motherboards I've ever owned.

    As a list of what to avoid:

    Foxconn: Cheaply made, stupid limits on RAM (my old one couldn't handle over 3gbs despite having two slots)

    Abit: Randomly stop POSTing. There's a pretty popular meme on hardware forums called "make like an Abit motherboard, and stop posting"

    Biostar: these use the absolute worst capacitors in existance. My cousin dropped off a small departments computers from where he works (7 computers approx). All custom built, different motherboards as they were built at different times as the department expanded and all of them had bulging capacitors.

    Low end MSI is also complete and utter shit. If it's on the logical increments website though it isn't going to be low end garbage so go ahead and buy it.

    Speaking of msi being shit....

    My motherboard crapped how (bios issue i think) so i ended up getting a gigabyte...

    Msi boards have no diagnostic lights or horns... The gigabyte i got has an lcd code read out and two bios's... And an extra pci 3 slot, though i doubt ill ever use it...

    Well since I posted that I now work in a helpdesk position.

    We ALWAYS go for Gigabyte on any new build [and generally for replacing dead motherboards if its new enough]. They aren't GAYMING EDITION 9 BILLION PCI SLOTS motherboards that we buy, so obviously there might be some kind of bottleneck in gaming but we dont do that and you won't find any close in terms of reliability.

    We buy middle tier atx, so roughly £60 or so and the entire thing has solid state capacitors instead of cheapo electrolytics.

    I'll add Asus middle to low tier to the list of "do not buy". Those are dropping like flies.

    Don't even bother with a mac. What makes you need OS X so bad?

    Buy business class thinkpads, now that shit is sexy

  7. ^ And he's an electrician, so, that's what your tuition money is going to get you.

    Just buy a bunch of heroin and see where life takes you.

    Historically being a sparky has been quite lucrative, at least here it has.

    My advice; if you live in an industry town, do something outside of that industry that profits from it. For example, live in LA be an entertainment lawyer.

    Absolutely invaluable advice. My town is an old wool town. in the 80's all that kind of shit was outsourced to foreign countries and employment is still ridiculously high because of it. Never work in something widespread in your town cause if it gets outsourced there are a surplus of you. Like Cuda mentioned, assuming your in anything for the long haul is a terrible idea.