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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. Cover the night tanked, atleast it did here, a bunch of paper posters taped to lamp posts and trees, the heavy rains here recently fucked them up pretty hard, followed swiftly by my hand yanking them down.

    Some cunt had the audacity to stick 3 of them to my garden wall without asking, I'm about ready to put up a "no cold callers, no junk mail, no propaganda) sign, I haven't seen graffiti with spray cans yet, but let me catch them doing it on my wall and they'll know about it.

  2. The whole Modern Warfare series is pretty much just a rip off of Battlefield 2, right down to the name. tongue.gif I'm not really that excited about this tbh, I will buy it, but not on release. Unless by some miracle Battlefield 3 turns out to be shite, I will be too occupied with that when this comes out.

    Looking back in retrospect this is quite scary. BF3 turned out to be shite and the story was basically MW 1+2.

    EA/Dice really fumbled this one. Stick to Bad Company 2.

  3. I wish I could run this game :(

    I still play Diablo II...

    My computer is a Quadcore with 6 GB RAM, but it has a shit graphics card. Do you reckon it's worth buying a high end card?

    What card? It's very lenient in terms of requirements, it just doesn't aim to play everything ever like WoW did to get as big audience as possible.

    There's a list of cards and how supported they are.

  4. It was hard to choose from all the GTA games, but i chose Three Leaf Clover from IV

    What was your favorite mission from gta?

    I hated that mission purely because of the glitches that happened over and over. I ran forward unknowing that Packie and the other guy decided to stop in the middle of the fucking tracks, the train came and splatted them and they died. This happened time after time.

  5. Grainger Games sucks dick. They knowingly sell NTSC games. Okay if you're using a region free console but if you're not you're shit out of luck and have to return it. That and the stock is pitiful. There was one 2ft Squared section for PC games and it was the usual crap, MW3, BF3, Sims 3 and the EP's etc. Oh and one of the Sims 2's stuff packs, used for £5 and in beat condition. No thanks.

  6. Since MP3 isn't going to be a port, PC is the only option. No fiasco like we had with the Xbox edition of Max Payne.

    Max Payne - Wait, so not only do I lose the ability to adjust my resolution and system specs to improve performance, but I get a game that's been out for months on PC already? Where do I sign? The game's not too bad, but why bother with it on Xbox when it's on PC already?

  7. yea, someone i know that plays on xbox live mentions modders all the time... apparently it runs rampant in freeroam... he's showed me pics of decked out limos, green annihilators, and a fucking floating helipad over the water by the airport... it's a damn shame to be honest... once hackers get an inch, they take a mile... i would have to stop playing altogether if i ever saw that on the PS3, it ruins online when fucktards aren't willing to play by the rules... i'm all for modding your own experience, but don't force me to experience it too...

    I'm okay with things like map mods so long as they aren't using it to block players in and shit.

    I'm all for modding so long as it isn't

    A. Health hack

    B. Speed hack

    C. Gravity hack (for use of dming)

    D. Map modding for dming/block

    You get my drift.

  8. By target I meant my ideal female protags physical appearance.

    How about the protag has a daughter that you can play with after you complete the game. DO NOT force us to use her though.

    Lame, would detract from the story. And if you weren't forced, I don't think anyone would play her unless they want to check dat ass.

    Dude, whats happened to you? Your replies lately make little sense. How would unlocking a playable female character AFTER you beat the main story detract from the story? Im sure the thousands of female GTA fans might choose to play as her if shes cool enough. No need to force anything.

    How would it not?

    Here, you just played a game and got enthralled by one character, have this character instead.

    Okay, I get it. You wouldn't want to play as one of the other main characters in the game after beating it. Makes sense. Its no different than playing as Bonnie Macfarlane or Abigale Marston in RDR MP, or Elena or Chloe in Uncharted. Wouldn't you play as Lil'Jacob or a random ped if you unlocked them?

    Do you seriously just disagree with me constantly just for the hell of it? I know you know Im right. -_-

    Personally no. Why would I ever want to play an entire game as a likeable character to have the option of a character who would have no story and thus no emotional connection.

    San An Studios gave you the options to play as other characters (Ctrl+S) and the only time I used that was for machinima.

  9. Not keeping everything you earned when starting a new game.


    I would like to keep all clothing, houses, cars, weapons etc when replaying the mainstory. It worked just fine in MGS and I think it should be a option in GTAV -_-

    There would be no difficulty whatsoever and besides, theirs cheats and trainers for that.

    Bull. Shit. I repeat: It worked just fine in MGS and I think it should be A OPTION in GTAV.

    Yes, if you're a total tool who can't play games without advantages.

  10. Not keeping everything you earned when starting a new game.


    I would like to keep all clothing, houses, cars, weapons etc when replaying the mainstory. It worked just fine in MGS and I think it should be a option in GTAV -_-

    There would be no difficulty whatsoever and besides, theirs cheats and trainers for that.

  11. By target I meant my ideal female protags physical appearance.

    How about the protag has a daughter that you can play with after you complete the game. DO NOT force us to use her though.

    Lame, would detract from the story. And if you weren't forced, I don't think anyone would play her unless they want to check dat ass.

    Dude, whats happened to you? Your replies lately make little sense. How would unlocking a playable female character AFTER you beat the main story detract from the story? Im sure the thousands of female GTA fans might choose to play as her if shes cool enough. No need to force anything.

    How would it not?

    Here, you just played a game and got enthralled by one character, have this character instead.

  12. Though alot of GTA5Videos' videos are shit, some of them are kinda good. Like the one when they found A train.

    Like the time they found a horse in the quarter panel of a car <_<

    No. Not like that time. More like the time they found a dog in that black guy police chase scene.

    Why is that helpful? Theres a dog in plain view on the boardwalk. We don't need to ZOOM ZOOM ENHANCE ENHANCE that section to see what is supposedly a dog.

  13. Some of the threads on blizzards forums are genius.

    Total dipshits who think because WoW ran on the computers they use, diablo would "AND IT SHUD BCUZ I BOUGHT THE ANNYOOAL PASS DAT DIABLO TREE CAME WIF!"

    Another awesome one is "I bought this laptop 2 years ago and this guy here built his computer 5 years ago that runs it and mine doesn't, therefore blizzard is in the wrong" The problem is the GFX card in it is a chipset from 2003 that wasn't exactly high end in 2003. The dipshit even had the audacity to claim that it ran Skyrim at playable fps when everything was on low, quickly debunked by a youtube video running at 3fps.

    Blizzard babby's are the most entitled douchebags I have ever had the displeasure of reading their bullshit.

  14. October does Mark the tenth anniversary of gta vice city

    October does Mark the tenth anniversary of gta vice city

    What does that exactly have to do with anything?

    Well, it could mean something. What better way to celebrate one of the Third Era GTAs (Vice City) by beginning the Fifth Era?!

    I know a better way. Releasing a commemorative action figure like they did with GTA3 that's actually related to Vice City rather than a radically different game.

  15. For reference for anyone going for Alien Archivist don't use this for help

    1. Waste Disposal (via Maintenance Level) As mentioned above you MUST get this before entering the airlock! (1 total) (note that you can do step 3, 4, and 5 in any order)
      • The recording {19} is in the southwest portion of the waste disposal map, to the right as you enter the 'ambush' room (after Sally mentions their radios going quiet, after traversing the string of rooms she unlocks for you one-by-one). Also, you will want to pick up the samurai's sword which is located in a closet that is full of medical supplies that you encounter just before you teleport from this area.

    See how it DOESN'T mention that you cant get there if you destroy the 3 generators? It only mentions you being unable to get there if you enter the airlock.

    Shitty fucking guide, saved over when it was last possible to get there now. F

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