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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. I've come to a conclusion on this whole Kony 2012 thing. America wants to take over central Africa and needs your blessing by getting you in a pro war state of mind by pulling on your heart strings through this sad video.

    So when America decides to start bombing the shit out of central African countries you'll all be like "Hooray, we're finally doing something about that bad man Kony and all the other nasty dictators in Africa!" Fuck yeah! Go Team America!!

    Don't bother disagreeing, I know I'm right.

    Basically, yes. I think Invisible Children have a sinister agenda (perhaps links to Oil companies?) in wanting US intervention in Uganda. They would have basically no opposition and little resistance from what is widely thought to be a dilapadated group.

    In retrospect the anti Kony movement died a quick death. SOPA/PIPA gained support the same way (basically bandwagoners) however has stuck around a while, I hate to be a hipster but I knew about Kony years before the movement (I blame a hippie liberal mother) and I was talking with some friends about SOPA in IRC last year.

  2. I hate multiplayer hackers. They ruin the game and spoil things for everybody.

    How so?

    Not all hacks are god mode etc. I remember back in December 08 hauling ass around Broker free roam in a green noose vehicle a modder had made for us. He was spawning vehicles in any colour people wanted them for free to make the game a little more fun.

    . Rockstar sort of said they didn't mind us modding Unranked free-roam [can't find the quote as it was in the comments of social wire.] as long as it didn't effect other peoples game-play which is why the patched the more severe portion of the mods and car spawns/handling/texture mods.

    Uh surely that has to be bs? At a guess the majority of modders would be using a pirated game.

    We're not using a pirated version at all because the mods require the actual disc itself.

    Ooooh, I've been out of hacking for along time with regards to GTA4, how exactly does this work then?

  3. I hate multiplayer hackers. They ruin the game and spoil things for everybody.

    How so?

    Not all hacks are god mode etc. I remember back in December 08 hauling ass around Broker free roam in a green noose vehicle a modder had made for us. He was spawning vehicles in any colour people wanted them for free to make the game a little more fun.

    . Rockstar sort of said they didn't mind us modding Unranked free-roam [can't find the quote as it was in the comments of social wire.] as long as it didn't effect other peoples game-play which is why the patched the more severe portion of the mods and car spawns/handling/texture mods.

    Uh surely that has to be bs? At a guess the majority of modders would be using a pirated game.

  4. What Rockstar should include in GTA V is an option in the menu that allows us to switch between first person view and third person view. That way, we can see inside cars when we are driving, and to practice our shooting skills for COD and Battlefield.

    practice our shooting skills for COD and Battlefield.

    GTA is not a fucking practice run for piece of shit first-person shooters. GTA is the main event, fuck CoD and Battlefield. Especially CoD.

    Seriously this is GTA ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THIRD PERSON so stfu and drop it because the majority don't want first person and R* wouldn't ruin the series doing that. You say you want to practice your shooting skills for those shitty ass games? THEN GO PLAY THOSE GAMES :bird:

    Brian, aint you dead?

    It'd be nice to be optional, however games typically have one or the other and the few that have both Third and first typically one is really shit, as pointed out earlier with Fallout and oblivion.

    Speaking of all the CoD hate though, the Pripyat mission in Call of Duty 4 is still one of my favourite missions in any game, I remember lying prone on my bed playing it thinking I was in the game. Truly one of the best stealth missions I've ever played, and not just because MacMillan was a total badass.

  5. 1886875556.png

    if anyone actually wants FiOS, don't. they absolutely suck, only way to achieve these speeds are during middle of the day and hardwired. If you are wireless you get around 5 mb/s at most. I have achieved in the upwards of 50mb/s during the middle of the night how ever hardwired on here with 3 ping.

    You need a better wireless router then obviously the one you have is shit. I have a few friends that have FiOS and achieve excellent speeds during the day using both wired & wireless. I wouldn't complain because your ping is almost perfect your speeds is faster than 93% of the country. Also providers cut bandwidth during peak hours to maintain stability.

    It doesn't matter if you speed is faster than the rest of the country, If you pay for something you should get it constantly, especially high paying customers who pay for FiOS.

    I don't think you understand what I said. He's complaining about his internet speed during peak hours, in the United States ISP's cut bandwidth during peak hours. I told him he shouldn't be complaining during peak hours because he's still faster than 93% of the country. He also said that he maintains the speed he paid for during night which is obvious because majority of people are asleep. Also FiOS is NOT high priced it's bundled (TV/Internet/Phone), high priced is T3.

    FiOS isn't the high tier unlimited stuff? Disregard what I said then, typically fibre optic is the best (atleast its the best you can get here)

  6. 1886875556.png

    if anyone actually wants FiOS, don't. they absolutely suck, only way to achieve these speeds are during middle of the day and hardwired. If you are wireless you get around 5 mb/s at most. I have achieved in the upwards of 50mb/s during the middle of the night how ever hardwired on here with 3 ping.

    You need a better wireless router then obviously the one you have is shit. I have a few friends that have FiOS and achieve excellent speeds during the day using both wired & wireless. I wouldn't complain because your ping is almost perfect your speeds is faster than 93% of the country. Also providers cut bandwidth during peak hours to maintain stability.

    It doesn't matter if you speed is faster than the rest of the country, If you pay for something you should get it constantly, especially high paying customers who pay for FiOS.

  7. Actually, the dev kits for the wii u are still not at full capacity, they've only released v5

    How low tech do you think dev kits are exactly? Dev Kits are sometimes better than the fucking consoles themselves.

    XNA kits and Jasper revision Xbox 360 dev kits have more ram.

    The Dolphin was the first Dev kit release of gamecube, and the final specs weren't much better.

    The Xbox Alpha tower (First release of xbox dev kit) had the same specs as original xbox P3 but with 256mb ram. There was then an Alpha II that had more ram.

    Please do not post about things you are not knowledgeable about.

  8. The realism. It was fucking ridiculous

    >bail from a car on a hill

    >die simply from the bumps

    fucking stupid.

    Bail from a car at high speed in real life and let us know the outcome. Or ask Mythbusters to do it if you're scared you might die.

    You really think you'd die from jumping out and rolling? MAYBE if you smashed your head off the ground or into a kerb or s/t but not from just bailing and curling up.

  9. Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick spoke plainly today at the MIT Business in Gaming conference about the differences between his company's strategy on core game development and that of the floundering THQ.

    "THQ's strategy was licensed properties, first and foremost. License stuff from other people, whether it's UFC or WWE or a motion picture property, and make a game around that," Zelnick said, noting Take-Two hasn't had the best year either, but a good five-year run. "And our approach, since we took over the company, is 100 percent owned intellectual property."

    Zelnick stated licensed properties -- something he has avoided in his career -- leaves publishers at the mercy of license holders. Even if a publisher does a great job on a property, it will have to renegotiate the license in a few years and the margins will decrease because it's being charged more money for a brand it built up in the space. Zelnick noted THQ did partially change its strategy a few years back regarding owned intellectual strategy, but it's hard to do that overnight.

    "The most important difference is quality. Take-Two has the highest quality ratings among third-party publishers, according to Metacritic and most people in the industry. Quality really, really, really matters. THQ has had some good games, but their quality levels aren't even remotely ... the quality hasn't measured up."

    "Strategy didn't work and the execution was bad. To put it another way: the food was no good and the portions were small." Zelnick closed his comparison of the two companies by saying, "THQ won't be around in six months."

    The man is able to admit his company hasn't had the best year, but then backs up why its better than THQ. But to be fair THQ have been pretty shit for a while now, mainly because it's doing the EA UPDATE ROSTER, ADD NOTHING thing, but WWE 12 has been pretty good since the engine change and Undisputed has improved since 08/9 whenever it was released.

  10. I can't do a mission, therefore it's shit.

    Is more like it. Snow storm is one of the best missions in GTA IV, it wasn't even difficult, stay in cover and blindfire at the cops, clear them out and then make a run for the speedboat at the side of the old hospital. Not difficult at all.