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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. Haha, I remember when I was small and saw on the news some kids copied Manhunt and another let this other kid murder him like the animations on Manhunt.

    I remember as a kid buying Postal 2 after I heard about the cars being set on fire in Ausfailia. One of the best games I ever bought!

  2. I completed Manhunt on normal and hardcore mode twice each for PS2. Great game.

    I actually found the soundtrack online a few years back and downloaded the entire score.

    Still have Manhunt for PC that I need to go through at some point.

    The second game had the kill scene censoring going on, instant turn off.

    I never finished the second because of that reason, it just wasn't the same.

    That cunt is banned in the UK -_-

    Noope. 3 Games to date have been banned. Carmageddon, later altered to include Zombies and was unbanned, The punisher, later changed and unbanned and Manhunt 2, later changed to have further masking on the executions and unbanned.

  3. 4GB's of ram is becoming the absolute minimum these days. 8 ensures the PC wont become absolete so soon, however you have to spec the rest of the PC similarly.

    We've got an 8 year old desktop that manages to perform basic tasks very well with 1gb of RAM. it just depends what you need it for tbh. if you're going to sit there with 20 windows open then it struggles but as long as your not a cunt (trying to get this message through to my brother) then its fine. is slow as fuck though even compared to my old acer laptop

    I ran a 512mb 2.4 ghz AMD sempron based PC from 2006-2010 for EVERYTHING (we're talking HD video editing, gaming etc), I'm aware of how capable old computers can be! My old server was a 160gb hard drive, with a P3 that was less than a single GHz and probably 128mbs of SDRam (Slow and shit imo) and it worked like a treat for what I was using it for (LAN access).

    I enjoy old computers. Most particuarly the big stack I have behind me right now that I need to get around to posting a picture of!

  4. I completed Manhunt on normal and hardcore mode twice each for PS2. Great game.

    I actually found the soundtrack online a few years back and downloaded the entire score.

    Still have Manhunt for PC that I need to go through at some point.

    The second game had the kill scene censoring going on, instant turn off.

    I never finished the second because of that reason, it just wasn't the same.

    When it got banned here I had this fucked up Russian crack that had the executions cut out. Couldn't understand anything like.


    You need to get the original Manhunt. Uncut version.

    It is one of the best games I've ever played.

    I might load it up on my PC again soon.

    That would be great for a lot of screen shots.

    Mainly, it is great to play, quite challenging, and there really is nothing like it.

    I never really cared for the story in Manhunt 2. The original is king.

    I played manhunt a bunch. First time on the xbox right around 2005 or so. Then I got my own PS2 copy in 2007 and ended up 5 starring it. Very fun game. I enjoyed a need for stealth. most games with stealth you can just go loud and its fine. Manhunt you got fucked up if you did that. Manhunt 2 was OK but stupidly farfetched. Only cared enough to get the ending where

    you bury his wife and then fuck Leo up

  5. As far as gaming goes its pretty low end. The CPU is junk IMO. Look up some benchmarks on it and you'll see. For gaming I'd always buy Intel CPU's, the i5 2500k is probably double the price of the AMD FX-4100 but the performance is amazing. The card is quite old and wont stand the test of time. You probably want to aim for a 5770 minimum as its still a good card and can be had for 70 quid. The RAM is a nice amount depending on what brand you get. Don't go for cheap stuff like rendition. I also don't understand the SSD until we know what the rest of the gear is.

    Post a budget and I'll make you a build.

  6. Day 1 Studios, the developer behind of F.3.A.R. and Fracture, was also working on a video game starring Batman. Their vision was to use the one-shot comic Gotham by Gaslight as the source material. Set at the end of the 19th century, Gotham by Gaslight follows the Dark Knight as he tracks down Jack the Ripper. Concept art for the game revealed Gotham by Gaslight’s steampunk vibe.

    Now, we have a better look at what Gotham by Gaslight would have been like thanks to an animation prototype video from a source at Day 1 Studios.

    Gotham by Gaslight was developed as a pitch for PS3 and Xbox 360 between 2009 and 2010. The game was designed with a foggy world for Batman to explore and he would have the ability to see in the dark. Day 1 Studios tried to work with THQ to publish the game, but after an unsuccessful pitch Gotham by Gaslight was canned.

    Honestly I can't understand why GBG was the one proposed as I always thought it was kinda lame, however look at those cape physics. Beautiful.

  7. I only felt like doing the intel bit, maybe I will add more later.


    How does one become a zombie? The brain and/or nervous system must be affected. I don't believe reanimation to be possible. So, zombies will have to be alive. They cannot change species and so we must assume them to be humanoid with altered physiology. The cause would a prototype virus that was biochemically engineered to combat neurodegenerative disease. The virus was engineered to create certain genetic mutations. (This could be possible, since certain cancers can be caused by viruses.)

    Symptoms would include a state of rage, hunger and paranoia. All three arising from an alteration in hormones and neuronal development. Similar to a cancer, neurones would uncontrollably proliferate and migrate to form new connections in the brain. All of this would be virally encoded. The three-states (rage/hunger/paranoia) would over-ride normal emotion, zombies are unable to co-operate and would also attack one another, being unable to tell the difference between normal humans and zombies. Or rather, just not caring.

    Zombies are physically normal, but they are driven entirely by their instinct, which in turn is driven by the three mental states. The disease is highly contagious in its early stages and can be passed on through coughing or normal influenza. It rapidly progresses since it was developed to be highly specific and potent, the three-state symptoms will become apparent within two days. Once fully infected, the virus is much more difficult to contract from the subject and can only be done so through blood infection. The virus does not trigger a strong immune response, and so it is highly infectious since the infected can pass the virus fairly inconspicuously.

    Due to the nature of the genetic mutations caused by the virus, zombies prematurely die from a manifestation of deregulated neurogenesis. I would estimate about 2-3 months.

    2-3 months? Those Irish guys in the prison survived like 60 days without food and water.

    Shit yeah, the survivors could survive if they run out of food!

  8. You want me to be honest?

    We'll wait a year for it and then have to pay full price for a shit port rife with glitches like Rockstar always do. Bully was shit after porting (full of glitches and graphics just didn't load) that wasn't properly fixed for a year after it's PC release. IV was crap for it too and still is (Going on the freeway and going round the corner and textures don't load, if you spin the camera around fast enough you can keep glitching the textures) and V sure as shit will be.

  9. Of course if you wanted gore and you owned a PC you could always just mod it? jus'sayin. I don't own a PC powerfull enough to play GTA IV so I defo wouldn't be able to play/mod GTA V :)

    The thing is the majority of sales come from consoles, not PC. And if like 500k copies are sold on PC, they are pirated anyway... And mods are usually not as good as the developers make it, with games like GTA.

    With blood it'd just be a matter of replacing the various parts in the censored games with the blood and stuff from the uncensored game