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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. I trust massacre so

    Intel: Proper zombies are slow and stupid. They'll wander around groaning until they see or hear people, then they'll start heading that way. Slowly. They're not smart enough to hide and wait for prey. Cyantist edit: Hopefully they cant climb.


    I'll be living in my loft basically, there are planks down and I could probably get a mattress up there. I have all the tools I need to cut a hole into the roof. I'd then probably attach hinges so I can climb in and out onto the roof. Theres alot of flammable materials up there, Oil, turps etc.I may be able to make a few cocktails to toss if I'm noticed when crawling and we begin to get a crowd. They aren't getting in either way if they can't climb but I dont want those fuckers groaning at me all the time, so I'd cook them. Ill mention why I'd use the crawl space aside from getting on the roof to paint a help sign. The wood in the loft could help me build bridges between neighbours houses which are probably 10-12ft distances.


    We have lots of tinned food already that i'd move upto the loft, however my crawl space on the roof would allow me to get into atleast 3 neighbours houses, I'd probably have to kill them, but I'd harvest all there food, and hopefully most would be zombies anyway so I wouldnt give a fuck. I might no even need the roofs as 4 houses in a row are attached. I could maybe create a small hole in the loft walls that I could climb through.


    No guns here im afraid and I wont have much chance of getting them. However in my loft there are lots of wood, nails cricket bats etc. There is also the flammable goods I mentioned earlier. I would probably use the wood for fortifying or building my bridges like I mentioned earlier.

    I have a few computers here, So I'd probably set up a pirate radio station for the survivors to give them tips if the internet stays up. There are also ways to get power from phone lines. I also intend to get a CB radio so I can send out messages.

    I may expand this further.

  2. Yes, it shall. Although I don't like the gfx card you would use I would prefer the GTX Graphic's cards but to each his own.

    I personally plan on getting the GTX 590 for the fact it can run upto 3 monitors on a single card, but it's costly

    ATI give a better bang:buck. If you're after performance it's nVidia all the way.

    Don't bother with the 590, wait for the 6XX series.

  3. You.






    Wondered why I couldn't watch any videos so decided to run a test. Surely they're not allowed to drop below a certain speed, I'm paying for this shit too.

    Have you been torrenting or something? wait


    Shitty throttling at non peak times when you havent downloaded much is a staple of AOL.

  4. It's okey....If cars require's closer the real life and fuck yeah

    Get out of your basement then and go live real life.

    I play GTA to take out frustrations and have fun, not to file taxes and pay for gas.

    Well to some extent he has a point, I mean when was the last time you murdered someone in real life? Or blew up a car? Or jumped out of an exploding plane? Yeah, filling your tank is a step down from those events, and is quite a weak argument, but still I think I can see kind of what he means.

    That dumbass would probably want a realistic judicial system, in which the character is sent to jail and must fulfill his sentence, all in real time.

  5. Just a small heads up (It's Resi related)

    Over @ Assembler a chap has managed to get his hands on 2 unreleased prototypes of Resident Evil for the gameboy, the community then raised 2k that was put towards buying the release of these. Alot of shit has been talked, particuarly at Kotaku and Screwattack (two shitholes) but the community wasn't holding anything hostage because the chap who owned them has taken a fair price drop (He paid more than 2k for them).

  6. Cy 103 up, 84 down

    A handsome, amazing, one-of-a-kind man that gives the love of his life everything she could possibly want and then some. Kind, caring, loving, pleasing, athletic, beyond attractive, and perfect are only a tiny few adjectives to describe him. The woman who has his heart is the luckiest woman on the earth.

    Oh look, I think I see Cy over there with his girlfriend. He gives her everyting. She has to be the luckiest girl on the planet. She's so lucky to have him.

    Nailed it.