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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. I would like to see GTA characters get in fights that don't in a certain game or other GTA games I would want cj to fight Claude when he was with Catalina like he beats the shit out of him then grabs Catalina's hair and slam her face in the car what characters would u like to ser fight


  2. The game is in existence but they don't have a release date. That's all it means.

    You probably don't know, but we were listening to the conference call. The first question of the Q&A session at the end was if Rockstar could put out two titles in one year (trying to ask if GTA V would be this year or next). They beat around the bush with it and said Rockstar is capable but didn't say if they would be doing so. That's the closest remark we got to a release date or period for GTA V.

    If Rockstar put out two huge titles in the same year when they've delayed both (which means they probably need work) chances are they'd be rushing it and we'd get a shit game.

    Rockstar have their methods and they work. Name the last shit Rockstar game (I'd call IV Shit (aside from LATD) but thats only compared to the earlier GTA offerings.)

  3. i think you should be able to do smiple things in your safe house or home like open up the frige and drink a beer and get drunk in your own home when you dont

    want to go out to the club or something and sit on your couch be able to take a shower wash your hands take nap watch tv on any tv set buy furnature for your

    home kinda like the game the sims that would be cool

    And then pass out from a lack of punctuation?


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  4. How is it difficult to get a new car while in a high speed chase? It's even easier to do it to oncoming cops, you simply shoot out of the window in their direction and hope you hit. if that doesn't work pull off a PIT technique on them and when they're skidding cap the driver, brake, jump out and pull him out of the car and drive off. Nearly new car in less than 10 seconds.

    The only time I died in IV while being chased was when I slammed into something and went through the windshield or when Niko decided to be a spastic and not get in the car, instead doing that fucking moon walk thing and going all the way round to the passenger side, and there were a fair few cops around or incoming.

  5. Some quick info regarding the RDR GOTY Edition rating "leak":

    • Time between BBFC rating and the official announcement was 40 days
    • Announcement was 28 days before release

    So if we use two months, then we should be playing GTA III and VC on PS3 (and likely Xbox 360) in late March. Which was going to be Max Payne 3...

    Maybe this had something to do with the MP3 delay? Spacing out releases like they have been doing and getting III out the door as soon as possible? Hmmm...

    You'd think by now they'd start sending NDA's with the request for rating.

  6. i love to see the player to get locked in a prison for some time

    I've always been interested by this. I thought it would be a good idea but if you break out there's really no way of playing the game normally if it enacts a constant six star rating is there?

    It'd be good if you got in prison and had to do missions for a top dog in there, then right before you get let out due to your man on the outside calling in favous/doing something, you bump him off.

    • Like 1

  7. enjoyment of the game rises.


    I play games to get out of real life and relieve frustration.

    I don't expect to play a game and worry about gas prices. Maybe next you'll suggest that Roman's business shouldnt have burnt down, he should've instead gone into bankruptcy because of the poor economic state.

    I definately hope I can enlist too. Nothing makes me enjoy a game more than thinking about the state of other countries.

  8. we'll hear alot more once max payne is out as rockstar will move on to gta , the dis-heartening thing is they seem to wait a good few months after one game before moving on with new info on the next big game..

    How is that disheartening? Can you honestly mention a bad Rockstar Game that has come since they started this new method of production? besides the PC port of GTA IV and Bully I can't, and they weren't created In house.

  9. Yes, CJ would still be alive, but he would also be over the hill.

    I personally don't care what he may or may not have been up to for the past 20 years....but having CJ show up in a Los Santos that's completely different then SA's would really fuck up the tone and setting for me tbh.

    What would be nice was short cameo, like Stan Lee shows up with words of wisdom in Spiderman.

    Maybe the main character is mulling over a choice he has to make at a boardwalk, and CJ walks over and maybe gives him a few words.

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  10. For games I reckon Microsoft will avoid Blu-ray. Loading times with high-res textures will be too high reading off a disc, so everything will need to be installed. In that case, they might as well make everything downloadable and sell install discs (which could be Blu-ray, but equally could be a high capacity flash drive) in stores for people with crap internet connections.

    Then the Xbox 4 will have SSD for blazing fast load speeds.

    I'd love for the Xbox to have SSD, I'd also like it to take a normal fucking HDD like the PS3 so I can upgrade it as I need to and not when Microsoft releases bigger size. 20-120GB isn't shit for me.

    In the original model inside that HDD cover is just a laptop hard drive isnt it? Cheap as chips.

    The slim model has a normal HDD I think.

  11. they should make gta like that u can do anything u want real life and bring back jet packs and all more realistic and bigger maps and make it better 4 when the game ends that u can do more stuff who thinks im right

    they should make gta like that u can do anything u want real life and bring back jet packs and all more realistic and bigger maps and make it better 4 when the game ends that u can do more stuff who thinks im right

    How can you say you want Jet Packs, then want it to be more like real life and realistic? How many random people do you see with jetpacks?

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