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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. Im sure some of the SA characters will be mentioned in passing. I imagine that will be it. Personally no wish what so ever to see CJ, Sweet or anyone from SA.

    Niko, I never really liked that much. Doubt he'll be there. No logical reason for him to be there is there? Same with other IV characters, except Packie.

    Packie I'm sure we'll see. Still think it looks like him getting out the back of the van in the Trailer Robbery Scene. I liked Packie more than Niko.

    . Rockstar has said that they don't like using old characters for new games.



    150px-Ken_Rosenberg_1_in_SA.JPG amongst others )

    They might not like it, but they do it an awful lot.

  2. People calm down. The video's are made by a bunch of people who spot things. News is very slow these days. There's nothing wrong with letting others spot things you haven't, I'm open to anything anyone thinks they can see. I literally feel like sometimes most the people on these threads are chicks on their period. Stop bitching? Just a thought. If you don't have a point to make in your comment there's no point in commenting. Yes I'm not really a huge fan of the music choices but the video's have spotted many great interesting things in the past, including the spotting of that 2nd dog. A lot of stuff I've heard on here is much worse than in their videos. AND for the love of god! Remember they are only opinions!

    Why are you defending the video so much? We can think what we want. Did you make it? If not, don't take it personally we're criticizing the video not you. And there's a difference between finding something and going way out of line with BS speculation and displaying it as fact.

    I'm not sticking up for the video its just the way some of you guys are goin on, feels like its mostly 12 tear olds on here sometimes, actually go back and look through the comments its just stupid

    Stop being fucking retarded then, oh look theres something black propped against something its obviously a dog. Newsflash, that could also be a skateboard, a piece of wood, or any inanimate object that's black.

    This thread is a fucking case study in favour of eugenics.

  3. : Sweet H Johnson - Id have him buried in his back garden with weed growing all round.

    Sweet hated pot. Plus he nor CJ had a back garden, only Ryder.

    That guy obviously didn't play SA, and seems to have a strong passion for Tommy...

    But didn't he only hate crack because it was destroying the hood? (crack epedemic) I don't recall him hating weed.

    Really?? :rolleyes:

    And Sweet did have a back garden. It was small but big enough to fit a grave. And you're right, he didn't care for crack, but he did like the odd blunt.

    And what i meant by no more russian i meant anythink that sounds remotely like eastern European. Just can't stand there acsents anymore, but thanks for the correction. Never realized how much Serbian sounds just like russian. Never met one but would of thought they'd sound more like Bulgarian, don't know why, strange.

    Sweet drove all of the dealers out late in the game. He also has only A side garden where the basketball net is. Theres a bit to the other side but it's concrete and seems more like an odd alley.

  4. Can you tell me what bilateral width of a forehead is ?????



    • Having or relating to two sides; affecting both sides.
    • Involving two parties, usually countries.

    hurr durr i cant google

    Gta should have good clothes and things that you really notice, "like wow those gold stud earings make my character look good."

    Yeah because somebody would really notice some gold stud earings, but hey, nobody notices a nose right?


  5. A. They won't get a response any way and the topic will fall to the wayside


    B. members will berate the user until he becomes a villain in for the "good" members to build a community of active members around the "good" members.

    Birds of a shit feather flock together Rand.

    Most users dont ever change, they come to a GTA fan site, post their bullshit for a few weeks then leave to do it at another.