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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. go back to Fallout 3 for one last time.


    >fallout 3

    >one last time


    I'm 37 or so hours and I can easily see myself putting in another hundred or so to get extra achievements and fully experience everything and maybe on these times visit the areas I sneaked past when i was a wussy low level.

  2. It would get old fast playing GTA - or any game, for that matter - the way a tester has to play. Being a game tester is the most boring, repetitive job you could do, short of working on an assembly line.

    The entire industry is pretty much. Its pretty shit, long hours with relatively crap pay, not very inspiring either, you can come out of Uni and be looking at 10-15 years making shovelware for the wii before you even get a relatively decent job.

  3. Battlefield 3's best perk is basically a wall hack.

    It was deemed as being the second coming of jesus but with online that is really complete and utter shit (far more teamwork based, not fun if your team is full of tossers) and nothing more than a grindfest (which FPS's are in general online but battlefield 3 was heralded as being different) with a ripped off story mode (think the best parts of CoD 4 and 6 and it's basically the story mode).

    Stick to Bad Company or play a decent FPS such as CS 1.6 or Source.

    Yeah pass on the hacking and glitching I wouldn't really consider them a "perk" more of a cunt's/bitch ass proud american trick IMO

    No no,

    Theres an infra red perk that can see through multiple walls, basically the top end scope for the game is infrared. It illuminates all players on the map at all ranges. In short, the game has a wallhack built into it as a feature.

    Basically the entire game online is a total grindfest towards the f2000

    I understand what you mean I thought you meant something along the lines of this

    Yeah, it's not a blatant cheat but if you got two people with that on the same team talking on the mic of where the players are it could become unfun and unfair quite fast.

  4. and there's a strange kid wandering around here, sounds like he's not really here or something... or his mom has him all hopped up on potions and shit that his brain is all out of whack... i think i need to see what his problem is...

    James Hargrave's ancestor!

    • Like 2

  5. Battlefield 3's best perk is basically a wall hack.

    It was deemed as being the second coming of jesus but with online that is really complete and utter shit (far more teamwork based, not fun if your team is full of tossers) and nothing more than a grindfest (which FPS's are in general online but battlefield 3 was heralded as being different) with a ripped off story mode (think the best parts of CoD 4 and 6 and it's basically the story mode).

    Stick to Bad Company or play a decent FPS such as CS 1.6 or Source.

    Yeah pass on the hacking and glitching I wouldn't really consider them a "perk" more of a cunt's/bitch ass proud american trick IMO

    No no,

    Theres an infra red perk that can see through multiple walls, basically the top end scope for the game is infrared. It illuminates all players on the map at all ranges. In short, the game has a wallhack built into it as a feature.

    Basically the entire game online is a total grindfest towards the f2000

  6. Battlefield 3's best perk is basically a wall hack.

    It was deemed as being the second coming of jesus but with online that is really complete and utter shit (far more teamwork based, not fun if your team is full of tossers) and nothing more than a grindfest (which FPS's are in general online but battlefield 3 was heralded as being different) with a ripped off story mode (think the best parts of CoD 4 and 6 and it's basically the story mode).

    Stick to Bad Company or play a decent FPS such as CS 1.6 or Source.

  7. Fuck yeah.

    massy was born in September 1987.

    arab money

    Edit: good fact, this was GnR's only number one, which goes to show how relatively crap they are if they couldnt get more than one number one back when music like that was actually popular amongst the mainstream (it still is but not on a level it once was.

  8. Thanks conquested, yeah thats what i was on bout. I dunno if it would be that big tho, where i used to work over 80 computers were connect to a server. I dont know about servers tho so. Im a novice at website updating and html code, nevermind website hosting etc.

    That's just a networking server more than likely. Allows you put files onto a drive where other people can reach it. You can host a website from a normal PC (I used to do it) however ALL the traffic is going over your internet into that box, in effect you need good internet that wont choke, which isn't cheap and certainly isn't accessible to the average person. Companies that host website enter real negotiations with ISP's and have real contracts on it. Then you have to add in the cost of electricity and troubleshooting it when it decides to fuck off (which can be difficult).

  9. i've been playing almost non-stop since christmas and i haven't even touched the main quest yet... i was prepared for the time sacrifice i was about to take on, i would advise you to do the same... although, you whipped right through fallout 3's main story in 8 hours so perhaps you could beat this in maybe 25 hours... however, there's hundreds of extra hours of exploring out there, that's what i've been occupying my time with...

    play new vegas before you play skyrim, but do make time for skyrim :D... it's probably bigger than both fallout's combined...

    EDIT: now i know why i stuggled a little bit in spots of "treva's watch"... i had my "ring of air" still equipped instead of the major knight ring... no wonder my health stayed lower than i wanted it to while fighting the bandits... lol, gotta remember what you're wearing at all times :D...

    I have 3 quests left to do (only one I absolutely postiviely cannot do Is children of the atom) and I'm about 32/33 hours in. Still have barely scratched the surface of fallout, IMO.

  10. i thought raven rock had a good explosion?? maybe it was more like the sound of a bunker imploding... the final quest before broken steel has a lot of big explosions when liberty prime makes that march to the memorial... he makes a good explosion as well in the first mission on broken steel too :lol:...

    did you fire the experimental MIRV?? that guy makes a big explosion too, i recommend you try it if you haven't already... nothing will top the megaton indecent though, what evil character CAN'T push the button?? it's one of the coolest fallout moments ever...

    I only recorded the ones I KNEW would happen through hearing about them through friends etc.