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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. Its Standard VGA Graphic Adapter

    This doesn't answer the question whatsoever however chances are its onboard

    Is it built by a OEM company (IE Dell or HP)

    Does the monitor cable plug into the bit with all the other ports or a section lower down?

  2. Why can't they have an Xmas anthem for Xmas #1 to make x factor not #1? Im a joe fan and the campain annoyed me, i hate x factor, its a shit label just a money making machine, if you dont make simon money u are dropped. Joe for example got a number 2 album and single went to number 4. A normal artist this is great for a debut single and album but xfactor is different, most acts get dropped.

    Before you or some prick posts it, The Pogues want no part in these campaigns, have said numerous times.

  3. I completed Manhunt on normal and hardcore mode twice each for PS2. Great game.

    I actually found the soundtrack online a few years back and downloaded the entire score.

    Still have Manhunt for PC that I need to go through at some point.

    The second game had the kill scene censoring going on, instant turn off.

    I never finished the second because of that reason, it just wasn't the same.

    When it got banned here I had this fucked up Russian crack that had the executions cut out. Couldn't understand anything like.

  4. Jesus, you never ever played Any of the Max Payne's? The first one was epic and ahead of it's time. I wonder how they're going to relate this one to the old ones... with a completely different setting and character (basically).

    Well, you know me, I'm not really into video games. :mellow:

    No but seriously, I'd obviously heard of Max Payne back in in the day but that type of action game never really appealed to me at the time. If you're saying the original one was 'ahead of it's time' then I obviously missed out. Keep seeing PS1's & PS2's going really cheap and the games are like £3 each, I'll pick the old classics up sometime, I just know it.

    Get them on PC if your PC can handle it (Max payne is like 2001 it should be able to) So much better.

  5. I want to see the realism gone bailing from you car could kill you, going through the wind screen could. Its more realistic, but about an eigth as fun. I beat GTA IV once because I didn't find it fun. Compare that with a 3 times completed SA (and an extra 1 time 100%'d). A Bully I completed god knows how many times without 100% and a few times 100%'d

    i love crashing through the windshield of a car, instead of getting rid of that they should just introduce seat belts, and for them to work it could just be like bike helmets, u wait for a second for your character to put his seat belt on, much better then removing harmful car crashes.

    Oh no I loved it too. For the first 100 times I belly laughed (uncontrollable laughing) everytime and it always made me smile. Just get rid of the realism. I hated GTA IV because of it. It wasn't fun at all because in car chases the odds were against you. I enjoy the more realistic physics. I enjoy going through wind shields. I just hated the realism because it sucked all of the fun out of the game (something I play GTA for is a release of anger and I found the game pissed me off).

    I felt the realism was out of place in a GTA game. Now LA Noire's realism? Loved it because it felt natural in LA noire. I didn't see LA Noire as GTA. I saw it as its own fun game completely seperate from GTA (Some people compare it to GTA but I find its completely different.)

  6. The only Rockstar game I still play. Hate GTA IV and all the games that have come since. the only game I've ever been compelled the 100% six times (I guess im the Synch of Bully)

    I remember back around Year 8/9 I used to take sick days off so I could play it. Needless to say I got good enough I could beat the game in less than 7 hours. I still need to get it for PC and get some mods and I'm pumped as shit for a sequal that IIRC the soundtrack guy confirmed was in development.

  7. What up, I'm back for good now. I lurked back in the days of the GTASanAndreas boards. Signed up in 2007 around about the time of GTA4.TV and stayed until late 2009 when I left for a while. In honour of this important event I pulled the signature I used back on the old boards. I spend most of my time farting around with video games and then editing the various I get.