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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. It was from the

    Mission with Amanda at the therapist

    Anyway back to the topic...

    Is it better to dorm or to rent a place off campus?

    Not sure about the US but generally here you strive for dorms and then with the friends you [hopefully] made in the dorms you get a place for yourselves in the second year.

  2. My sister-in-law is a PT and she is shredded as fuck. and no I'm not posting pictures of her you fucking pervs.

    Also, I never finished high school. I am a spray painter by trade but hated the work haven't done it for years.

    I have considered extending my formal education but without a high school diploma, you're kinda screwed.

    Stay in school kids.

    Must see, pic doesnt even need to have her face in it just body

  3. I was going to do it but the finance service fucked me over.

    Two days before I was due to leave I got correspondence saying they had all my evidence and needed 6-8 weeks to analyze it and then my money would be delivered. So it'd be like 6 weeks before I could buy a laptop, buy food etc. Absolute bullshit considering I sent them documents as far back as March and they lost them TWICE. The last time sending them down was late June or so and it took them that long to decide they'd received them?!?

    Was just impossible and my grandma who I lived with and still do got gravely ill so I opted out of going to look after her, now I work IT Helpdesk and I'm training for to become a Microsoft Technology Associate and some City & Guilds stuff.

    The end goal is to attend university after I finish my apprenticeship.

    Hi, my name is cuda, and despite people thinking I'm just a musclebound douchebag, I also hold an engineering degree.

    Should've become a personal trainer. be a shredded cunt and make people pay for help becoming a shredded cunt

  4. I liked hitman absolution, but after playing about ten of the missions i lost interest.... Too repetitive.

    Have you maybe thought that was your fault and not the games?

    I bumbled my way through first time, got into way too many points where I'd get detected, peg it and just hide in a cupboard and pick people off as they entered, I ended up going back through not impressed with my performance and using my new found abilities did it in the most pro ways possible, did fun takes on the mission [e,g sneak into the heavily guarded building wearing a fucking ridiculous outfit etc], took new approaches such as sniping etc.

  5. Well it's all SOAC so the emulation isn't perfect but if you're not one of those dorks that will freak out because the background is slightly purple rather than a solid blue it's perfect. You could get your old consoles working far easier just by properly cleaning the cartridges (Q-tips and isopropyl alcohol aka rubbing alcohol) and the credit card and cloth soaked in alcohol trick for the cartridge port.

    Spend the $3 or so it will cost to get proper controllers. The universal ones are indeed shit.

  6. Wendell Odom and Tom Thomas. goml.

    [i'm not even on a course, I do an apprenticeship where I work as helpdesk while I'm training, I just decided I wanted some light reading/to specialize; thinking of virtualization, particularly VDI/Citrix and networking.]

    Anybody here work as a sysadmin/anything IT related for companies? The vibe I'm getting is that being well rounded is difficult and equals shit pay and less opportunities, hence why I'm looking to specialize and considering a degree after I become a fully trained MTA.

  7. I don't know about any of this shit lol, I just use a post apocalyptic map pack and create giant craters and build shit like post apocalyptic businesses [night inns and stuff] in the areas that dont get nuked.

  8. The idea that the websites are stating [and I use that term loosely] is that it's thermal paste but exactly how the fuck a paste has magically passed through aluminum is beyond me and frankly I think two guys with Xbox One's decided to play a prank on the internet.

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  9. The history about the middle east might be good, but I can't see why you'd want to bother going now, there's a gravel car park nearby that's more enticing [or right on par, depends if the burger van is there] to me than the middle east.

    If the choice is between a place resembling a car park with some rubble, and a place where I can get internet that isn't stepping into Massacre's basement circa '93, I know which one I'd pick.

    [or maybe ill just stick to my moƩ and bebop]