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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. I have a big roll of those in a box in my attic I got years back, looks to be about $300 worth of gear but the solder joints are all fucked up or something, probably just need reflowing but I dont have my antex tip, leaded solder or even the fumes mask anymore.

    The new ones don't require soldiering....


  2. There's a story from when my mum was ill and my cousins kid threw a fit, she leaned over the couch she was laid on, grabbed him by the scruff of the neck hoisted him over the couch and made him sit down and shut the fuck up.

    Ovaries of fucking steel that woman. She never had to even remotely threaten me and my brother to behave.

  3. When they showed the rat that was tortured in that one episode, I couldn't exactly make out what the hell it was. It looked like a rat cut open and a brain sitting there, anyone wanna explain exactly what this animal torture thing is all about? Is it a big part of the comics/do you think it'll be a big part in the show?

    in the comics early on there are two brothers or something and one of them is driven insane by the outbreak and begins torturing animals and even kills his brother. the group thinks they have to take action but Carl gets pissed off and just offs him.

    read this

  4. Holy shit, in ~6 months it'll be four years since I was "working" (if you can call it that) in a vehicle vinyl detailing place for work experience where I actually did fuck all because the boss fucked off on holiday and it was a really slow week so we just sat around drinking beer and watching the world cup.

    A - Brazil and Croatia

    B-Spain and Netherlands

    C - Greece and Ivy Coast

    D- Italy and England [hopefully!!!]

    E - France & Ecuador

    F - Argentina and Nigeria

    G Portugal and Germany

    H - Russia and Belgium

    I don't think group stages have ever been this predictable

  5. Here's what you can also do: not have fish and chips.

    Sorry UK, but putting fish and chips together isn't enough to call it "national cuisine" - it's fucking fried fish with chips. In other parts of the world we just call that unoriginal, we don't mix the two together because there's literally 3000 other things you could do with fish/chips.

    Thank god for all the immigrants that brought good fucking food here.

    It certainly wasn't a portugeezer who brought clean water here


    Fish and chips down south is a disgrace anyway

  6. If you want to try true fish and chips in the UK go to a northern town well known for fishing like whitby. It's less of a "sea side" town like blackpool and scarborough so the prices are far better [blackpool is just price gouging for food] and the town is nicer anyway. There's also a rather interesting goth culture in Whitby so you could check out the museums there and the like if thats your thing.

    if you bother going to towns in the north of england, avoid Asian areas, you will get attacked, verbally if not physically.

  7. boom boom bang bang/10

    That pussy the governor finally got offed and the prelude to the carl/that kid who tortured animals in the early part of the comics has started. This was the best bit

    Really? How hard is it to use spoiler tags?

    Not hard at all.

    Funny that you're saying this, while you've quoted my post and not even edited the spoiler out, so if I did go back and edit it to have a spoiler tag, it'd still be there in your post.

    I was tired, common sense is just lost on you.

  8. 1. unplug hd [when ps4 is turned off

    2. boot console without hdd and it will enter safe mode and ask for hd

    3. turn it off and plug in hd and boot console.

    4. ps4 will go into safe mode, recover OS data, ps4 should work.

    Glad I wasn't the mug who paid for it