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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. Errr, has anybody elses bricked? Friend just got his in, went there to give it a go and the bastard thing bricked downloading some kind of update. There's a fix on /r/ps4 ( <_<) that I sent him and it worked but what the fuck

  2. Fuck me. All three of you are doing a great job in my opinion, but a certain Redditor thinks otherwise:


    Lol, a person who uses reddit is totally going to know about functional design.

    That entire system is completely fucking broken, not only is it completely backwards, but it's run by the fucking upvote system so a bullshit reply can get higher rated than an actualy answer.

  3. The problem is that because of ROHS which dictates solder must be lead free [because Chinese workers were dying/ill from lead poisoning]. The solder which is lead free has a significantly lower melting point.

    A soldering iron heats upto like 700 degrees fahrenheit, 350 degree c or however much it is. This goes to show how shit lead free solder is because a console that hits like 90/95 is able to melt the lead free solder consoles are using now and cause the connections to flow which causes a less than satisfactory connection between the GPU and the motherboard causing failures.

    A hairdryer is able to heat up the lead free solder and fingers crossed make it reflow in a way that reconnects the connections.

    the red ring and later the YLOD [fat PS3's do the same thing, it just takes longer] would not be a factor if proper safety precautions were taken in chinese factories, but because they dont wanna the law is just to use shittier solder. They're improving cooling systems [the PS4 uses a surprisingly efficient laptop style vent out the back setup which works pretty well, and the Xbone just gives zero fucks and goes PC CPU fan style] to deal with it.

    • Like 1

  4. Fuck, I remember when Doom 3 was like, the best damn graphics you could ever hope to see. How old were you when that game came out GunSmith?

    Painkiller was also out during that time, ohmygawwwdddd my gaming years are coming back to me now :(. Painkiller best FPS game. EVER.

    I had that fucking graphics card that came with like Doom 3 decals and shit and stickers to put on the case that screamed "DOOM EDITION"...

    And then the game got delayed, and by the time Doom 3 came out it ran like ass on a card it was ment to run on Ultra

  5. My desktop I left behind in Lisbon was still using a 9600GT, granted I didn't play that many games in it, but I remember Skyrim running fine, never had issues with it.



    • Like 1

  6. i've never had a console fail on me...

    *knocks on wood*

    there's too much troubleshooting with PC's, plus in a year or two, in order to get the good looking stuff, i would have to upgrade... with a console, i put the game in and BOOM, it magically starts working... and $600 is still $100 more than an X1 and it plays games right out of the box... i used to PC game, but i made the switch a long time ago...

    You really don't... look at the video of skyrim, by then those parts were 5 almost 6 years old and they still ran it on high

  7. Consoles just aren't built to last these days (or in these cases, not built correctly to start with). My Original Sega Megadrive still runs flawless, whilst i'm struggling to own a current/last gen console for more than a year and a half before it gets replaced.
    Build a pc nerd.

    consoles are cheaper to own, dork... plus they play games without needing new upgrades...

    I think that if you built a pc now, it would play every game coming up this generation on at least medium settings.

    It would. The 8800GT that released in 2006 still runs heavy games now quite nicely.

    Dude used FRAPS to record which explains part of the slowdown on Metro

    Longetivity of PC builds compared to consoles is a myth.

  8. Consoles just aren't built to last these days (or in these cases, not built correctly to start with). My Original Sega Megadrive still runs flawless, whilst i'm struggling to own a current/last gen console for more than a year and a half before it gets replaced.
    Build a pc nerd.

    consoles are cheaper to own, dork... plus they play games without needing new upgrades...

    err, wat

    this myth where hardware suddenly goes out a month after release is just that... a myth.the 8800gt's and 9600gt's are 2006 and 2008 era and still run games.

    The "very good" tier build ($600) can run games no sweat, and $600 is relatively conservative, this isn't even accounting for the fact you could find parts on sale and save a bunch.

  9. Of the Big Three nationally available fast-food joints (Mickey D's, Wendy's, and BK), which do you all prefer?

    Is KFC not available in some states?

    Had 1kg of Bacon for breakfast... With Eggs.

    Not sure how bacon is in straya but it better not have been those stupid thin strips of bacon.

  10. Used to hang around with a judo guy in Portugal, one night he got into a fight with some juicehead - absolutely fucked him with judo shit. Even if it's not entirely practical, the training will undoubtedly make you a better fighter against the average man.

    Grappling martial arts do absolutely. Some of the takedowns in Judo are difficult to anticipate when you're well trained in Judo, more so to the average human who is just looking to wing haymakers. Top control is essential. This is why wrestling is THE alpha martial art.


    Dude getting tripped is no white belt either in terms of grappling.

  11. I trained at a relatively decent place [we sparred, even did competitions, I missed out on first place on one because of a referee error ¬.¬] for two years and was a low end blue belt before I tested my skills against a boxer and found that he was able to blast me constantly because TKD drilled me into dropping my hands.

    Don't mean to shit on anybody who does TKD because it's great for general fitness and is really fun but as a martial art vs other martial arts it isn't very effective. It also is probably the most likely to be practiced at a McDojo and if you're doing it for self defence that is flat out dangerous.

    That goes for any martial art. It's fun to watch a sanctioned match with rules and whatnot, but definitely not practical. It'll never come in handy in an actual fight, unless the other guy also knows martial arts, and thinks it's practical.

    In fact, never kick a guy in a fight. You're going to get knocked on your ass. Immediately. Unless he's down. Contrary to what people say, fucking kick a guy while he's down. In the head, if you can.

    BJJ Black Belt Renzo Gracie live tweets attempted mugging against him.

  12. icon11.gif

    still a good skill to have with the fancy kicks. If you have the opening they wont see it coming.

    From a pro right standpoint, their dam good for a highlight reel


    Tae Kwon Do on its own absolutely sucks though. Because it's almost entirely kicks [the punching is absolutely god awful] you never really train for punching so you'll find your hands are down a lot to block body shots/move up quickly to block head kicks, but you never really are trained to anticipate proper boxing style striking.

    I trained at a relatively decent place [we sparred, even did competitions, I missed out on first place on one because of a referee error ¬.¬] for two years and was a low end blue belt before I tested my skills against a boxer and found that he was able to blast me constantly because TKD drilled me into dropping my hands.

    Joe Rogan did TKD and was much better than I ever was and says a similar thing.

    Don't mean to shit on anybody who does TKD because it's great for general fitness and is really fun but as a martial art vs other martial arts it isn't very effective. It also is probably the most likely to be practiced at a McDojo and if you're doing it for self defence that is flat out dangerous.

    As a general rule of thumb, if there are 11 year old black belts, competitions are discouraged and sparring is rare/not allowed, avoid it.