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Posts posted by narcolepsy

  1. It's actually really really good writing. It just should've taken place before they TRIED to dehumanize him, right around when Michonne had her feelings and Andrea was besotted with him.

    Timeline it somewhere before he met his boys and established woodbury, he could be explaining his past to Andrea, drawing her in deeper and having the same effect where you genuinely feel bad for him, because he had the daughter he lost [this would have made it difficult for her to be zombified in woodbury though] and then lost a young girl he formed a strong platonic bond with. Andrea is getting all besotted, all while the viewers are learning about his evil doings. It would have been far more powerful.

    Even where that episode was in the timeline though I still think it's one of the best episodes across all 4 seasons.

  2. PS4's "Blue Light of Death" continues to swell, up taking the 360 as least reliable console on launch. http://www.extremete...t-of-proportion

    What's worrying is they don't know what the malfunction is.

    Still I'd wait till both consoles have released worldwide before making a judgement.

    Recently Sony was able to verify the issue by one or two of the consoles sent in for repair. The issue is actually not a failure of the HDMI port but a piece of metal that is supposed to be fleshed with the console sticking up. Plugging in the HDMI cable resulted in it being cut and thus no output image. The solution is as easy as this; simply push the metal piece down so that it is out of the way and it will work as normal! There is no faulty ports as far as Sony can tell. As a safety precaution when you get a PS4 make sure to check the HDMI port before you plug the cable in! It seems the faulty metal piece is the majority if not all of the HDMI port issues.

    Another issue that seems to be coming in from a small amount of users is that some PS4s are getting flashing Red Lines. Do not get scared if you happen to see this as it is NOT a console failure but means that for some reason it is not well ventilated or getting overly hot. It’s a safety measure to keep your PS4 safe. Simply let it cool and it will be back to normal. It's not a Red Line of Death unless it's solid, and you can't keep playing the PS4 if the red line is blinking, so you'd have to have it in an oven for it to stay on a solid red line.

    There is still a possibility of other issues that could happen within that %.4 or less margin. If for any reason you do have an issue that persists make sure to contact Sony right away for support and to get a new console if applicable.

    It’s a huge sigh of relief that this isn’t something major and is a quick fix. It seems like hopefully the PS4 will have a smooth launch besides this small HDMI fluke. With it well into launch day there hasn’t been any uproar or reports of other issues other than PSN being up and down due to high volume. Sony said they are working fast to get everything back up and running (which seems to be the case right now) and they are actively working on the PS4 OS to clean it up and smash any performance and bug issues.

    take it with a grain of salt, the guy who posted it originally doesn't have the best rep

  3. Almost every "headset" I've ever bought has had problems, the ps3 blue tooth thing was intermittent at best , the xbox 360's headset had a bad habit of becoming really garbled and was uncomfortable anyway. Even the logitech ones I've owned for PC I don't think are very good quality. headsets are just a cheap product I think.

    A better option is to buy the headphones of your choice and then buy this cheapo operator style microphone and use the little velcro dots to attach it. If you're cheap you could cable tie the two cables together but I had some spare heat shrink tubing so I used that to look better. The quality of this cheap $3 is astounding.

    velcro dots:

    of course this wont help if the console mic inputs dont use seperate microphone/audio inputs, but it's the best for PC imo.

    I realize I probably went off on a tangent

  4. Yeah my new vegas save file is completely broken.Used coc to get out of the legate thing which then blocked off waiting and fast travelling so i couldnt do those, restarted and grinded up and went to do sierra madre and when escaping before the collar blows it just redirects me back to the executive sweets and then back down the elevator over and over.

    Looks like ima have to restart again.

    also worth mentioning that using any form of command line commands blocks off achievements on steam, so from the very first time I use no clip to get myself out of glitched situations i locked myself out of tonnes of achievements

  5. Just made about 60 dollars after shipping fees ect from selling mine on ebay

    Pretty sweet $60 for an easy flip. Did you try craigslist first though? Could have mitigated the fees and shipping.

  6. Launches always fucking suck lmao. Anybody who buys a console on release day is a mug because then you pay too goddamn much and get shit games. Here's the EU launch of dreamcast

    • Blue Stinger
    • Dynamite Cop
    • Hydro Thunder
    • Monaco Grand Prix
    • Mortal Kombat Gold
    • Pen Pen TriIcelon
    • Power Stone
    • Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
    • Sega Rally 2
    • Sega Bass Fishing
    • Sonic Adventure
    • Speed Devils
    • Tokyo Highway Challenge
    • TrickStyle
    • Virtua Fighter 3tb

    US Launch had a bunch more sports games and Japans had significantly less [4 games total] and didnt even have Power Stone or Sonic.

    Looks like theres a few launch issues with consoles being DOA. Hope this irons out quickly.

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