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Everything posted by JustAn808

  1. It just seems that you're speaking of a very small minority here, and not the general public. I would find it difficult to make a statement like this, seeing as how no one knows how successful the Wii U will be. Plus, nobody's opinion around here is going to be swayed so you can persue the idea that these arguments will eventually give you the favorable outcome, but realistically, I don't see it happening.
  2. It tells us that V will be set in Los Santos. I don't believe the name of the city held any relevance in SA, so I doubt it will in V.
  3. That's what I've been hearing. Can't fucking wait. I think season 4 comes out July 17th too. Out now Waiting for an AMC to run a season 4 marathon so I don't have to watch them on my shitty laptop.
  4. Wii U! Read and comprehend. The wii u is a totally separate system from the wii Fix'd Explain to me why only your grandparents would play wii u. No young people that I know have expressed any sort of anticipation for the Wii U. But there are a few older relatives of mine that have.
  5. Wii U! Read and comprehend. The wii u is a totally separate system from the wii Fix'd
  6. If it came out for Wii U, the only reason I'd consider gettting it would be to try and get my girlfriend to play video games with me. She's the only person I know who plays Wii, other than my grandparents.
  7. I like this idea. Actually including watching TV as an activity in direct relationship to gameplay could be used as tool to complete/initiate side missions and such. It would give the audience a reason to actually turn on the TV basically.
  8. I don't think anyone's trying to prove anything. Just giving opinions. Gotta go with gtagrl on that last one, as I'm sure the majority of people will as well.
  9. Mostly this. I would agree that listening to noobs that constantly preach praise upon CJ alters most opinions of the character. That and Tommy isn't as much of a bitch as CJ.
  10. JustAn808

    Saints Row

    Basically, Bought this just after release, sold it back 3 days later. What's the point in playing a game with no challenge? I did the same thing. We had a good run, but just not enough replay value for me. *Hops on 360 and continues 68th playthrough of GTA IV*
  11. It's been looking promising recently. Hope I'm not speaking too soon.
  12. I'd definitely use the Mission Replay feature if it were added. It could be used as a reward for completing the storyline as a sweetener. As for the ratings, it could be cool, but I'd rather just view them elsewhere rather than having them take up the screen after you complete it. Makes it feel less real to me...kinda like I'm playing an arcade game or something.
  13. I really like this idea. I think it would be a great addition to the different activities that are available. They made it work with stand-up comedy in IV, so why not take it to the next level?
  14. I'm a little uneduated on the Wii U. I'm wondering this ^ as well. Im a little surprised your asking me this. I assumed you had an imagination. I guess the Wii U is just not interesting enough to provide me the motivation to do the research. Plus, the features that you described almost put me to sleep before I finished reading the sentence (much like Wii U discussion in general). Anyway, I'll be too busy playing through the storyline, multiplayer, fucking shit up etc. to worry about the weather, card games, pool, or whatever else this groundbreaking technology can provide.
  15. I'm a little uneduated on the Wii U. I'm wondering this ^ as well.
  16. 1. Which is your favorite and Why? Overall, San Andreas was more enjoyable/memorable for me. Vice City's story was better, but the map and gameplay of SA was the tits. 2. Tommy Vercetti or Carl Johnson? Vercetti. 3. Better Story? See #1. Vice's story was more believable and it made me want to just play through it over and over again. SA's story was okay, but it just dragged on while I was waiting to get to the Truth's or Woosie's missions. 4. 80s Vice City or 90s San Andreas? 90's SA. 5. IF Tommy and Carl had a fight, Who'd win? CJ if he was beefed up and gone through all the gym training. That's if he gets passed his fear of that look in Tommy's eye.
  17. I stand corrected. Shouldn't feed into these pointless arguments anyway. Whoever the protag is, he'll be a badass regardless of his age/nationality because it's R*. I think we can all agree on that
  18. A white guy named Albert De Silva? Maybe, if hes from Spain. Wich might explain why some ppl (including me) sense some sort of Latin/Hispanic in him. Classic case of miscommunication. All he said about the white guy is that he may be a playable character, but not necessarily the main character. When he says main character, I assume he's talking about the latino character in the trailer driving the red sportscar.
  19. There's just not enough there to make me believe he's of any other descent other than caucasian. If there is, then feel free to enlighten me.
  20. I agree. I heard no accent, and I know there is such a thing as a light skinned minority but come on. The voice actor and the older gentleman in the trailer are white as snow. I didn't hear a young voice in the trailer either.
  21. I at least try to make it to a majority of the Cubs/Cards games. Good times. That picture was after we busted the brooms out on the Cardinals. It was crazy in Chicago that night.
  22. It really is an all day thing to take advantage of, especially if you're a Cub fan. Cubby Bear and Sluggers are a couple of great bars in that area. I haven't been to Soldier Field yet. Not so much of a Bears fan, and I'd have to be to pay that much for a ticket lol.