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Everything posted by JustAn808

  1. Why wouldn't they do the research as to what song it was before putting that in the article? lol
  2. Cup in the top right..nice touch lol
  3. I know I will want the next gen Playstation when it comes out depending on when its released in relation to when I receive my annual bonus. Grabbing a used PS3 in the meantime isn't ruled out though. Bonus doesn't come till March. Forgive my ignorance. As I said above, I don't really follow the releases of next gen consoles. Just thought I'd be a lazy fuck and rely on you fine enthusiasts . I was reading back through the PS4 Tech thread and there was some discussion on how the release of GTA V would coincide with the release of new consoles. Whether or not it would just be released on PS3..or if there would be an option to download it to PS4 if you had purchased the disc. Any new thoughts or developments on this?
  4. I know the xbox community is scarce around these parts. If anyone's on tonight, hit me up. GT - JustAn808
  5. Are you a PC gamer? Unfortunately not. So with the timing, I'm in quite the debacle.
  6. I don't much follow the release timeframes of the new xbox and PS4. But my 360 just took a shit on me so I'm using my roommate's. I don't really know if its worth it to buy a PS3 at this point with the new consoles coming out potentially soon(?)...but I want to have a system of my own so I dont have to use his. My 360 is super old so I dont think there's really any saving it
  7. My roommate used to play it constantly and not leave the house. Now he plays WoW and doesnt leave the computer chair....like ever. Not much of a PC gamer myself. Carry on...
  8. I hate referencing gtaforums, but they do have a (imo) pretty spot on version of intertwining the stories of all three. Switching between the characters through this storyline was super fun. http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=430301
  9. I've been getting into multiplayer more recently. I've always played toward getting 100% on every GTA. Now that I've done it with IV, TLAD, and TBoGT, I'm just working on achievements (hence the multiplayer). I've never been one to achievement whore..just on GTA. Currently at 47/65. On IV, when I'm not in multiplayer, I usually just roleplay - drive around, stop at red lights, get in fights with peds I walk past that are rubbing me the wrong way. I pretty much get drunk with Jacob and Packie every other night. I rarely play TLAD. I only played it for the story really and got 100%. On TBoGT, I mainly just play multiplayer. When not in multiplayer, I utilize Luis for all the crazy criminal activities. Chases, blowing shit up, trolling cops, etc.
  10. LG 47" LED 3-D. Just purchased a few months ago. I'm happy with it.
  11. Well I'll probably be on most of the day. Gamertag to the left
  12. JustAn808

    The Sims

    I played Sims 3 and enjoyed it. Not really the family/character part. Just the building and design piece was really in depth. Plus, I have an interest in interior design, so to each their own I suppose.
  13. I'm lazy enough as it is. If 'fast traveling" was a feature, I'd be too tempted to use it all the time (ie Skyrim). Feel like I wouldnt get as much out of the game/scenery and miss out on alot of little due to my lazy tendencies, which would be a shame.
  14. Has there been anything confirming the sharing of property? From what I've read, the three characters have their own bank accounts and make their own purchases http://kotaku.com/ive-seen-grand-theft-auto-v-this-ones-radically-diff-487200782
  15. I'm not ruling anything out by any means. I suppose that in most situations, it would play a role in avoiding detection during hiests. I can definitely see that. I guess I was more referring to really in depth manhunts regarding the idea of peds capturing pics and vids with their ifruits and such. A police officer "recognizing you" after an in-game day and all of a sudden you have a wanted level? I guess I just dont see it getting that in depth.
  16. @Brucie I gotta hand it to you for putting forth as much effort as you did, but I feel like the cameras are just...there. I don't believe that they'll serve a purpose. I do feel like there will be significant changes to the wanted system though (possibly the bandana concept that you mentioned).
  17. www.cylinder-vase.com Just recorded an album with some dudes from work. I dig acoustic style, mainly folk. This particular project had more of a smooth, soothing, love-songy feel. Not typically my cup of tea, but they needed a guitar track, so i was happy to provide my assistance. It's a panty dropper
  18. I miss my PS2 All I have access to currently is SA on the Xbox live marketplace, and IV of course.